Korean drama rich defender episode 14 diversity plot (16 episodes in total)

neidi 1179℃

Korean drama rich defender episode 14 diversity plot introduction

Zheng Jinzi and Yin Heicai were dismissed by SONG&KIM Chung Firm took over He Canho’s second instance matters

   Zheng Jinzi and Yin Hee-jae faced the interrogation of the Bar Association, and they gave the same answers—the two had been in a relationship, but they did not share information. Before the trial started, Jaki-hyuk told Yin Hee-jae that he had told the Bar Association that Jeong Jin-jae had been Kim Hee Sun’s identity is close to his facts, but Yoon Hee-cai’s interrogation at the Bar Association said that this has nothing to do with the content of the punishment, and that Zheng Jinzi did not approach him for the sake of the case. Zheng Jinzi also said that he fell in love with each other without knowing the identity of the other party. Yes, and He Canhao's case was won by his own ability. Yin Xicai also affirmed Zheng Jinzi's ability at another scene. Jaki-hyuk told Yoon Hee-jae about his difficulties-he eagerly wanted to become a partner in the company like Yoon Hee-jae, form a team, and participate in his own defense, but these only become reality when Yun Hee-jae and Jeong Jin-ja disappear, and Yoon-hee makes Jaki-hee apologize to himself Then left.

   Yoon Hee-jae and Jeong Jin-jae walked out of the gate of the Bar Association. Jeong Koum-ja asked Yoon Hee-jae who had leaked the things about Kim Hee-sun. Yoon Hee-jae said that Jaki-hyuk also had troubles. Jung-jae-jaung-jae and Yoon-hee-jae’s tearful friendship was felt. The procedure, the two will be fine, but with the influence of SONG&KIM, the two are likely to be ruled for dismissal.

   Sure enough, Lawyer Ma pressured the Bar Association to use Zheng Jinzi and Yin Xicai as examples of violations of morality. At the banquet where Song Bizhong and He Jiaqing celebrated He Junyu's success, He Huiyuan discovered that ISSUME's stock had plummeted. She knew that ISSUME might be acquired in this situation, but He's father turned a blind eye to her opinions. After the banquet, Father He met with Song Bizhong alone and asked him what he thought of Judge Yin. Song Bizhong analyzed that Judge Yin would not say the testimony against ISSUME.

   Zheng Jinzi returned to the office and continued to work on the case of He Canhao. She felt that Xu Jinghua’s behavior was very suspicious, and Xu Jinghua wanted to sell the paintings she managed to prepare to escape funds. She speculated that Xu Jinghua wanted to sell it through money laundering. Painted, Zhi-eun reminded her that sleeping pills and wine were taken by the hotel customer service, but this employee is not affiliated with the hotel, but an employee of an outside labor service company. Zheng Jinzi asked Lawyer Jin to check the hotel. Lawyer Jin told her for a while Jaki He will call them for a meeting. Zheng Jinzi called his younger brother, Park Joo Ho, to investigate the staff.

   Jakihe learned from Song Bizhong that He Junyu will replace He Canhao as the representative of ISSUME. It is important for Song Bi to understand He Canhao’s case as soon as possible. Song Bizhong knew from Lawyer Ma that the result of the punishment would come out in half a month. At that time, it coincided with the time when the result of Kim Min-joo’s removal case happened. Song Bi, an important lawyer Ma staggered the time when the results of the two cases came out and held a management meeting. Announced the dismissal of Yin Heicai and Zheng Jinzi.

  Jakihe came to the office and said that He Canhao’s case is now his own responsibility. He asked other lawyers to submit the information and stop the current pursuit target, because their goal is to make He Canhao plead guilty with manslaughter. After the meeting, Fu Hyun-e approached Yin Xicai and asked him how he was doing. Yin Xicai apologized for not being able to take care of the lawyers in the group, but Fu Xian-e said that she did not come here as a group member, but just because of Yin Xicai’s experience. Feeling heartache, she expressed her admiration for Yin Xicai, but did not give Yin Xicai a chance to refuse her, saying that she would help at any time and cheer for Yin Xicai.

   Yin Xicai went to visit his father, and Yin Xicai was able to sit up and eat, and Yin Xicai told his father that he would be his defense lawyer. The premise was that Yin's father would confess to himself and that Yin's father planned to say nothing, but Yin Xi had already known his father. The intention was that his father said that he was doing it for the good of the two children, but he still insisted on his own will to die. Yin Xicai couldn't help but broke out. He denounced his father's behavior as an upper-class loyal dog, and praised his father's refutation of the amendment to the inheritance law. He told his father that he only had to tell his father that he was a scapegoat and assume his own responsibilities. However, I will defend him well.

   Zheng Jinzi and Park Joo-ho waited for the arrival of the customer service staff together in the car. Zheng Jinzi analyzed the case and found that the police actions were very suspicious, and they all seemed to have been arranged long ago. Park Joo-ho called the customer service staff Wu Chang-woo’s name. After hesitating for a while, the other party smashed the canned food he bought on the head of Park Joo-ho and fled.Zheng Jinzi said that such actions have proved Wu Changyu's illegal activities.

   Zheng Jinzi returned to the office to continue analyzing the case. She took Zhi Eun and distributed the compiled information to the lawyers in the conference room, ignoring the opposition of Jakih who was in the meeting. Zheng Jinzi analyzed Xu Jinghua’s cell phone records in detail for the lawyers, and raised doubts. In the middle of the night, Xu Jinghua’s cell phone had call records, and Xu Jinghua and He Canhao should have fallen asleep at that time. This shows that there is very likely a third party at the scene, which also indirectly shows The reason why Xu Jinghua’s backup phone disappeared. Jaki Hyuk opposed Zheng Jinzi's actions on the spot, saying that the purpose now is to make He Canhao plead guilty to manslaughter. Zheng Jinzi received the notice of being delisted by SONG&KIM, and she angrily smashed the information onto the large screen. The lawyers in the team deduced that the delisting had nothing to do with the disciplinary committee based on the disciplinary committee’s actions so quickly.

   Zheng Jinzi and Yoon Hee met, and they agreed that Ori would walk out of SONG&KIM bluntly. Yoon Heejae's assistant complained for him when Yun Heejae was packing things, but Yoon Heejae didn't care about it. He said that he was abandoned by Song Bi because of the family decline, and his assistant Sang Mi wanted to help him clean up. In the future, Jakih will use his own office. He asked Shang Meihao to help Jakih. At this time, Jakih came over. Yoon Hee understood his actions, because he was ecstatic about becoming a partner of SONG&KIM. Before leaving, Jakih asked them if they were still friends, and Yoon Hee confirmed this.

   Yin Heicai, Zheng Jinzi, and Zhi Eun walked through the corridor of the firm with their personal belongings. Attorney Kim, Lawyer Luo, and Huo Hyun Ah bowed to them to show their respect. At the elevator entrance, Zheng Jinzi took the initiative to hold Yin Xicai's hand. The three of them came to the underground parking lot and met attorney Ma. Attorney Ma made a fake greeting, but it was ironic that Zheng Jinzi unceremoniously hit him. Song Bizhong drove by and asked Yin Xicai why he left without saying hello to him. He also said that he should not do so for SONG&KIM. Yin Xicai bowed to Song Bizhong and said that he knew that the disciplinary committee had expelled him under Song Bizhong's instructions. , And his father is recovering well, he will let Song Bizhong attend his father's lawsuit as a witness.

   He Huiyuan rushed to the house and told her father that ISSUME’s stock price had bottomed out and would be acquired by AP EON, but He's father still trusted Song Bizhong and ignored her warning, but when He Huiyuan was about to leave, He's father fainted. Song Bizhong learned from the phone that He's father fainted. He was meeting with Han Qiyuan. He was dissatisfied that Han Qiyuan revealed the news that Yin's father was going to fall to Zheng Jinzi. Han Qiyuan thought it was nothing, because the source of that kind of information might not be able to be found, but Song Bizhong knew that Zheng Jinzi was likely to find the source of the intelligence. Han Qiyuan apologized for this incident. It turned out that in order to avoid creating the impression of foreign capital annexing ISSUME to the Korean people, he and Song Bizhong This kind of bureau was cooperated.

   Kim Min-joo suddenly came to the scene. She revealed that Song Bi was eager to dismiss Zheng Jinzi and Yoon Hee-jae because she was afraid of the dismissal and the collision of Kim Min-joo’s dismissal. Jin Minzhu also revealed the fact that President He has no use to Song Bizhong. He used sharp language to satirize Song Bizhong that he could only be a dog at best, and could not be the owner. Song Bizhong was poked to the pain point and slammed a glass at Jin Minzhu. Hit the wall. Jin Minzhu continued to ridicule that this was Song Bizhong's true face, and his sister hated him because of this. Jin Minzhu told Song Bizhong that he would not wait to die and left. Song Bizhong sat down and continued to discuss the details of the acquisition with Han Qiyuan.

   Zheng Jinzi and Yin Xicai were drinking together in a bar. Zheng Jinzi mentioned the case of He Canhao. There must be a third party present, and guessed that this person was the one who took Xu Jinghua's spare cell phone and was the most likely real culprit to kill Xu Jinghua. Lawyer Jin, Lawyer Luo and husband Xian'e came to the bar and brought important information. According to the information, the person associated with Xu Jinghua is Song Fenghao.

   Zheng Jinzi took Yin Xicai to his original office. The two drank beer together. According to Zheng Jinzi, it was a change of mood. Yin Heicai said that his father's case needs Zheng Jinzi, and He Canhao's case also needs him, because SONG&KIM is only responsible for the first instance of He Canhao's case.

   Jakihe emphasized the company’s goal in He Canho’s case before going to court. Jakihe met with He Canho. He Canho insisted that he did not kill and did not trust Jakihe. He wanted Yoon Heejae and Zheng Jinzi to continue to take charge of their case. ; Jakih knelt down and begged He Canhao to believe in SONG&KIM.

   Quan Zhilong met with his blind date. The other party was a fashionable woman with dyed blonde hair. She said that she had been dating a lawyer. At this time, Yin Xicai arrived and found that Quan Zhilong's dating partner was Runzhi, who had been with him. , Runzhi did not shy away from saying that he still hopes to associate with Yin Xicai. The purpose of Yin Xicai’s visit this time was to discuss with Quan Zhilong about his father’s case. He said that his father could only be a witness, and that this case not only involved ISSUME, but also involved many upper-level officials. He asked Quan Zhilong to dutifully and seriously prosecute. Quan Zhilong wondered how Yin Xicai knew that he was on a blind date, and Yin Xicai said that the entire procuratorate knew about it.

   Ji Eun informed Yin Heicai and Zheng Jinzi that they had both been suspended from business for two years, and they were going to file a complaint with the Legal Department. Zhi-eun decorated the office in a retro style. Attorney Jin and Attorney Luo came to the firm together. It turns out that Attorney Jin and Attorney Luo have resigned from SONG&KIM. They want to work with Yin Heicai and Zheng Jinzi, and everyone is very happy. News appeared on TV that Li Renye was preparing to run for the next president.

   He Canhao’s case opened. Jakihe comforted He Canho’s sentence. At this time, Zheng Jinzi and Yin Xicai came to the scene. At the end of the first trial, He Canho was sentenced to eight years for manslaughter. Zheng Jinzi and Yin Xicai went to He Canhao and told him where they were Chung Firm will take over the second trial that SONG&KIM is not willing to be responsible, and He Canhao gladly accepts it. Yin Xicai and himself were walking out of the court with Lawyer Jin and other people, full of fighting spirit.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: neidi