Laughing often leads to wrinkles? Don't want to grow wrinkles, remember to do these!

movie 2370℃

Someone said:

"People who laugh a lot tend to get wrinkles"

but someone else said: "Laugh and laugh for ten years"


Laughing often leads to wrinkles? Don't want to grow wrinkles, remember to do these! - Lujuba

for the sake of youth and beauty

makes people laugh or not, why

Will there be wrinkles?

Because the skin is getting old...

Laughing often leads to wrinkles? Don't want to grow wrinkles, remember to do these! - Lujuba

In detail, it is because of the aging of individuals, and the effect of external factors such as ultraviolet rays, smoking, etc., , which makes the synthesis of collagen, elastic fibers and hyaluronic acid in the skin less, so The skin becomes dry and loose, causing wrinkles.

In addition, is more prone to wrinkles on the corners of the eyes, around the mouth, and forehead.

Because of the rich expression muscles, every day when we make various facial expressions, we will constantly involve the skin in these areas, causing damage to elastic fibers, and wrinkles appear.

Laughing often causes wrinkles to grow?


Laughing often leads to wrinkles? Don't want to grow wrinkles, remember to do these! - Lujuba

mentioned above when explaining the origin of wrinkles:

often laughs, which means that it will always involve the skin around the mouth and the corners of the eyes, making these parts more prone to elastic fiber damage. If this happens, wrinkles will naturally occur. According to

, people who always laugh often have more obvious crow's feet and nasolabial lines than their peers~

In this sense, people who often remain expressionless are not prone to wrinkles. But, is there still fun in such a life? I’m afraid it’s uncomfortable to live~

Therefore, although it is true that you often get wrinkles when you laugh, you don’t need to stop eating because of choking. Whether a person is young or not depends not on the number of wrinkles on the face, but more by maintaining a healthy and young mentality. The temperament and aura of people like

from the inside out is naturally a young state. The old saying "laugh for ten years" is also the implied meaning~

However, again

no one likes the appearance of "folds" on the face

Is there a way to eliminate the wrinkles on the face?

wants to eliminate wrinkles by means of massage, face cream, etc., but it's basically useless.

Laughing often leads to wrinkles? Don't want to grow wrinkles, remember to do these! - Lujuba

For wrinkles that have formed, they can only be eliminated by medical aesthetics.

1, physical therapy

imposes physical damage on the dermis of the skin, activates the repair mechanism of the skin, rejuvenates the cells, and restores the elasticity of collagen and elastic fibers, thereby eliminating wrinkles. The common treatment methods of

  • are: lattice laser, electric wave lift, photorejuvenation and so on.

2. There are two main surgical treatments for


  • , commonly known as "lifting": makes an incision on a hidden part of the face (such as the hairline), lifts the superficial muscle aponeurosis system and removes part of the skin, and then re-suturing .
  • commonly known as "embedding thread": embeds a special thread into the skin and the superficial musculoaponeurotic system, one end with a barbed thread hook hooks the sagging skin, the other end is fixed. It can also improve the face and eliminate wrinkles.

​​Generally speaking, physical therapy is more suitable for early or relatively shallow wrinkles, and surgical treatment is suitable for women with deep wrinkles and sagging face.

If you want to remove wrinkles through medical aesthetics, must find a regular hospital, don't trust street beauty salons.

Although long wrinkles are a necessary stage of aging

, is there any way to delay this process?


and don’t want to grow wrinkles. These 5 things should be kept in mind

1. Do these expressions less

such as squinting, frowning, Pouting, pouting...

When you often make these exaggerated expressions, it is easy to leave permanent "folds" on your face. The reason for is the same as when you laugh and grow wrinkles.

However, laughter is usually an expression of pleasure, and this expression cannot be replaced. But squinting, frowning, beepingExpressions such as mouth and pouting are not essential.

Even if you don't do it, it will not hinder your emotional expression, but if you do it, you will easily get wrinkles. Therefore, if you don't want to grow wrinkles, these expressions should be done less.

Laughing often leads to wrinkles? Don't want to grow wrinkles, remember to do these! - Lujuba

2, good sunscreen

ultraviolet rays are also one of the culprits that make the skin prone to aging, therefore, whether it is summer or winter, it is necessary to take sun protection measures.

, such as opening an umbrella and applying sunscreen when going out, can effectively reduce the contact of ultraviolet rays with the skin.

Laughing often leads to wrinkles? Don't want to grow wrinkles, remember to do these! - Lujuba

3, quit smoking

because cigarettes destroy the collagen and elastic fibers in the skin and accelerate the aging of the skin.

In addition, smoking is also related to oral cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, esophageal cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer, bowel cancer, breast cancer and other cancers.

For your own health and youthful appearance, let's quit smoking.

4. Sleep well and be responsive to

  • When we lack sleep, the body secretes corticosteroids, which destroy skin cells and accelerate skin aging;
  • When we sleep adequately, the body secretes skin-friendly growth hormones , Makes the skin smooth and elastic.

Therefore, if you want to fight wrinkles, you must try to fall asleep before 23 o'clock every day, and ensure that you have 6.5 to 7.5 hours of sleep.

In addition, the American Skin Association found that only supine sleeping position can reduce wrinkles to a certain extent (sleeping on the side aggravates wrinkles on the chin and cheeks, prone position aggravates nasal creases) ~

from today, try to correct your own sleep Posture~

5, don’t wash your face too "clean"

Our skin comes with a layer of protective "oil". Frequent washing, exfoliation and other excessive cleansing of the face will repeatedly destroy this layer of protective oil because of , And damage the skin and accelerate the production of wrinkles.

From a hygienic point of view, can use facial cleanser to wash the face once a day in the morning and evening, and remove dead skin at most once a month.

Laughing often leads to wrinkles? Don't want to grow wrinkles, remember to do these! - Lujuba

Wrinkles are the marks left by years on our faces.

Everyone can’t avoid

. At the same time,

laughs a lot and it is indeed easy to grow wrinkles to

, but it’s not necessary to force yourself to be "faceless"

after all

The most important thing is to be happy~

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