Hand Pickable Stars Episode 23 Diversity Plot (24 episodes in total)

neidi 1205℃

Hand Pickable Stars Episode 23 Diversity Plot Introduction

Xiao Ning tries his best to prevent Li Xia from retrieving the game memory Yang Mo wants to let the throne live and die together with Li Xia

   Lixia and her friend went into the office at night to find out what happened, but they were bumped into by Xiao Ning. He advised Lixia not to be too persistent. He didn’t want her to touch this project for her good, not for her. Conceal something. Li Xia was eager to know what she had experienced, so she asked Xiao Ning to enter the game again. Xiao Ning told him that the story line of Li Xia's entry into the game had ended. Even if he entered again, everything had to start again. In other words, the game will start to generate new stories.

   Lixia refused to give up. Xiao Ning deceived Lixia and said that shortly after Lixia entered the game for the first closed beta, the game had a system bug, which caused the game to stop. The studio took a day and a night to repair and The loophole in the game was lifted. During this period, Li Xia was in a coma until she woke up after the loophole was lifted. Li Xia was suspicious of Xiao Ning's words. She asked Xiao Ning to agree to not blame Yuan Lei for checking the progress of the game. Xiao Ning said there was no problem, but as soon as Li Xia left, he began to blame Yuan Lei and accused her of ignoring the company's rules. System and warned her that if this happened again, he would sue her for leaking company secrets. Yuan Lei asked Xiao Ning, after he caused Li Xia to fall into a coma for one day and one night, apart from retrieving the company's losses, shouldn't Li Xia give an explanation? Xiao Ning did not answer. Turning around, he asked the programmer Fang Bai to adjust the difficulty of the ongoing game to the highest level and blocked all channels. Only the virtual reality equipment in Xiao Ning's office can be used, and no other players can enter.

   Outside Hanyuan Hall, the ministers knelt in front of the hall and begged the emperor to burn the corpse of the demon girl Lixia, and leave Xiliang and the northern border early to suppress cholera and dominate the world. When the two parties were in a stalemate, Xie Qingshu and Fan Ruxiang hurried over. They promised everyone that they would share the share of the National Guard and Zhenyuan Army to the northern border and Xiliang. Put Lixia to death. In the Yanying Hall, Yang Mo didn't think about tea and rice, and looked like a haggard, guarding Li Xia with infatuation, hoping that she could wake up again, even Xiaoyingzi's pleadings could not be heard. Xiaoyingzi had to find Jie Qingshu and Fan Ruxiang, hoping they could persuade Yang Mo.

   Jie Qingshu told Yang Mo that he and Fan Ruxiang were about to leave, but Yang Mo took out the emperor's seal and wanted to pass on the throne to Jie Qingshu. Xie Qingshu slapped Yang Mo in desperation, hoping that he would wake up and understand his responsibility and the entrustment of the apocalypse and the emperor. After Yang Mo heard the word Apocalypse, he began to yell hysterically. He regretted that he had listened to the words of the Apocalypse and killed Lixia. This time, Yang Mo was prepared to live and die with Li Xia with the belief that he would die.

   Love and the emperor will conduct the second closed beta in two days. Xiao Ning once again disciplined everyone at the meeting and unanimously claimed that this closed beta was the first time. At this time, Li Xia came to the company to find Xiao Ning again , Offered him his resignation. The story line of the first closed beta is still continuing. The programmer reported to Xiao Ning that according to the progress of the game, the story tonight will come to an end. The internal and external troubles of the story have reached the extreme. Yang Mo has no retreat. Xiao Ning told the party. Bai, as long as Yang Mo dies, delete the files immediately, and all the troubles will disappear.

   Lixia came to the barber shop to cut her hair. She looked at the hair cut, and suddenly memories of when Yang Mo and her knotted hair emerged. The past is vivid, and Lixia finally recovered her memory. Then she found it. Yuan Lei discussed countermeasures. Li Xia pretended to invite everyone to eat a meal. After gathering all the small partners in the studio, she came to the office pretending to be drunk. She cracked the computer password, brought wearable devices on her own, and entered the game again, looking for the nothingness. A misty but real love.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: neidi