Ming Zhenjiang: In this "epidemic", filmmakers cannot be absent

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Ming Zhenjiang: In this 'epidemic', filmmakers cannot be absent - Lujuba

At present, the new crown pneumonia is at a critical stage of prevention and control, and filmmakers have supported and supported the fight against the epidemic in various forms. Whenever the country encounters a disaster, filmmakers will come forward.

During the flood fighting in 1998, the filmmakers rushed to the disaster relief site for the first time to record the shocking scenes of the PLA soldiers and the people fighting to the end against the stormy sea. In the 2003 fight against SARS, the creator and medical staff entered Xiaotangshan Hospital together and witnessed it. The thrilling rescues time after time have witnessed one after another human miracles; in the Wenchuan disaster relief in 2008, the filming team parachuted into the earthquake zone less than 20 hours after the earthquake, shooting and saving people during the earth-shaking aftershocks.

When the country is in trouble, the filmmakers never forget their own responsibilities and missions, and use light and shadow to leave unforgettable memories of the times. They have also launched classic domestic disaster relief films such as "Storm", "Thrilling" and "Twisting" at Bayi Factory .

Recently, our reporter interviewed Ming Zhenjiang, the producer of the "Three Surprises" series and the chairman of the China Film Producers Association. He said that before the epidemic, it is precisely the moment when filmmakers and the people breathe, share fate, and connect hearts. In this "epidemic" of the war, filmmakers must not be absent. They must follow the people-centered creative orientation, dig deeper into the epic characters and stories in the fight against the epidemic, and leave precious video files responsible for history.

Use artistic forms to inspire people’s confidence and fighting spirit

"China Film News": In your opinion, what role should movies play in the fight against the epidemic?

Ming Zhenjiang: The Party Central Committee attaches great importance to this new crown pneumonia, and has organized meetings for many times. The epidemic has also affected the hearts of the people across the country. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that we must resolutely win the People’s War against the epidemic. In this "epidemic" war, filmmakers cannot be absent.

, as a hard indicator of the country’s soft power, movies are the most comprehensive, authoritative and representative of the ideology. Film workers shoulder the inescapable responsibility and mission. In the face of the epidemic, it is precisely the moment when filmmakers and the people breathe together, share fate, and join hearts.

We should use artistic forms to inspire the people to fight bravely, overcome disasters, inspire their confidence and fighting spirit, and at the same time moisturize the people’s hearts.

"documentary first, then write story" has made the "three surprises" series

"China Film News": During your ten years and eight months as the director of Bayi Film Studio, you have experienced flood fighting in 1998 and 2003. Anti-SARS, earthquake resistance in 2008. Bayi Factory also launched the series of works called "Storm", "Thrilling", and "Shaking the Earth". Please share the creative process and experience of these three films.

Ming Zhenjiang: General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "a disaster is an order." After these three disasters, the military education film department of Bayi Factory has repeatedly been on the front line of disaster relief, and some comrades have died heroically. They are also known as the commando and "August 1" death squads in the film industry.

In accordance with the law of film creation, the shooting of documentaries is to lay the foundation for feature films, documenting first, and then creating stories. During the anti-flood period in 1998, the Military Education Film Department of Bayi Factory filmed the documentary "Waiting the Three Rivers", which showed the unity of the party and the people in the face of cruel difficulties, and the spirit of tenacious fighting.

On the basis of this documentary, with creative accumulation and creative experience, Bayi Factory filmed the feature film "Stormy Seas". The script was created in 1999, filming was started in 2001, and the filming was completed in 2002. "Stormy Seas" adopted a grand narrative in a panoramic style and won important awards such as the Huabiao Award, the Golden Rooster Award, and the Hundred Flowers Award.

During SARS in 2003, the creative staff of Bayi Factory followed the army medical workers.At the same time, he was stationed in Xiaotangshan Hospital and created the documentary "We Are One Heart" in a "point-to-face" approach.

Also in 2003, Bayi Factory shot the feature film "Thrilling". The Bayi Factory had a script before, with a very good foundation. It has been in preparation for two to three years. It tells the story of the People's Liberation Army attacking road tyrants and robbers on a train. We temporarily changed the script to SARS treatment. Under special circumstances, the Bayi Factory’s own actors, family members, and retired cadres filmed together, and the whole factory made the creation of this film.

Two hours after the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, the Bayi Factory formed a camera crew. At that time, the phone number of the Chengdu Military Region could not be reached. I contacted the Operations Department of the General Staff and the camera crew took the command plane to the disaster area. Originally the plane was scheduled to take off on the morning of May 13, but later it was advanced to 5 a.m. on the 13th. The creative staff picked up the photographic equipment and set off. I could only temporarily buy biscuits, instant noodles, and chocolates on the road for them to take with me. After that, we immediately organized the shooting of feature films. The creative staff and the troops participated in the real earthquake relief work, and they had indeed withstood exercises and tests.

from the factory leaders to the creative staff, risking aftershocks, filmed "The Earth Shaking". The premiere of the film was attended by leaders of 14 ministries and commissions, which was very influential. Disaster is a war without gunpowder. In the face of disasters, film works should focus on the center, serve the overall situation, and reflect the times. From this perspective, the "Three Surprises" series is the most representative. The commentators in the

unit called the "Three Surprise" series a classic of Chinese disaster films. I think it is a bit "high". It is more appropriate to call it a "masterpiece" and it is a representative work of typified disaster rescue films. Filmmakers use light and shadow to leave unforgettable memories of the times. This is a precious image file responsible for history. Whether documentaries or feature films, they all contribute.

objectively and truely reflect life, artistically express life

This is the responsibility and mission of the film

"China Film News": In the fight against the epidemic, there are many touching stories and heroic characters. Do you think filmmakers should How to seize these creative materials and shoot the works of Acura People and Acura Heroes?

Ming Zhenjiang: I am moved every day when I read news about the fight against the epidemic. The fight against the new crown pneumonia this time has fully demonstrated the power of the Party Central Committee’s decision-making and command, and the confidence and strength of hundreds of millions of people in fighting the epidemic. During the period, we have created many miracles on the world, such as building a hospital in ten days, such as during the most lively Spring Festival of the year, the whole country is quiet, 1.4 billion people are working together to maintain social stability and stability. Especially medical workers have more touching stories.

These materials can be used for film creation. The image of civilian heroes in the face of disaster, the power of the country, the power of the people, etc., provide filmmakers with rare creative opportunities and creative materials.

At present, we need to gather strength and inspire fighting spirit, we need works of reflection, thinking and care, and works that show the image of the country and spread mainstream values. In terms of manifestation, the negative harm caused by disasters, the fear of the people’s soul, the isolation of family and social structure, the disruption of normal social order, the contradiction of survival or destruction, and the contradictions of human nature cannot be avoided. . The

square cabin hospital is also a good subject, showing the state of war, mobilizing the whole people, showing the love of the world, the supremacy of life and the supremacy of the people. Audiences have very high requirements for movies, because life is always richer than artistic creation. How to objectively and truly reflect life and express life artistically is the responsibility and mission of movies.

From the genre level, disasters and documentary should be emphasized, not more drama plots, and plain reflections of life are more touching. At the same time, movies must have special characteristics, which can make image wonders, such as what the virus is, and what is this mysterious thing that endangers people's health, which can be expressed in macro or micro.

During the fight against the epidemic, film creators cannot be missing, cannot be absent, and cannot be more testedConsider commercialization. The works should open the market for the audience's hearts, not the market for spectacles and gimmicks. The

epidemic is a temporary

and the continued prosperity of the film is unstoppable

"China Film News": In recent times, movie theaters have been suspended, production crews have been suspended, and films have been withdrawn. What do you think of the future development of the film industry?

Ming Zhenjiang: The impact of the epidemic on the film industry is undoubtedly the greatest. Filmmakers must be confident that the epidemic is temporary, and the development of movies is unstoppable. The most popular and influential sport in the world is football, and the art form is film.

is always "content is king" from the perspective of production. Through this epidemic, the film industry is gradually categorizing, not creative types, but market-oriented genres. For example, TV movies, cinema movies, and online movies are becoming more and more clear. But regardless of the channel, the content is still the "kingdom."

Through the fight against the epidemic, the people of the whole country should strengthen their confidence. The process of fighting the epidemic has fully demonstrated the superiority of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and also embodies the cultural self-confidence and institutional self-confidence of China in the new era. The film industry has gone through ups and downs. This is not terrible. We can summarize and learn from the lessons and turn them into a driving force for further high-quality development. We believe that Chinese films will usher in a new period of development and prosperity.

Fight the epidemic together

Chongqing township (community) old projectionist association donated 24,000 yuan to Hubei

In the big environment supported by all parties, we must not stand by and watch.” In order to support Wuhan, Hubei, Fan Qiaolu, the vice chairman of the Old Projector Association of Chongqing Township (community), launched a donation initiative among the city's projectionists on February 7. In just 6 days, 24,000 yuan donations were raised.

"Lao Fang" is a special group that was born in the 1970s. In the era of lack of spiritual life, in order to enrich the cultural life of rural people, a community projection team rooted in rural areas was established throughout the country. When the weather is fine, I travel to and from the villages one by one, bringing open-air movies to the villagers’ doorsteps.

joined the commune projection team in 1974 to now, Fanqiao Road has been working as a projectionist for 46 years. At the age of 76 this year, he is still on the front line of the screening work in Wanshun Town, Changshou District. He alone is responsible for film screenings in 8 villages. In 2003, Fanqiao Road began to organize the city's "Lao Fang" to carry out social activities, and established the city's township (community) old projectionist association.

Since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia, Fanqiao Road has been paying attention to the latest news of the epidemic. He was very moved when he saw on the news the shortage of materials and difficulties faced by compatriots in Wuhan and the medical staff who were going backwards. "If you don't stand up at the critical moment, I really don't feel like it." Fan Qiaolu said. After careful consideration, he decided to organize anti-epidemic donations among the city's projectionists. As soon as the

initiative was issued, the projectionists in the "Lao Fang" group responded positively. In just half an hour that night, one thousand yuan was raised. As of 12:00 noon on February 13, Fanqiao Road has received donations from nearly 200 people, amounting to 24,000 yuan. After the donation deadline on February 14, Fanqiao Road will hand over all the money to the Chongqing Charity Federation and the Hubei Charity Federation for epidemic prevention and control.

"After the popularization of digital cinema, the career of projectionists has gradually declined. We now call ourselves "old projectionists", because most of the people who are still working as projectionists are old people over 60 years old." Fanqiao Road Told reporters that although "Lao Fang”We usually live in a difficult life, but in the face of the epidemic, they actively donate their love from their meager wages, and only hope that this share of the heart can help the compatriots who are experiencing difficulties overcome the difficulties as soon as possible. A joint fight against the epidemic

Chongqing Huimin Rural Digital Cinema Projector

actively participates in public welfare publicity efforts to fight the epidemic

After the outbreak of pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus, all screening teams in Chongqing have suspended film screening activities, although the film projectors are idle. However, projectionists in various districts and counties have not been idle, and projectionists in many places have actively participated in public welfare publicity work to fight the epidemic.

changed the projection vehicle into a publicity vehicle, and used mobile speakers to constantly emphasize “don’t go out and gather less”; discourage villagers who don’t wear masks and distribute epidemic prevention and control leaflets; participate in village roads and monitoring points to check in and out People and vehicles are inspected...

Chongqing Huimin Rural Digital Cinema Line makes full use of the characteristics of the mobile movie projectors of the Red Hussars, mobilizes the city’s rural projectionists from all districts and counties to act quickly, and actively assists the local party committee and government under the condition of ensuring protective measures Do a good job in publicity, prevention and control, and join the team that publicizes epidemic prevention and control in different ways, and promote and guide the whole society to actively do the work of epidemic prevention and control.

Tags: movie