"Professor and Madman" Oscar dual male lead interpretation of high-level wisdom collision

movie 1781℃

reported on December 20. A few days ago, the high-profile movie "Professor and the Madman" starring Mel Gibson and Sean Penn released posters of cool models of human wisdom. The two great Hollywood male gods played in the same frame for the first time. Distinguished the geniuses and madmen behind the largest compilation of legends in human history, the densely packed entries on the posters are not only the high-level wisdom of the characters, but also the bright light of life that carries dreams and redemption, which arouses the audience's expectations for the film.

Dream and Redemption! Masterful Friendship Warms People's Hearts

"Professor and Madman" is based on real people and facts, telling the strange people and wonders in the compilation of the earliest English dictionary "Oxford English Dictionary" in human history. Mel Gibson plays the "professor" Dr. James Murray, and Sean Penn as the "lunatic" Miner. The status and status of the two are quite different, but they met unexpectedly and made a heartwarming friendship because of their lexicographic work. . The encounter between the two of

is quite sympathetic and refers to each other. The film restrained and meticulously restored the human nature of a "lunatic" who suffered from inner torture and trance, and at the same time vividly portrayed the madness of a genius "professor" with passion and dreams, so that the two collided on a spiritual level. The lives of each other have written another legend beyond the miracle of compilation.

Genius and lunatic! High-level wisdom evokes inner concussion

"Professor" Murray is familiar with more than 20 languages, including several small languages ​​that have almost disappeared, and he is regarded as a "genius" by the outside world. With his peculiar ideas and infinite focus, he challenged the miracle of codification that was considered impossible to accomplish. Isn't it a madman's behavior? The "lunatic" Miner was deeply tortured after experiencing wars and killings. He contributed tens of thousands of entries to the compilation work in the mental hospital. It is his self-salvation because of love and the enlargement of the normal state of human mind.

Mel Gibson said, “The genius and the madman are just a few minutes away.” The film precisely portrays the inner wisdom and inner shock of two strange men, presenting the core theme of life always having a bright light. It is believed that domestic audiences will be moved on the big screen by this brilliance blooming in adversity.

double male lead drama! The Oscar-winners and the fairy

Mel Gibson and Sean Pan have been famous in Hollywood for a long time, and both Oscar statuettes have been added. However, their co-starring in "The Professor and the Madman" is the first time they have been on the same stage. After the film was released overseas, it received rave reviews. The popcorn index of Rotten Tomatoes on the American film review website was as high as 78%. Many viewers were impressed by the wonderful performance of the two male gods, and they expressed "unimaginable wonderful interaction" and " An unassuming performance demonstration is particularly quasi and stable." And since the film was finalized in China, many viewers exclaimed, "It's just like a fairy, I'm too good." In the

film, Gibson's performance moisturizes things silently, showing the intellectual rationality and the city, while Sean Penn's performance is in full swing, conveying the fragility and madness of the patient who has suffered for a long time. The two cleverly echoed the differences in role identities through different performances. The sparks and sparks that collide in and out of the play are bound to bring the audience a feast of acting skills that should not be missed. The

movie "Professor and Madman" will be available in theaters nationwide on December 24.

(responsible editor: Du Jiayue_NK6020)

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