The TV series "The Pentium Era" starts in Changsha, and Tong Dawei and Jiang Xin interpret the "years of love" of the New China Electric Locomotive

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In 1958, Hunan Zhuzhou Locomotive Factory successfully developed China-made electric locomotives. 61 years later, my country's railway electric traction power has also achieved a historic leap from general speed to high speed, from general load to heavy load, from AC-DC drive to AC drive, and from import to export.

The TV series 'The Pentium Era' starts in Changsha, and Tong Dawei and Jiang Xin interpret the 'years of love' of the New China Electric Locomotive - Lujuba

On March 29th, a TV series about the development of electric locomotives in New China, "The Pentium Era", held its opening ceremony in Changsha. The drama was produced by Wake Media Chairman Wang Weinan, Tencent Group Vice President and Tencent Pictures CEO Cheng Wu Nie Shan, general manager of Red Coral Media, chief producers Wang Ying and Chen Fei, producers Shao Chengwu and Zhou Yuhong, director Xu Zongzheng, screenwriter Wang Chenggang, and leading actors Tong Dawei and Jiang Xin attended the opening ceremony.

"The Pentium Era" is directed by the director Xu Zongzheng who has directed excellent works such as "Mr. Yuesao" and "Mortal Character", and the well-known screenwriter Wang Chenggang writes. The whole story tells the story of Chang Hanqing, a young technician after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and Jin Chan, a combat hero, dedicated to the development, innovation, and continuous development of new China’s electric locomotives, and dedicated their lives to the development of new China’s electric locomotives.

The TV series 'The Pentium Era' starts in Changsha, and Tong Dawei and Jiang Xin interpret the 'years of love' of the New China Electric Locomotive - Lujuba

In the play, the actor Tong Dawei plays Chang Hanqing, a young locomotive engineer. Talking about his feelings about playing this role, Tong Dawei said bluntly, "This role shows the struggle and sweat of the new Chinese electric locomotives. It is a heavy role. I have confidence. Interpret this character well." Jiang Xin, an actor, tried short hair for the first time in the play, playing the golden role of the battle hero. This role also moved Jiang Xin very much. “From the heroine of the battle to the chief of the security department to the driver of the electric locomotive, she is still optimistic and tenacious and selfless after going through ups and downs.”

Vice President of Tencent Group and CEO of Tencent Pictures Cheng Wu said that the high-speed rail is one of the important symbols of the change of the times and is closely related to people's lives. There are many great characters and moving stories behind this. ""The Pentium Age" is such a boutique that portrays the spirit of the times, is close to the national conditions and people's livelihood, and warms the hearts of the people." The producer of

, Weiker Media Chairman Wang Weinan also lamented, the desire to do this drama has been around for a long time, and I deeply feel that the mission is important. . Nie Shan, the general manager of Red Coral Media, said that this drama is derived from the four original intentions of dream, responsibility, love and ingenuity. "The play not only tells about the growth of'people', but also reflects the country's prosperity and prosperity. With its majestic momentum and epic character, it presents the great achievements of the new China's train industry in a panoramic view."

reportedly, "The Pentium Age" It has been selected by the Propaganda Department's "2018 Central Cultural Industry Development Special Fund "Promoting the Development of the Film and Television Industry" Transfer Payment Funding Project", the State Administration of Radio and Television "2018-2022 List of 100 Key TV Dramas Selected Repertoires", Beijing Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department and Beijing Excellent project of Municipal Bureau of Radio, Film and Television. Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Zhou Shihao and intern Bao Suzhen

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