Jay Chou was hacked by the entire network, CCTV came forward to clarify: For the rest of his life, don't mess with things, don't mess with people

movie 1511℃

Author | Fat Cat

Source | National Pavilion (ID: guoguan5000)

once read a story:

a little student went out to pick up goods, and was bitten by a dog on the way back. After

treated the wound, he found a long bamboo pole, ready to hit the dog. Master

saw this and came to ask:

"Does your wound still hurt?" The

apprentice said it didn't hurt anymore.

"Since it doesn't hurt anymore, why go to hit the dog?"

"Because it bit me, I want to give it some color!" Master

said: "Do you know why lions never fight with dogs?"

The pupil was stunned, staring at the master blankly. Master

smiled and said:

"Because not everyone is worthy of being a lion's opponent, it is not honorable to defeat a dog, but it is very unlucky to be bitten by a dog."

"Lions do not compete with dogs, this is the principle, more What's more, you are a human being. What do you care about with a dog?"

Jay Chou was hacked by the entire network, CCTV came forward to clarify: For the rest of his life, don't mess with things, don't mess with people - Lujuba

In life, there are many bad things like this dog, which can easily stir your emotions and drag you into the muddy mud. If someone ridicules you at

, you will be mean to him immediately; if someone despise you at

, you will doubly despise him immediately; if someone at

ignore you, you will alienate him. In the end,

not only consumes a lot of time and energy, but also makes himself full of temper and irritable mood.

This is the biggest damage to a person by bad people.

Zhou Guoping said:

"Life requires wisdom that is not competitive."

People with great wisdom never care about bad people or get involved with bad things.

Jay Chou was hacked by the entire network, CCTV came forward to clarify: For the rest of his life, don't mess with things, don't mess with people - Lujuba

compete with bad guys

you are always a loser

Bai Yansong said:

"Sometimes, we live very tired, not because life is too mean, but we are too easily infected by the atmosphere of the outside world and influenced by the emotions of others."

Once, Mo Yan invited someone to eat roast duck.

After everyone has a drink and a meal, there is still a lot left on the table.

Mo Yan thought to himself, what a pity, those green onions, miso, white pancakes, and crispy duck meat are all good things. If they are wasted, they will be condemned by God.

Mo Yan continued to eat.

At this time, someone said: "Look at Mo Yan, you have to eat his money back."

Mo Yan felt hot on his face, as if he had received a loud slap in the face. After

got home, Mo Yan was very wronged.

's mother advised him to drink two bowls of porridge and then two steamed buns before going to a banquet. After

returned to Beijing, Mo Yan, as his mother said, filled his stomach before going to the banquet.

At the banquet, he ate slowly, kindly and frugally.

turned out to be one person said: "Look at Mo Yan's phony power, as if he can eat Jia Baoyu with only his front teeth." He also satirized him for not being a real person.

Jay Chou was hacked by the entire network, CCTV came forward to clarify: For the rest of his life, don't mess with things, don't mess with people - Lujuba

In life, there are always some bad people with psychological distortions who inexplicably slander you and hurt you.

If you are bothered and entangled with each other, it will only be exhausted, and life will become a mess.

even turns you into what you hate most.

There is a vulgar scene in Zhou Xingchi's early movie "New Jing Wu Men": Zhong Zhentao took Stephen Chow's luggage, and Stephen Chow caught up with him desperately.

Then the two "fighted" in the alley. How to fight

? Spit each other!

​​seems to me to be entangled with bad people and bad things, very similar to this scene.

They spit on you, and you replied. In the end, you are the one who is not decent.

often competes with others, not with fools.

Haruki Murakami once said:

"Not all fish live in the same ocean."

bad guys are best at messing around and have to drag you into the vortex of negative emotions to deal with him.

is like a swamp, the more you entangle, the deeper you will sink.

entangled with bad guys, no matter what the ending, you are a loser.

As Nietzsche said in "The Other Side of Good and Evil":

"Fight with the dragon for too long, and become a dragon. If you stare at the abyss for too long, the abyss will return to stare."

rotten people are rotten.Because the more you care about him, the worse he will be. The reason

is broken is that it is broken because you always break it.

Really smart people ignore the provocation of their opponents.

The worst revenge in the world is not to care.

Don’t let bad people and bad things delay your life

In psychology, there is a famous "Festinger's Law":

"10% of events in life are composed of things that happen to you, and The other 90% is determined by how you react to things. "

There are many things in life that can be avoided. The more you get entangled in trouble, it will only get worse and worse. In the movie "I'm not Pan Jinlian",

tells an absurd story. Li Xuelian, a rural woman, was slandered by her ex-husband: "Is your name Li Xuelian? What do I think your name is Pan Jinlian?"

, in order to seek justice for herself, told everyone "I am not Pan Jinlian" and hit 20 back and forth. Years of lawsuit.

finally did not correct this sentence.

For 20 years of life, Li Xuelian could have lived a better life, but for a word, a bad breath, a bad thing, a bad person, entangled for half of her life.

is absurd and realistic. After all, everyone may be Li Xuelian. But I hope that everyone will not become Li Xuelian.

After all, life is short, and entanglement with bad people and things will only make yourself more painful.

There was a prime minister of the Song Dynasty named Lu Mengzheng.

When he first became prime minister, an official pointed at him behind the curtain and said to others: "This person is also worthy of being a prime minister, ridiculous!"

Lv Mengzheng pretended not to hear, walked through the curtain and strode past them. Over. The colleagues around

complained for him, and were trying to find out who had just said this, but Lu Mengzheng stopped him.

"If you know his name, you have to worry about it for the rest of your life, why bother? Besides, he doesn't have any loss to me if he says this." People at

praised him for his great temperament, and Lu Mengzheng's non-entangled character was also spread as Good story.

Voltaire, a French enlightenment thinker, once said:

"It is not the mountains in the distance that make people tired, but a grain of sand in the shoes."

Often, we can't change the existence of bad people and the development of bad things. . The only thing that can change is your own mentality.

The highest level of "break away from":

does not mess with things, does not haunt people

The bigger the pattern, the less entangled with bad people, bad things, small things.

They do not suffer from gains and losses due to the opinions of others, and they are not entangled with realistic rumors.

No matter what, you can't entangle the pace of progress.

Jay Chou has been controversial since his debut.

Around 2008, he passed a very dark period, which can be said to be smeared on the whole network. The overwhelming slander and cyber violence caused Jay Chou to bear all kinds of unreasonable charges.

Among them, there are two rumors that have the most far-reaching impact and the worst nature: One is Jay Chou saying that he is not a Chinese but a Taiwanese.

The other is that Jay Chou only donated 50,000 yuan in the Wenchuan earthquake.

In fact, Jay Chou not only never said anything like this, but also insisted on following the Chinese style route for many years, and wrote songs that promote Chinese culture such as Dongfeng Break, Blue and White Porcelain, Hair Ruxue, etc.

has been on the Spring Festival Gala stage five times, which is the country's greatest affirmation for Jay Chou.

is followed by forced donation, which in itself is a kind of moral kidnapping. What's more, CCTV took the initiative to clarify that Jay Chou donated 42 million yuan to the Wenchuan earthquake, making him the number one singer in Taiwan.

However, in the face of various unscrupulous framing, Jay Chou did not make any statement or explanation. He will continue to produce works as long as he releases a new album and still dominates various charts.

source | CCTV network

Tags: movie