Sadako strikes again, the emotional movie "Sadako: Origin", familiar formula, embarrassing scare point

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, Sadako strikes again. The film "Sadako: Origins" with feelings, familiar formula, embarrassing startle

, she has been popular all over the world once she debuted, and the influence of her debut work will only come. There is still lingering prestige today; after she became popular, she did not forget her original aspirations and enthusiastically supported many younger generations; her acting career had ups and downs, but she never gave up her dream of acting; she was a well-deserved goddess of immortality, and she was well-known internationally. Miss Sadako, the famous Japanese actress. Sadako, who has been silent for many years, finally released her starring movie "Sadako: Origin" again this year. This time she has regained her lead, and what kind of performance she will bring to the audience, let us wait and see. In the first scene of the

Sadako strikes again, the emotional movie 'Sadako: Origin', familiar formula, embarrassing scare point - Lujuba

movie, Peanut is in a certain room in a certain apartment. There is a little girl in a locked closet. The girl’s mother said that she was the reincarnation of Sadako and wanted to burn her alive. At this very moment, our heroine Sadako appeared, still a familiar formula or a familiar taste, she has long black and thick hair, matched with a simple and generous white dress, and a thin and thin body. And the red nail polish made her playful in the silence.

Sadako strikes again, the emotional movie 'Sadako: Origin', familiar formula, embarrassing scare point - Lujuba

Although she murdered and set fire to horror, the editor knew that she was a good ghost, and the kind and simple she released the little girl, and the movie officially began. The second woman with big eyes and thin skin makes her debut. The second woman is a psychologist who treats patients with warmth like a spring breeze. As soon as the camera turned, the little girl fainted on the street and was taken to the second woman’s hospital by the police. The little girl died in the fire. The police came to question her, but the little girl didn’t say anything, she stared at her and played with her mind. sand.

Sadako strikes again, the emotional movie 'Sadako: Origin', familiar formula, embarrassing scare point - Lujuba

This weird scene was discovered by the second female, but she didn't panic, even went to help the little girl, and she was getting better and better. The younger brother of the second girl on the other side, because of the bleak data of the video he took, he decided to engage in a terror expedition under the advice of his agent. That is to say, the little girl’s home was filmed after the fire, and finally disappeared without accident. After the second girl learned of the disappearance of her brother, he found Sadako in the video taken by his brother on the Internet.

Then she was attacked by the fanatical female patient, but fortunately the little girl appeared in time to summon Sadako. It turns out that this female sick number is acquainted with Zhenzi. She has seen Zhenzi in the past, but her classmates died and she was crazy. Through communicating with her, dreaming of herself and watching videos that Sadako deliberately showed her, she learned a lot about Sadako. Her brother's agent also helped locate her brother's location, so the two decided to set out to save their lives. The editor of

thinks that the first hour of the movie is just boring, and the second half an hour is basically funny, and all kinds of nasty settings are overwhelming. After they arrived, they met an old lady who forcibly explained to them that the ancestral hall could summon the resentful souls of children who were abandoned and killed by their parents, and Sadako loved this. The daughter and her brother are also orphans, and they happen to be Sadako's food. Moreover, when Sadako starts at the full moon, the editor really laughed when she saw this place.

​​When they really started to save people, the situation got out of control. At first, only the second female entered the ancestral hall, found her frightened brother, saw the process of Zhenzi being abandoned by her mother, and saw the little girl before. The little girl’s body is about to be dying, and the soul is about to be swallowed. She exchanged her heart for the little girl's soul. Then Sadako finally showed up and threw the second female to the ground. Then her younger brother was dragged into the water by Sadako to save her. The final ending of the film is that the second female brother died. She also died later. Only the little girl survived, or the biggest winner of the game.

has a score of 4.0 for a certain part of the film, and at least 1.9 points are for the sentiment points of Sadako's comeback. I want to say what the film is about? The embarrassing scare, the old-fashioned plot arrangement, the most annoying is that Sadako has too few scenes. Moreover, the director of this movie is the most classic "Midnight Ring" director Sadako "Daddy". He destroyed his masterpiece by himself and walked down from the altar on his own initiative. With this courage and mentality, the editor thinks he What a man.

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