9 plots that often appear in movies, but they are not correct for the real world

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In the process of making movies, the director often adopts some professional advice, including some scenes involving medical topics, from professionals. But the facts seem to prove that suggestions that are too professional are often not that attractive and eye-catching. This may be able to explain why even the Hollywood film team with great attention to detail and top-level personnel still has some unreliable scenarios. Today, the editor will take you to understand the 9 plots that often appear in movies, but they are not correct in the real world and may even hurt people.

1, the representative of amnesia has completely eliminated the memory.

9 plots that often appear in movies, but they are not correct for the real world - Lujuba

amnesia is a frequent plot in the movie world, not only in Hollywood, but also in Korean movies and TV series that once popular in Asia are also very addicted to the protagonist in the storyline of complete amnesia. Normally, the character in the movie will have an accident and completely forget what happened in his life before the incident. However, the cause of the movie's plot is firstly different from reality: In reality, a large amount of memory loss usually occurs after neurosurgery, brain infection or stroke, rather than a blow to the head.

In medical practice, few people forget their entire lives in the past. Amnesia usually records certain memories, which will gradually recover on their own or through treatment. If amnesia results in complete loss of memory, it indicates the severity of the damage, and usually this condition is accompanied by loss of intelligence and physical control of the body. However, in romantic Korean dramas and Hollywood movies, severe memory loss is not associated with the severity of brain damage.

However, in the cartoon "Finding Nemo", it is more realistic than any film related to amnesia. Dolly’s deep memory disorder should appear closer to reality: it is difficult to learn and remember information, it also forgets the name, and cannot remember the location and reason of swimming, all of which very accurately reflect the truth of people with similar diagnoses. life.

2, you can talk to patients who use medical devices to ventilate

9 plots that often appear in movies, but they are not correct for the real world - Lujuba

​​only in the movie you can talk to people who use medical devices to ventilate. In this case, the real patient cannot speak at all. The tracheostomy tube has an opening so that air can enter through the patient's throat so that they can speak, but few people can use them. In most cases, they communicate through gestures or writing.

3. If you want to leave the hospital, you only need to pull out the dropper tube.

9 plots that often appear in movies, but they are not correct for the real world - Lujuba

This kind of plot is quite common in movies around the world. Usually, the protagonist will pull the catheter out of the vein very suddenly and leave it straight away. What's more, a person stays still for days, even weeks, but can still stand up very easily. This is actually very unscientific.

If you try to repeat in reality, the transition to a vertical state after a long period of rest will cause a sharp drop in blood pressure, dizziness, and most likely fainting.

4. Through a person's behavior, it is always certain that he has a heart attack.

If a person catches his chest dramatically in the camera, everyone knows that this person must have a heart attack. And this is the stereotype brought to us by directors from all over the world. Heart disease is indeed a very painful process, but the first thing it feels is chest pressure, but many people ignore it. Unbearable pain starts 90 minutes after a heart attack, so it is important to know the other symptoms of this disease: squeezing or pain in the chest, arms, neck, jaw or back, as well as nausea, stomach upset , Difficulty breathing, cold sweats, dizziness.

5. In the case of brain impact, only fainting is serious.

In the movie world, due to brain impact, this person will definitely lose consciousness. Because this is a very common movie plot, many people don't know the true symptoms of a concussion, and they don't ask for help, because they believe that if they don't feel dizzy, then they will be fine. If a person "faints" in real life, it may mean that part of the brain is damaged, not just a concussion. After

is hit, it may indicate signs of brain damage: headache or contraction, dizziness, tinnitus, nausea, vomiting, slurred speech. And some symptoms may appear a few days or even weeks after the injury: memory impairment, irritability, sensitivity to light and noise, sleepSleep disturbance, changes in taste and sense of smell.

6. Electric shock can easily bring the patient back to life.

In movies, the defibrillator is always portrayed as a way to let a person's life return to the body: Normally, when the patient loses consciousness, a line appears on the display The green line was flat, the doctor shouted "discharge!", and then several electric shocks, the patient's body bends into an arc, then he coughed and opened his eyes, making everyone sigh of relief.

However, rejuvenating patients is common in movies, but it is not the case in reality. If a straight line appears on the screen, it can no longer return to human life. It is precisely because of the existence of this stereotype that many conflicts have arisen in real life, and real doctors have been accused by many movie lovers as unprofessional. Therefore, in the movie, defibrillator resuscitation is effective in 88% of cases, while in life only 23.9%.

7. If the organs are frozen, they can definitely be used for transplantation

In the movie "Seven Pounds", Tim, the protagonist played by Will Smith, decides to give his organs to others and his heart to His beloved girl to save her. In order not to let his organs die, Tim lay in an ice bath, called an ambulance, and put the deadly poisonous jellyfish into the bathtub.

But to be clear, in real life, such an idea will not succeed, because the heart transplant can only be performed when the heart transplant is still beating on the donor or he stops in the hospital. Lungs are not all that simple: Tim wants to donate them to people with lung cancer, but with such a diagnosis, transplantation is usually not recommended because it is likely to recur or metastasize.

8. In any incomprehensible situation, it is necessary to insert an oxygen tube in the patient's nose

According to many scenes in movies, if the protagonist appears in a hospital, then his nose must have an oxygen tube. For example, in the popular TV series The Walking Dead, Rick is in a coma after being shot in the stomach, but there is a tube in his nose.

In real life, if a person is in a coma, he cannot breathe alone, and such a tube has no meaning because it does not prevent strangulation due to loose airways, nor does it help draw air into the lungs. . Nasal cannula is used in situations where a small amount of additional oxygen is required without tight breathing control. Therefore, in fact, Rick would suffocate to death even before the zombie apocalypse appeared.

9. People who need to hold a twitch

If fainting in a movie is a sure sign of pregnancy, then when a person has a twitch, usually people around you will say that you hold him down, especially in some movies about exorcism. Love to embody this. However, in real life, people do not need to forcefully press the victim's limbs or grab them. This situation will go away on its own. All people need to do is to take away the things that might hurt him, put the soft things under the head, and wait for the seizure to end. In addition, gauze or handkerchief can be placed on the oral cavity side.

Tags: movie