What does Marvel's fourth stage ``Eternal Race'' come from?

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The What does Marvel's fourth stage ``Eternal Race'' come from? - Lujuba

airplane boss revealed when he introduced "The Eternal Race" at the Brazilian Comic Show-the

movie has a time span of more than 7,000 years. The Eternal Race understands the existence of the Fulian, but the Fulian knows very little about the Eternal Race. Debut! And the story may reveal the relationship between Thanos and Eternal Race!

The origin of the eternal race should start from the big bang of the current universe. After the big bang, some energy bodies in the universe began to form life, and the Celestial Group was one of the born beings. The

Celestial Group is a very aggressive race. They often go to every corner of the universe to transform lives, conduct genetic tests and experiments on them. So far, the Celestial Group has visited the Earth four times. When the

Celestial Group came to Earth for the first time, about a million years ago, he was curious about the extensibility of humans, so he transformed humans and gave birth to three races. The three races of

are the eternal race, anomalous race, and an upright human. Later, the upright human's genes continued to evolve and became mutants, that is, the X-Men. After the

Celestial Group cultivated these three races, they ran away. The Abnormal and the Eternal race became two major forces because of their strong abilities, but they had different concepts, so they often fought.

After a long time, the Celestial Group came to Earth again. It was not good to see the two races at war. He felt that the birth of the abnormal race was a failure. The

celestial group flooded Lemuria, the country where the anomalous race is located, and this great flood also affected the nearby Atlantis continent.

Although many of the Atlantis people died, there was one A small part of them successfully adapted to the new environment and survived on the bottom of the sea. This is the later Marvel "Sea King" Namor and the others.

and later the Eternal Clan also had civil wars due to disagreements.

Uranus represented aggression. The faction believes that the eternal race, as the most powerful race on earth, should conquer and rule the earth.

The peace faction represented by Kronos was opposed, and eventually the two factions carried out the peace faction and won. The

aggressor faction fled to space and met. When the Kerry people were killed, the Kerry people studied the entities of these eternal races and performed genetic experiments on humans. This group of people is also the later alien races. PS: The Kerry people are Captain Marvel The villain inside.

In the end, the aggressors suffered several setbacks, and only one woman survived. This woman was called Susan, who lived on the largest moon of Saturn-Titan.

On the other hand, the peaceists on Earth have always It went well until about 3000-5000 years ago, the peace leader Kronos died physically, but his soul energy became the god of time.

Kronos had 2 sons, Zulas and Alars, Zulas became the new leader, and in order to avoid war, Alars voluntarily ran to the Titan, where he met Susan, the two fell in love and got married and then gave birth to the back in the universe The purple sweet potato spirit that is demon everywhere-Thanos.

and staying on the earth Zulas led the eternal race on earth to establish new cities, including: the Arctic city in Siberia, the ocean capital on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, And Olympia in Greece. Because Olympia is close to Mount Olympus, the Greek gods, many Greeks mistake the eternal tribe as the Greek gods.

This is the story about the birth of the eternal tribe, and the official reveals the time span in the movie It's 7000 years, it is estimated that we will start with the civil war in the Eternal Group.

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