The 10 best spy war dramas of domestic word-of-mouth, "Kite" missed the top five, and deserves the first place

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is one of the most popular TV series in China. The spy war dramas have always received much attention, welcome and sought after, especially since the launch of "The Conspiracy" written and directed by Liu Yunlong in 2006, it has become more popular in China. A wave of spy war dramas. The subsequent "Latent", "Red", "Kite", etc. were all affected by it. Today, Juntou Jun will recommend ten domestically recognized spy war dramas with the best reputation in China. Spy war fans, if your drama is frustrated, you can choose to collect them. (Sorted according to Douban score)

is the first place in "Latent" Douban 9.3

. It is a very good spy movie, and it can even be said to be the pinnacle of domestic spy war drama. At first, I never liked watching dramas of this era, but this one is rarely seen several times. The rhythm of the whole drama is tight and slow, and the storyline and lines are lively, so that I don’t think it is. A spy movie, but close to the history of survival in the workplace, flesh and blood. In addition, the actors in the play are equally impressive. Except for Sun Honglei, the actors who play the stationmaster Wu Jingzhong, Li Ya and Lu Qiaoshan are all superb. While adding color to the play, it also makes the play full of highlights.

The 10 best spy war dramas of domestic word-of-mouth, 'Kite' missed the top five, and deserves the first place - Lujuba

2nd place "Before Dawn" Douban 9.2

All actors and actresses in the whole drama are very good, very good, every role, every expression, the old drama is very infectious, and the human drama is full of thick. The human touch, the logic of the spy war is meticulous and meticulous, the characterization is quite full, there is no symbolization, there is no redundant plot, and the display and description of the details are quite skillful and empathetic. This drama is not only a classic of spy war dramas, it is superior in character portrayal compared to other plot types. Everyone has their own characteristics, distinct personality, but natural integration. It's completely comparable to "Latent".

The 10 best spy war dramas of domestic word-of-mouth, 'Kite' missed the top five, and deserves the first place - Lujuba

3rd place "Red" Douban 9.2

I heard about the drama Red very early, with a high rating, and tried to watch it three times, but was dissuaded by his slow pace. The fourth time was because the child was not at home, which was a serious drama. Huang, opened it again and looked at it, and brushed it twice. The plot of the whole drama is gradually getting better and more climaxes. Except for the CG special effects, they are all exquisitely exquisite. The character design, pure love, soundtrack, storyboarding, acting, details, light and shadow effects are all first-class. Especially Zhang Luyi's performance added a lot of color and highlights to the play. It is said that he used to be a drama actor. I have always liked drama actors. They are all acting schools. The performances are very delicate and worthy of savoring. In short, even if he is still the protagonist, the Japanese is cute, inexplicably CP, and very good.

The 10 best spy war dramas of domestic word-of-mouth, 'Kite' missed the top five, and deserves the first place - Lujuba

4th place in "The Conspiracy" Douban 8.9

Liu Yunlong deserves to be the godfather of spy warfare. His work is thought-provoking and memorable. Conspiracy is a classic among the classics. Huang Yiyi is basically the pinnacle of domestic spy war dramas, and Liu Yunlong is also No matter how good the number is, it is no longer able to surpass the TV series of the year. The facts show that it has long been overwhelming. And this drama shows the ugliest and darkest side of ordinary people’s hearts. The sense of age and space is very good, the supporting roles are also very good, the lines are also good, the light and sad music conveys the spirit of ideals and beliefs. It's worth looking back, and it's worth learning from TV people today! It is not an exaggeration to call it the originator of the spy war drama!

fifth place "No War in Peking" Douban 8.9

was really obscure at first, and it looks really good after seeing it! Anyone who can play the leading role is all gathered in one play, which is too happy for the audience. I am surprised every time I unlock a new character. Mulan really failed, no wonder Liu Ye always said that this character is good-looking and hard to work with. Wang Kai's Fang Mengwei, an energetic young man, is sincerely patriotic and loves his family. He puts all his heart into the person he loves, but his cousin is blind. Meng Wei asked Zeng Da that the scene was too fun, and I couldn't help but applaud him! Wang Kai's acting skills are all able to sustain him, and he doesn't appear in a group of big names. Relatively speaking, Liu Ye's role setting is not pleasing, and his acting is generally unpleasant.

Sixth place, "Kite" Douban 8.8

, the end of the drama, I can’t calm down for a long time. How did Devil Six go from the handsome, resourceful and resourceful brother to the lame and hump-back rightist Zhou Zhigan, what changed him, In other words, what made him betray his brother who was willing to die for him without hesitation, and let him endure decades of hardship. The answer is undoubtedly faith. That kind of deep-rooted faith can't be shaken by any force, regardless of its worth. Six brothers feel relieved! The most enjoyable scene in the whole play is that the sixth brother Shantianhu slapped Pang Xiong and dared to fight against the sixth brother.Just looking for death!

, the seventh place in "The Pretender" Douban 8.5

just finished the play for the second time some time ago. I was full of emotions and couldn't calm down for a long time. There are so many characters I like, Minglou, Mingcheng, Wang Tianfeng, Man Li, and even the villain Wang Manchun and Director Liang, they are also full of flesh and blood. And after the first ten episodes, starting from the 16th episode, it turned out to be exciting. However, even the spies and the plot in the play are still too trifling, and the attractive passion will lose its excitement once again. The script is too weak and the plug-ins are too obvious. If the Chinese agents are all Mingtai's IQ, it is really worrying. But looking at the well-made and strong cast, you must give 4 stars.

eighth place "Cliff" Douban 8.3

"Cliff" This series will show spy warfare, love, affection, belief, human nature and conflicts between them. Cause people to think deeply. The protagonist Zhou Yi is not brave and invincible, but the protagonist lives in fear everywhere, such as standing on the edge of a cliff, this description is more realistic. The final ending is not a happy ending, but the protagonist sadly shot by the spies. The handling of this tragedy adds to the sigh. In addition, each character in the play has distinct characteristics. Zhang Jiayi played Zhou Yi, who is calm, witty, and cautious, and has a good reputation in the spy circle. Even if there are still some flaws, but the overall flaws are not concealed, it is totally worth the second brush!

The ninth place "Mask" Douban 8.0

"Mask" is undoubtedly one of the few boutiques in the spy war drama, the unique perspective of the secret agent, the drama of the major dramas, and Li Chunqiu's choice of faith, whether family responsibilities Carrying on, the various struggles and choices between how emotions belong, and the script is generally logical, it is a rare play. However, there are still some flaws in the plot and details in the play, so that I personally feel that it is one step behind the classic spy war dramas such as "Latent" and "Kite" that are in line with realistic logic, but the story is still quite exciting. Yes, it is worth seeing.

The tenth "Informer" Douban 7.7

Liu Yunlong is more and more sophisticated, witty and calm, has completely separated from the previous dramas, especially in the "Blood Mist" in the pretense and exaggeration, making the image of Long Fei more three-dimensional , Has become a real policeman with both wisdom and courage. The "face change" translated by Zhang Jia is refreshing. His old-fashioned and kind face has become established, but the role of Du Shengkui this time is really amazing. He gave full play to the characteristics of his image, and completed the gradual transformation of his face with the depth of the plot, allowing people to see the cunning and vicious Du Shengkui hidden in the simple and honest. In addition, the confrontation between Long Fei and Du Shengkui embodies the head-to-head and psychological confrontation between the two of their wisdom, ability, method, and technology, which is exciting and fascinating.

Do you have any other opinions and comments on the above ten domestic classic spy war dramas? The code word is not easy, welcome to follow, like, leave a message to discuss.

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