The movie "Why Home", may every child in the world be treated tenderly.

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In the

movie "Why Home" I don't know what mood the homeless boy left home to come to the playground, maybe there is sadness or joy. Should he be happy? He is going back home to get some things, so maybe he will have a chance to go to heaven. Heaven, a heaven where every child can grow up healthy and happy. Maybe he is also very happy. The

The movie 'Why Home', may every child in the world be treated tenderly. - Lujuba

movie started when the boy rushed to the place he called home and went straight to find his documents. The person he called his mother came out, and he was swearing at him again, and the boy was already quite familiar. Just yelling, I'm looking for my stuff. The woman he called his mother spoke mockingly to the man he called his father. The man he called his father suddenly went crazy. He dragged him to the cabinet and found a bunch of things from the cabinet. He said there were all kinds of things here, and there were documents that would allow him to go to jail, but there was no mine. Certificate, and there is a new certificate here—a death certificate.

The movie 'Why Home', may every child in the world be treated tenderly. - Lujuba

​​wait, death certificate, who died? Only then did the boy notice the repressed pain on the face of the woman I called my father and he called his mother. Strange, will they suffer too? This family has experienced so much pain, he thinks pain is our daily life. He looked around, and soon he realized that it was Sara, his lovely Sara, and his sister was dead. That disgusting man killed Sara.

The movie 'Why Home', may every child in the world be treated tenderly. - Lujuba

Then the boy angrily took the knife and rushed out. He wanted to kill the bastard, but unfortunately, he only stabbed the man in the leg. The damn man is still alive and well, just, just need to do The wheelchair recovered after a while. The boy hated myself, why didn't he grow taller, why didn't he grow stronger, why his knife couldn't be more lethal. Although he had no morality, he knew that he had killed someone with a knife, and even though the person did not die, he would pay for it, so he was caught and prosecuted.

Then the man and the scumbag went to court. Did the man use my Sarah as a plant? He actually said that she has already blossomed, she has blossomed, and she is so young and young, she hasn’t seen this world before. Died. The boy couldn't control his emotions and yelled at the scumbag in court. He said, my grandparents lived like this for generations, and my mother-in-law, she got married at such a young age, but she is also living healthy now. Yes, my ancestors have lived like this for generations, is that right? Is it true that tradition must be right? What they said sounds so reasonable, and their lives seem so natural.

is rare, is this right? The boy vaguely felt that this was wrong, but he still couldn't escape with Sara, so Sara died and he left. If he doesn't leave, he is afraid that he will watch his sisters step onto Sara's old path one by one. If they are lucky enough, they will repeat the life of the person we call a mother again, marry a man, make a living half-dead, give birth to a group of children, and sell them or give them to others when they grow up. If they are not lucky, they will die at the hospital door at a young age like Sara.

no matter what kind of fate, he felt extremely miserable when he thought of it. This is a strange circle that makes people fall deep in the mud, but it cannot be changed. Except for the executioner who directly caused all this, the boy's anger did not know where to go. Is it war? Is it religious belief? In short, everything the boy couldn't break free. When the boy appeared in court again, the aunt in the prison saw him. When he ran away with the shackles, the aunt's hoarse shouts came from behind. He could hear that she was asking where Jonas was. ? Yeah, what should his Jonas do?

Tags: movie