Dance Drama "Carmen"

movie 2484℃

Granada, Spain flamenco dance drama


Dance Drama 'Carmen' - Lujuba

Performance location: Beijing Tianqiao Art Center

Ticket price: 99/180/280/480/680/880/1080

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comes from the purest of southern Spain, exuding the most mysterious atmosphere of its birthplace, and the most agile flamenco at the foot. It is perfectly interpreted with a classic handed down "Carmen" ! Freedom and shackles, hope and fall, light and darkness, passion and desire, heaven and hell, loyalty and betrayal, interweave a classic story of love, hatred and hatred in the constantly changing dance steps of flamenco dancers. What is right? what is love? What is loyalty? Break the worldly perspective and explore a period of rational thinking in the flamenco dance steps

Dance Drama 'Carmen' - Lujuba

The purest, most authentic and most traditional flamenco dance steps will take you into the ancient southern Spanish town, passing through time and space , Cross the shackles of life to feel this artistic spirit from a foreign country. Enjoy a flamenco visual feast in the dancer's full strength and dynamic and static changes of dance steps.

Dance Drama 'Carmen' - Lujuba

The famous flamenco performing artist Javier Martos collaborated with the top team to create. Perfect interpretation of the most authentic Spanish style. Javier Martos focuses on the study of flamenco dance, while taking into account both traditional dance and Spanish dance. He has participated in many large flamenco festivals held all over the world and has a unique understanding of flamenco. . All the hard work has been devoted to the creation of "Carmen" and dedicated an unprecedented artistic feast to the audience.

​​The high-quality platinum version of the masterpiece led by the Spanish national flamenco master

comes from Gera, the birthplace of flamenco. Nada Flamenco Dance Company

Flamenco——Using the most intense language in the dance world to tell the pursuit of love and freedom

The contest between real desire and passion

A soul-destined dialogue

Granada, Spain The Ramenco Dance Company presents to you the immortal masterpiece "Carmen"

Carmen, who loves chic, passionately, and freely

is an unrestrained and unrestrained gypsy girl; this is half an angel and half a proud woman of the devil; This story of jealousy due to love and hatred due to jealousy was born out of the unruly and rebellious nature of the Gypsy nation. Only by using the Spanish national quintessence flamenco, this kind of dance with a subtle and poignant beauty in a strong emotional and powerful rhythm can accurately convey the essence of this story

"Carmen" is about such a love story

"Carmen" is a tragic love story that occurred in Seville, Spain in 1830. It tells the story of Carmen, a gypsy girl who is unfettered by nature, yearning for free love, tempting the young soldier Don Jose and making him fall in love. Afterwards, Don Jose fought with people for Carmen's violation of military discipline and became a deserter. Carmen led him to join the ranks of smugglers. However, Don Jose’s filial piety to his mother and the nostalgia for his military life in the past have created increasingly fierce conflicts with Carmen. Carmen empathizes and falls in love with the bullfighter Escamillo. Although Don Jose begged Carmen to return to his side, Carmen categorically refused, and the irrational Don Jose stabbed Carmen to death.

About the author

Prosper Merrime Prosper Merrime (1803~1870), French playwright and master of short stories; also a historian and archaeologist. Born in a family of painters in Paris. I originally studied law, but I have a stronger interest in Greek, Spanish, English, Russian and literature in these languages.

started writing at the age of 19. His works include the collected and published scripts "The Clara Gasul Drama Collection" (including five scripts) and the historical drama "Jacques", as well as the novel "Anecdotes of Charles IX" and short and medium stories. Novels "Mateo Fargone", "Capture the Bastion", "Taman Fruit", "Korumba", "Galman", "Il's Beauty", etc. In addition, there are also published travel notes "Navigation Notes" and publications on history and archeology.

​​Flamenco introduction

flamenco is a kind of comprehensive art in Spain. It originated from the gypsy culture and integrates dance, singing and instrumental music., A unique form of expression is combined with two diametrically opposed emotions of tranquility, femininity and fanaticism. Gypsies live without a fixed place, are born full of love, and have deep love and hatred. Their dances also coexist quietly and unrestrainedly: men dance with strong and powerful steps and clear rhythms; women are graceful and tender, and extremely seductive. The emotions expressed in dances are often pure, extreme, and even contradictory: the male and female dancers are detached; there is enthusiasm between the limbs, but the facial expressions are lonely and painful... You can only taste this when you have seen this dance in person. taste.

and "Carmen" is a classic and famous dance drama in flamenco.

Flamenco Dance Company of Granada, Spain

Professional art performance group

Opera "Carmen" transplanted into the flamenco version of "Carmen"

integrates music, dance, singing, and instrumental music in one

Strong sense of rhythm and unrestrained dance style , Enthusiasm, stretch and grace

has great appeal

2500 performances from countries around the world

introduction of the troupe for a long time

introduction of the troupe

Granada Flamenco Dance Company Its predecessor is the Granada Dance Company , Was founded in 2003 by Mario Maya, and later Nacho Martín took over as the head. The Flamenco Dance Company of Granada brings together many famous dancers and choreographers. Among them, the famous dancer and head Javier Martos has many masterpieces such as "Perspective", "Melting Pot", "Architect's Perfume" and "Carmen". And "Carmen" has gathered many outstanding veteran dancers, Estefanía Martínezy Raimundo Benítez, Kika Quesada and others. The

Granada Dance Company was born to break the traditional Spanish national dance-flamenco's single dance form for many years. Therefore, the magical colors, rhythm, emotion, dynamism, beauty, harmony and charm of the newly born Flamenco Dance Company of Granada all define true art.

has many years of rich experience, continuous exploration and full preparation, and has created a peerless masterpiece of art. Since its establishment, in addition to busy touring activities, the Granada Flamenco Company has also devoted itself to Spanish dance teaching, teaching Spanish dance, Bolero and flamenco. In addition, he also created a large number of excellent works of art. Since its establishment,

has participated in the Andalusia Flamenco International Dance Festival every year and has won many titles. As a representative of the dance company, he went out to communicate and spread the most authentic flamenco dance, allowing Japan, Korea, Russia, Europe and many other countries to experience the beauty of flamenco's unrestrained, passionate and unruly dance. .

The flamenco drama "Carmen" in Granada, Spain.


The first scene

In a month of breezy night, Carmen met with a witch to foretell her future. The witch looked at the card and told Carmen her The future will be related to love, betrayal, and jealousy.

In a square in Seville, people ushered in the morning, men were talking and laughing, women were whispering, and when the soldiers appeared, the street suddenly became silent. A female tobacco worker approached Jose, the head of the soldier, and sold cigars to him.

After a while, Carmen, a gypsy girl who was jealous of the neighborhood, appeared. Carmen noticed that the female tobacco worker was talking to Jose, the captain of the soldiers, so she drove her away with threats.

Carmen started flirting with Jose but was interrupted by the sound of a horn. Soon the soldiers came, and soon the bell rang, indicating that the working time of the tobacco factory was up.

The second

tobacco factory female workers began to work in the factory. The biggest entertainment of their work is to dance with songs from time to time. While dancing and singing, Carmen clashed with another female tobacco factory worker, and the soldiers came to arrest She was released by Jose, and the other soldiers wanted to continue the arrest, but Jose stopped her.

Jose was arrested and imprisoned for releasing Carmen. In prison, when I recalled Carmen, I realized that what I did was because I fell in love with Carmen.

In the fourth scene of

in a country pub, men and women are flirting, dancing and singing. Driven by love, Jose looking for Carmen suddenly appears. When the horn sounded, Jose was about to return, but was persuaded by Carmen to leave the regiment and joinThe smuggling ranks where Carmen is located.

The fifth game

is in a cave where smugglers meet. Carmen thinks about introducing Jose to his friends. Suddenly Carmen’s husband Turdo appears. The atmosphere became awkward, after a while. Turdor started playing cards with Jose, and while playing cards, Turdor and Jose had a dispute, and finally Jose killed Turdor with the assistance of Carmen. But because of this, Carmen began to resist Jose.

In the sixth game of

, Carmen flirted with the bullfighter in the bullfighting square. Jose, who was looking for Carmen, appeared at this time and happened to meet Carmen kissing the bullfighter. Later Jose went to the church and asked the Virgin to forgive the souls of his loved ones, but Jose finally had to kill his loved ones by himself.

Javier Martos as Don Jose

Javier Martos was born in Reus (Tarragona) and began to chase flamenco dance at the age of 9. He has been on stage with many famous artists, such as Fonsanta "Monita", Juan Ramirez, Parisia Guerrero, Enrique "Estre Madura", Mara Martin ,... He has also performed in major festivals such as the Flamenco Festival in Geneva, Cheer on Spain in South Africa and the Cavern Festival in Granada.

He was also a member of major theater companies, Maria Carmen Fraca’s Spanish Classical Dance and Flamenco Dance Company, Carlos Wilan Theater Company, Rafael Aguilar Flamenco Ge Dance Company, or Maria Carrasco’s Flamenco Dance Company, in which he participated in the play "Carmen" as a soloist. As a dance teacher, he teaches at the Cuevas del Carmen School in Granada and also teaches all over the world, including China, Taiwan, Russia, Ukraine, Estonia, Germany, France, Hungary, Norway, Mexico...

In his resume, as a choreographer, he has many solo performances, which are "views", "mixes" and "essence of an architect". The last performance was a collaboration with master Antonio Canales as a choreographer. At the same time, he also participated in the performances of "Flamingo Dream" and "Dancing Life" as a choreographer, as well as the dubbing of "Monita" as a dance plus Funsanta.

Javier Serrano as Turdo

Javier Serrano’s grandparents are actors and actresses. They have been learning Spanish folk dance from an early age out of their own interest in art, especially the shoes of flamenco’s strong rhythm. I am particularly fascinated with art. I often immerse myself in the dance rehearsal hall and forgot to eat and sleep. I have laid a solid foundation in my teenage years. In the process of apprenticeship for many years, I have enriched my dance performance, and because of his soft personality. , The interpretation of specific roles in flamenco dance performances is shocking. He has performed a famous drama and has been on many international stages to bring it to the people all over the world. The passionate flamenco dance art brings the unique passion and struggle for life in such a dance.

In order to better feel the essence of flamenco, Javier settled in Granada, the hometown of flamenco many years ago, the small town where the Alhambra Palace where the twin kings of Spain settled in the 15th century. Feeling the breath of flamenco art in this small city, absorbing the essence of flamenco, and adding his own hard work, Javier finally won the flamenco dance class after entering the dance scene for many years. It has a place, and is constantly committed to spreading this art, and presenting the wisdom of the Spanish people to people all over the world who love art.

Bequena Ayres Carcia as Carmen

started her dance career when Bequena was eight years old, and learned from Sharo Cruz, Javier La Torre, Antonio Canales , Isla El Galvin, Alexander Granada and Eva Iel Babuena and others. At the age of 12, Beckerna won the first prize at the Atlantic Ballet Competition and participated in the dance drama "The Flamenco Road" choreographed by Sharo Cruise.

In 2003, under the sponsorship of the Andalusian Tourism Board, Bequena held a European tour and performed on behalf of Cadiz in the "Berlin Flamenco Competition". In the same year, Bequena, as an invited guest, performed the dance "Carmen" with the Monaco Ballet at the Seville Loped Theater. Afterwards, he went on a tour of "Carmen" in Italy.

200For 4 years now, Becina has been the main dancer of many famous flamenco dance dramas, such as Barcelona's "Cordoba", Madrid's "Old Woman Selling Coal" and "Rose Villa", Tokyo "Flamenco" and "Desert" of Seville, "Flamenco Show" and "Windmill".

In November 2013, Alsay won the Outstanding Artist Award at the 14th "Cadiz Annual Evening Party".

In October 2014, Bequena participated in the dance drama "Blood" directed by Adela and Rafael Capallo, and performed at the Flamenco Dance Festival in Saville, in the same year, Yu Ailai An unforgettable performance was once again presented in the Zi Dance Festival.

In October 2010, Beckerna performed the dance drama "Overview" featuring "autobiographical and affectionate", which was the first dance drama to be presented in montage. The play was performed in the 21st Century Flamenco Show held in the Central Hall of Cadiz to celebrate Pepa’s 200th anniversary. Later, the play was performed again at the 17th Flamenco Dance Festival in Zamora.

In March 2014, in the "near" tour held at the Bosco Theatre in Mostoles, Arte participated in the premiere of "Flamenco on Stage", the play is still a montage show A dance drama with a storyline.

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