High-scoring movie "Bitter Moon": From falling in love to killing each other, why can't intimate relationships end in one

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01 The beginning of romantic love movie "Bitter Moon" tells the emotional entanglement between Oscar and Mimi. Oscar is an unwilling writer who insisted on writing for eight years without publishing an article. He was seriously frustrated and wandered the streets of Paris. On the 96 bus, he met Mimi, and with only one glance, he seemed to see heaven. From then on, he didn't know how to eat and couldn't sleep at night, as if he had been hooked by Mimi. He searched hard and finally ran into Mimi again in the small restaurant. This time he would never let her go again. After the pursuit, the two quickly ignited a raging fire. "Relying on love and moldy croissants, they did not go out for three days and three nights." Mimi could not bear the moment of separation from him, quit her job and stopped chasing her dream. Her dream is to become a dancer, but her dream is usually far away, how can it be easily achieved. Mimi is unfortunate. She met Oscar on the way to chase her dream. She naively thought that Oscar was her home, but she forgot that she was. She began to sink, taking love as all of her life, and her life only revolved around Oscars.

High-scoring movie 'Bitter Moon': From falling in love to killing each other, why can't intimate relationships end in one - Lujuba

At first, like most couples, they had endless romance and passion, and Oscar thought he had found heaven. In romantic love, both parties in love see each other's good, as the so-called "beauty in the eyes of lovers". What he did was right, and he was fascinated by her smile. At first they were each other's ideal companions, but heaven and hell are often between thoughts, romance and passion retreat, only to find that the original gorgeous robe is full of lice. 02 Too humble love Love and possessiveness are twin brothers, and the deeper the love, the stronger the possessiveness. The perfect love between Mimi and Oscar gradually disintegrated from a party. Oscar's instinctive intimacy with a strange woman aroused Mimi's disgust. She deliberately became intimate with a strange man in an attempt to anger Oscar. However, her actions only disgusted Oscar and backfired. From then on, the two of them were tired of seeing each other, and started quarreling about all kinds of trivial matters, and even fought. Mimi laughed at Oscar for not having good works, and Oscar hated Mimi for not being able to excite him. Their love is like a frustrated ball, no matter how hard they are, they can't go back to the past. Oscar lost interest in Mimi, he began to get tired of this kind of life, and proposed to break up with Mimi.

High-scoring movie 'Bitter Moon': From falling in love to killing each other, why can't intimate relationships end in one - Lujuba

At this time, Mimi has already lost herself, she crawls at his feet and pleads, "Don't abandon me, don't drive me away". No matter how Oscar mocked her, humiliated her, trampled on her, she insisted on staying. She said: "I can't live without you." As long as she can stay with Oscar, she is willing to give up everything and even tolerate Oscar's dealings with other women. Later, she became pregnant, but Oscar asked her to get rid of it. He told Mimi to take her to another place to live. Mimi didn't have the slightest doubt. She thought that she saw the dawn of love and finally paid off for her efforts. She even began to dream about a better life in the future. In this way, she was tricked by Oscar into getting on the plane, and was thrown into a remote and unfamiliar place like a cat or dog. The saddest thing in life is that you treat him as the whole world, and he just wants to escape the world with you. Mimi is so humble in love, because in love she gave up growing up, she gave up being a better self, so that she couldn't do without Oscar. 03 Mr. Lu Xun, a woman destroyed by love once said: "Tragedy is to destroy the most beautiful things for others to see." When love is extreme, Oscar turns into a scumbag. "If she really likes hell on earth, I will do my best to make her worse than death." He really did his best to hurt her. She used to be her heaven, but he had the heart to let her suffer in hell. Oscar became a scumbag through and through. He said that he abandoned Mimi in order to gain the entire forest. He is too free and too indulgent. Finally one day, bad luck came to the door, he was in a car accident, lying on the hospital bed, then Mimi appeared. After being discarded, Mimi worked as a waiter in a restaurant. The manager found that she could dance and recommended her to work in a nightclub. She met a good man, and her life had a chance to change. However, she was still struggling with Oscar's harm to her, she came to Oscar's bed with flowers in hand. She misses her old love, come to visit her old lover? No, she is here to retaliate. Oscar was only slightly injured and not paralyzed. Driven by hatred, Mimi threw him off the hospital bed and paralyzed her lower body.

High-scoring movie 'Bitter Moon': From falling in love to killing each other, why can't intimate relationships end in one - Lujuba

From then on, she can guard him forever, she still loves him, but this kind of love is too distorted, how can there be happiness if a man who has abandoned himself is tied to his body. Mimi gave birth to hatred because of love, and stopped enjoying love because of hate. She was immersed in revenge against Oscar. How could she be fast?fun. Oscar said: "I can't give her happiness, but I can't deprive her of the right to be happy." As everyone knows, Mimi had already lost the right to love when she was thrown away by him. "Just entangle with the evil dragon, and you will become the evil dragon." Mimi became another Oscar, a scum girl through and through. Oscar pulled the trigger and they went to destruction. How fierce and beautiful love was once turned into a tragedy on earth? 04 Reasons for Love Tragedy A mature love has to go through four stages, interdependence period, contradictory latent period, relative independence period and peaceful symbiosis period. Interdependence period: Due to a certain attraction to each other, the two quickly fall into love, are addicted to each other, full of longing for the opposite sex, see each other's advantages, and can't wait to linger with each other 24 hours. Contradiction Latent Period: At this stage, passion and curiosity gradually fade, and they begin to seek their own space and no longer enjoy being dominated by the other party. Contradictions and misunderstandings begin to arise, and timely and effective collaboration is crucial. Relative independence period: This stage is a big test of love. After this stage, the relationship between the two parties will qualitatively fly. Everyone is an independent individual, eager to be respected and understood, and hope that the other party can give more space. Plain symbiosis period: At this stage, love has entered a mature and stable state. You have me in you, and I have you in me. Mutual understanding, mutual support, mutual trust, and ability to deal with problems in communication rationally and grow together. Obviously, Oscar and Mimi went through the interdependence period of love, romance, and passion, but they stumbled during the conflict period.

After the fusion of love, he cannot return to the individual normally. Oscar is tired of the current life, and even more tired of Mimi; Mimi cannot be separated from Oscar and be herself. For most couples or couples, the hidden period of contradiction and the period of relative independence are obstacles. After experiencing passionate love, the contradiction becomes prominent and even escalates step by step until they part ways. In this relationship between Oscar and Mimi, Mimi lost herself, and Oscar became her life's bondage; when Oscar realized that she had lost her freedom, she tried her best to escape, but never escaped from Mimi's control. There is me in you, no distinction between you and me, but there is still you and me. Without an independent personality, love will only become a burden. 05 Losing yourself is the biggest disaster in an intimate relationship. Love is like a bottomless lake. People in love wander in the lake. However, the deeper you love, the deeper you are likely to fall. In the end, you can’t help yourself. . Men and women in love often encounter such situations, and it is easy to lose themselves in love. He originally had an independent personality, once he fell in love, he would not compromise and lose himself step by step. Especially when the other half leaves, they will be at a loss and even don't know how to continue life, just like Mimi, even if they are discarded, they will return to Oscar. Everyone is an independent individual, even if they are in love or married, they still cannot change.

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