Chen Kun Zhou Xun’s fairy friendship is enviable, do you believe in pure friendship between men and women?

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Chen Kun Zhou Xun’s fairy friendship is enviable, do you believe in pure friendship between men and women? - LujubaChen Kun Zhou Xun’s fairy friendship is enviable, do you believe in pure friendship between men and women? - Lujuba

To talk about the "fairy friendship" of the opposite sex in the entertainment industry, Chen Kun and Zhou Xun must have names. The two never missed each other's birthday wishes, and would spare no effort to help propagate new works.

Chen Kun Zhou Xun’s fairy friendship is enviable, do you believe in pure friendship between men and women? - Lujuba

Chen Kun's sentence "You are the best, no doubt" touched many people. Such feelings are more loving than lovers and closer to relatives.

Sister Ba believes that many people can't help but ask: Is there such a sincere and pure friendship between men and women? After all, the interpersonal relationship between people is built on the basis of mutual attraction, and mutual attraction between the two sexes will inevitably produce other affections.

A classic love movie called "When Harry Meets Sally" is discussing this commonplace question. The film mainly tells the story of Harry and Sally developing from friendship to love. Through the different ways of thinking of men and women, people will finally have new thinking about the friendship or love relationship between the two sexes.

"When Harry Met Sally" (When Harry Met Sally) poster

was filmed 30 years ago, but the content and images are time-honored, and it is still full of charm and no sense of disobedience. The American sweetheart Meg Ryan played the leading role, and every frame is a walking romantic pictorial.

is like a portrayal of most people's lives, the hero and the heroine in the film go from being strangers to being friends to being lovers. In the process of getting along between the two, it is inevitable that there will be friction, and the ideological differences between men and women are the first fuse to bear the brunt. The director showed this difference through the lens in the first half of the film.

At the beginning of the film, the male and female protagonists were still tit-for-tat passers-by, but Harry gradually discovered that Sally had a unique attraction. But Sally felt that the compliment in Harry's mouth was a frivolous tease, and took the initiative to keep a distance from Harry. The theme that

has been discussing throughout the film was brought out, "Can a man and a woman be real friends?" Harry believed that there can be no true friendship between men and women. If a man and a woman are close, it means he There must be an attempt.

And Sally thinks that she is an example, she has many friends of the opposite sex who have a good relationship.

This exposes the difference in attitudes towards "sex" and "love" between men and women, so the two disagree and part ways.

Five years later, the two met unexpectedly at the airport. At that time, both parties had experienced different feelings and had their own partners, so Harry changed his mind. He felt that if the other half didn't mind, then there could be pure friendship between men and women.

Sally thought it was nonsense, and the two broke up again, and then they had no contact.

After another five years, both of them ended their romantic lives. The love-lost Sally and the newly divorced Harry reunited by chance in a bookstore. Both of them have matured and are no longer as willful and stubborn as before. This time Harry confessed that he already regarded Sally as a female friend who had no thoughts.

Since then, the contact between the two singles has gradually increased, and even agreed to make a date if both parties are single before Christmas.

but didn't dare to face each other's feelings. In order to avoid this situation, Harry and Sally both decided to introduce their friends to each other. Unexpectedly, the friends they brought to each other successfully held hands.

Actually, Sally expects from the heart that Harry can proactively break this disguised relationship, but Harry doesn't want to destroy the existing friendship, so Sally finally leaves in an argument.

On the night of New Year's Eve, Harry finally saw his heart and his love for Sally. His confession of true affection not only touched Sally, but the sweet lines became a classic film and television clip.

I love you when it’s 71 degrees Fahrenheit outside and you still have a cold,

I love you ordering sandwiches in half an hour,

I love being with you all day and I can smell your scent on my clothes,

I still love You are the last person I want to talk to every night before going to bed.

It’s not because I’m alone or on New Year’s Eve,

I’m here because if you realize that you are going to be with someIndividuals spend the rest of their lives together,

and you will think that the sooner you can start the rest of your life, the better. The

classic is a classic because the content of the film can constantly arouse people's resonance and thinking. As shown in the movie, it is very likely that men and women will be attracted to each other because of mutual appreciation.

Although Harry and Sally had a happy ending, satisfying the audience’s fantasy of a good ending, they also answered the questions discussed in the film. At least Harry and Sally are not completely pure friendship. The two people have become after 12 years of acquaintance. Mate. Sister Ba can't help being curious:

Do you believe that there will be pure friendship between men and women?

Do you mind if the other half has a good friend of the opposite sex?

What's interesting is that Sister Ba’s fan group discussed this topic very intensely after learning about this topic, and they contributed their own analytical answers, but there is no unified answer to this question.


There will be pure friendship between boys and girls. I met him in junior high school, and I recognized him as a god brother. My temper was not very good. For a while, I ignored him inexplicably. It was a bottleneck for two people to make friends! After

, he kept coming to me and asked me why I ignored him and never gave up, to restore our friendship.

Then he celebrated my three-year birthday in high school. I also wanted to come and accompany me on my birthday when I was in college. I thought it was not easy for him to go back and forth and refused, but he would send birthday wishes and red envelopes on time. I went to his school when he took a graduation photo from college. Since his friend slept in his dormitory bed, he didn’t want to open another room and sleep in the same bed with me for one night. There was nothing wrong for the night, but five nights the next day. Get up at half past to help him make-up, it's hard!


I think yes. I’m the kind of person who has a good time and we become brothers. I am also very calm about talking about his girlfriend with a friend of the opposite sex, and I can also make an appointment for dinner with three people (and generally I also become friends with the woman).

But I will accept it in front of the person I like. I usually have a lot of words in front of the person I like. I am so nervous that I don't know what to say in front of the person I like.


I believe yeah, there is a high probability that gay male girlfriends can be friends with girls. There is no interest involved, and the taste is quite good and they can be sisters for a long time.

But there are also some straight men who can be friends with women, but there are a few couples around them who have changed from friendship for more than ten years to love, so if it is not a gay group, the attraction of opposite sex is still very mysterious and normal.


I think there is a pure friendship between men and women, but when one party has the other half, this friendship is difficult to maintain.


some and some! I have a very good friend of the opposite sex. The National University of Science and Technology published a paper in a well-known American physics journal when I was in high school. Although it was super excellent, it never showed up.

The two of us are that kind of super good pure friendship. He will be lost in me. Time to guide me, two people are always talking and can’t stop. I feel that two people have endless words and I am the most real one in front of him. I’m so lucky I have such a confidant

just before my college entrance examination. It’s very painful and perplexed from the model to the fourth model. He enlightened me patiently. "You think the college entrance examination is very important, but it is a hurdle. After you step over and look back, it's actually nothing. Life is very long and many things. You have to spend time. The axis is stretched to see.” After my college entrance examination, I wanted to go to the class when I filled my volunteers, but my family asked me to report to Nantah. He told me: “Go your own way and walk your own way”


Friendship between men and women should exist in the following three types:

first: girls can be buddies with boys, and brothers are not trivial, or boys are gay and girlfriends of girls;

second: I think it’s all or never To pierce this relationship, don’t say if one is killed and don’t admit it;

Third: I have always wanted to be good friends with her/him, because the lover may break up after breaking up. If you keep being friends, you can cherish this. Friendship.


This kind of feeling is too difficult to identify. When

was a student, since elementary school, a friend has always been a classmate. Parents are friends and we have a good relationship. Later in middle school, we are in the same class. It's really an iron buddy. He writes a love letter and I help him pass it. Who I like, he helps me find out.

Later, after breaking up with his girlfriend, he played with a group of very social girls. After persuading him a few times, the group of girls found out and was verbally violent. Because I was with a friend of his, he told me Cheating.

I know very clearly in my heart that I only liked my boyfriend at the time, but he believed it and thought I liked him. Later, after graduating from university, they were all different, and now I have no contacts anymore. I don’t regret losing a friend, but unfortunately The years of innocent friendship and mutual trust when I was a child are no longer


I mind if my significant other has good friends of the opposite sex. I am also sure that there is pure friendship between men and women because I have experienced good friends of the opposite sex, but I need a good bottom line and restraint. I can hold my bottom line, but I don’t believe anyone can.

Friends of the opposite sex are not mandatory. Sometimes they are caused by work. If nothing happens, I will not take the initiative to make friends of the opposite sex.


I mind, I don’t think there is pure friendship between men and women. I can only say that relatively speaking, it is impossible for both parties to have no unreasonable desires for each other. It is only because of more love for each other. Restraining yourself from choosing to wait silently


The pure friendship between men and women from beginning to end may be really difficult to achieve, and one of the two parties is always silently suffering from unspeakable feelings.

But I also have a very strong male friend. We have known each other for 7 years and grew up with each other. Most of the time, it may only take the beginning of a sentence to understand the feelings of the other person. He had a girlfriend, and I had a boyfriend, but this did not hinder our relationship at all.

For words like friends and girlfriends, I think family members are more suitable for him. With him, I can always feel at ease. I can go out without an umbrella, remember the way, or wash my hair, and go shopping with him. If someone likes a rainbow, then he is my glow. I hope that we can always have each other by our side, and the relatives in the house.


I don’t believe in pure friendship between men and women.

now has a boyfriend, but he has a good friend of the opposite sex. The opposite sex friend knows that I have a boyfriend, but the boyfriend doesn’t know that I have this opposite sex friend.

and her boyfriend have only met for two months, and we went away twice after being together. I am not sure about our relationship, whether I love him or not. Although I am immersed in the love between us, sometimes he makes me think of him. I don’t love me, many small details, a little bit sad.

I often have no idea what to say when I call

. I think it’s good to feel each other’s existence in this way, but he doesn’t think so. We have communicated with each other; I can actually say everything with that friend of the opposite sex. And when I chatted with him, I was very happy and I felt very happy. I would never be embarrassed because I didn’t know what to say, because I always had a lot of thoughts when I talked to him. Even if I didn’t talk, I felt each other’s existence doing my own thing. We are also very happy, we all miss each other and don't want each other to hang up.

called that friend of the opposite sex yesterday to ask him why he is like this, is it because I love him? He didn't say, he said that would be too narcissistic. In fact, we have been in contact and even called in March and April. At that time, we felt very happy. Needless to say, I like you, and without waiting for the phrase I like you, I can feel that I like you and you like me.

I know that there is a problem between my boyfriend and me. When I can’t get anything from him, I want to look for my friend or someone of the opposite sex. I think I’m on the verge of cheating and I’m going to cheat. , As long as my boyfriend disappoints me a little bit more, I may step out. I should rethink our relationship.

On the question of "whether there is pure friendship between men and women", there will never be a standard answer, because there are too many factors affecting the results.

Some people say "I don't believe there is, because there was a fact that broke my illusion." But there are also people who believe that this kind of friendship exists, becauseMaybe I am in such a precious relationship.

In fact, Sister Ba feels that this kind of pure friendship exists, but whether she has met or not, does not mean that the fact does not exist.

Whether it is friendship or love, it is essentially due to the mutual attraction and appreciation of two people. If love is to make this kind of friendly relationship more in-depth and progressive, then friendship stops at a certain stage. The so-called estrus, only ritual, is the best interpretation of pure friendship. There is a word in

that may better explain such a state: "Above AU, but not full of lovers". Fear of losing friendship, so restrain yourself in front of love; or enjoy this subtle and ambiguous atmosphere and choose to play dumb to the end.

Friendship and love may not coexist. Under the premise of not hurting other people's emotions, those who are afraid of missing out may try to boldly take that step. Sometimes the coexistence of friendship and love will be better. If

can't guarantee the future, maybe calm down and be friends is the best destination, don't blur the boundaries of friendship.

The caring and warm people around you are already a happy and lucky thing. Cherish the people around you, cherish the present, and let these loves become the most solid backing for your progress. ❤️

Tags: movie