American Hollywood star Jane Fonda: No one can be as famous in the world and rule Hollywood like her

movie 919℃

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famous Hollywood movie star Jane Fonda is an internationally renowned star. Her father Henry Fonda is an American monument and a movie icon. Jane Fonda undisputedly rules Hollywood and is the queen of Hollywood movies.

American Hollywood star Jane Fonda: No one can be as famous in the world and rule Hollywood like her - Lujuba

Hollywood’s past movie queen has never been born in a dynasty-like movie family like Jane Fonda, and no one can be so famous all over the world. This is what sets her apart from other stars.

Jane Fonda was born in a wealthy family in the United States on December 21, 1937. People called her "Mrs. Jane" when she was born. Her beauty is very different from the Hollywood stars introduced by the editor in the past. It should be said that her beauty is a kind of unruly beauty.

Jane Fonda’s performance is exquisite and exquisite, and she mainly starred in "Kate. Balu, "Barefoot in the Park", "Barbarella", "The Killing of Mercy" and "Lonely Youth", "Klut", "Golden Pond" and so on.

​​In 1971, Jane Fonda successfully played a prostitute in "Klut". With her superb acting, unrestrained and unique demeanor, she won the Oscar for Best Actress Award and successfully reached the pinnacle of artistic performance. .

Jane Fonda publicly stated that this is a film protesting the persecution of women, and said that “this system forces women to prostitution.”

In 1981, Jane Fonda and his father Henry Fonda jointly filmed a film called "Golden Pond". Jane Fonda has always wanted to make a film with his father. The film was a huge success, and she was nominated for Academy Awards at the same time as her father.

With Jane Fonda’s awakening and maturity in thought, and her struggle and experience in life, she has more depth and maturity in the performing arts, and her personal style is more unique. Her screen image is more prominent. Unique charm.

[text/poem green phoenix]

Tags: movie