Regarding the human nature in the dark mine, the movie "Blind Well" tells the appeal of interests from the bottom society

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Introduction: Miners are a high-risk profession. The hard working environment and extremely dangerous working conditions can be said to be a real life-to-profit. After the reform and opening up, with the country's construction, the demand for traditional coal energy has increased sharply. Driven by economic interests, countless private coal mines have spread all over the country. Without modern equipment and safety protection measures, only the hands of the miners and the simplest means of transportation, there is no guarantee for their lives. There is such a movie, which was filmed very early and was released in 2003. It truly described the living conditions of the early Chinese coal miners. This film reflects the social reality of that period very well. The title is "Blind Well". It is also the first personal film directed by Li Yang. Because the filming is too real, many people are unimaginable for the terrible bottom people, and they also understand such a sad industry. This movie can be regarded as a masterpiece of realism. It reflects a true story, and it tells more about human nature, which is shocking.

The film is adapted from the novella "Sacred Tree" by the famous writer Liu Qingbang, and the source of the subject matter comes from three mine fraud and murder gang cases that year. In order to shoot this film, director Li Yang can be said to risk his life threatening to visit most of China's coal mines, large and small, and devoted a lot of his efforts. Touching his conscience, let him persevere.

Due to the subject matter of the film, the film failed to meet the mainland audience, but this did not affect the huge influence of the film. It is precisely from the perspective of artistic aesthetics that the theme of the film is accurately grasped, which has made many people change their inherent impression of the bottom people. Of course, judging from the successful ending of the movie, whether it is from sympathy or conscience, it is commendable to be able to resolve the confusion and anger in the audience with a realistic style.

is just such a real and shocking Chinese film, telling us a heart-wrenching story in a realistic, sharp, and realistic style. Because it is too real, this movie has some controversies. From the perspective of the movie, it can be regarded as a successful work. Not only did Douban score up to 8.8 points, but also director Li Yang won the Silver Bear Award for Outstanding Artistic Achievement at the 53rd Berlin International Film Festival held in 2003 for this work, becoming the highest honor for mainland Chinese directors on the world film stage. The film

reflects the true status of the early coal mining industry. It reflects on human nature in the close connection between frequent mining disasters and criminal acts of money and death. It shows us another side of the world and is thought-provoking. The film

is a true portrayal of the miserable life of the miners, the bottom group of society, full of darkness in the depths of human nature and the awakening of conscience, more shocking details

Regarding the human nature in the dark mine, the movie 'Blind Well' tells the appeal of interests from the bottom society - Lujuba

a director with a moral conscience and a sense of social responsibility, even a bit paranoid, I filmed this drama with my life, and went deep into the unknown side of the bottom society, using documentary-style images to show scenes of the work and life of small coal mines and miners, which made people look both distressed and angry. In fact, the director has simply and directly recorded the miserable lives of the people at the bottom, without deliberately dealing with artistic effects, intuitively and realistically.

Numerous emerging small coal mines originally gave many miners the opportunity to earn money to support their families, but in the end they became a nightmare for many people. The conflicts of interest, together with the violation of moral conscience and violation of the bottom line of the law, became naked about the brutal human nature. Explore. It is like this sentence that is very apt to metaphor: it is the human heart that is darker than coal. The movie

Regarding the human nature in the dark mine, the movie 'Blind Well' tells the appeal of interests from the bottom society - Lujuba

is very pure from all aspects, experiencing the moment of survival and death in a dark mine from the perspective of a third party. The plot is not deliberately mysterious, flat and straightforward without deliberately sensational; the shooting method is based on the principle, and there are even few long shots; there are few traces of artistic processing, and the background music seems to be omitted. The gray color runs through it, just like the dark and dayless working environment of the miners brothers, monotonous and sad.

Weak life suddenly disappeared under a well-designed deception, and the body was buried in the coal seam, and the truth was hidden from then on. The director calls for the awakening of conscience with a stand that sympathizes with the weak and reflects reality, and uses obscure and forbearing lens language to guide people into the dark side of human nature. In the shocking details, the rough, cruel and dark side are highlighted.

The teenagers who escaped from the dead, the conscientious miners, and the conscientious accomplices formed a gambling game in the financial interests and the good and evil of human nature.The final destination with destiny

Regarding the human nature in the dark mine, the movie 'Blind Well' tells the appeal of interests from the bottom society - Lujuba

Wang Baoqiang plays the simple and ignorant boy Yuan Fengming in the film. After the ups and downs of fate, he is just one of the lucky ones among the countless innocent miners who died in the mine disaster. This movie is also Wang Baoqiang's first personal film. Under the youthful acting skills, the performance strength is gradually revealed, and it has shaped the image of a youthful and immature rural teenager. The ending of

Yuan Fengming who accidentally escaped and received the compensation made the audience feel a ray of hope in the depressed atmosphere of the whole film. This is also the hope that the director placed from sympathy and social responsibility and the beautiful future of the social reality Longing. Yuan Fengming's dullness and purity well reflect the various transformations of people in the first time in society, and also reflect the sinister heart of the cruel society.

Wang Shuangbao's Tang Chaoyang is a killer and idler in the movie. On the surface, he is a miner working in a coal mine, but secretly, he is a villain who kills people. His method of making money is very despicable, tricking others into working in small coal mines in the name of relatives, and then killing workers and misconducting the mine owner’s money for personal gain. This approach can be said to be devoid of conscience and humanity. His ending in the

movie is also expected. Good and evil will eventually pay off. He used to be used as a mine to frame others, but today is his burial place. It hurts others and ends up hurting oneself, and for the sake of money, it also takes one's life into it. The fate of this kind of person can't get anyone's sympathy. Wang Shuangbao's performance is remarkable, especially his Henan dialect.

Li Yixiang's Song Jinming can be said to be a contradictory role. He used to be an associate of Tang Chaoyang, and his hands were also stained with the blood of miners. But in the process of getting along with Yuan Fengming, he felt uneasy about what he had done, and finally made a conscience discovery, which indirectly contributed to Yuan Fengming’s accidental escape, and he died in the mine. The fate of the three main characters of

seems to confirm the ancient motto of the retribution of good and evil. In a certain sense, this is actually a gambling game about monetary benefits and the good and evil of human nature. Some people chase money and lose their lives, some people escape from the dead and regain a new life. This is the social drama that is constantly being staged every day. It is very real.

reflects on the reality of coal miners from the perspective of human nature, and expresses the interests of the bottom society in the sense of justice and social responsibility. It requires people’s respect and reflection.

​​Under the crazy mine, the evil of human nature is magnified and can be ignorant of conscience What kind of sorrow and anger is to do murders and scam money, and the perpetrators can try again and again one after another. They do not follow the rules, do whatever they want, and always hide in the dark. They have no professional ethics at all, and they will not be condemned by conscience if they go to eat, drink and play after the accident. After

went down the well, when the evil activities began to be carried out, the light of life became weaker and weaker like a miner's hat lamp. In the suffering, human nature was distorted and driven by the benefits of money, the darkness of the human heart and endless desires manifested vividly.

The gray and yellow hue shows the ragged, black and dirty miners in front of the camera. What they faced was not the bustling urban construction sites and rural fields, but the dark mines under the desolate and barren land. Here, the muddy air, the simple and primitive tools, and the claustrophobic workspace are frightening.

can only breathe fresh air before going down the well, you can see the light, simple safety facilities and extremely harsh and dangerous conditions, life and death appear to be impermanent and very small. There is no guarantee of life under the pursuit of economic interests. The indifferent expression on their faces is a longing for a better life in the future. In the ending of the

​​movie, such a scene is impressive. Yuan Fengming escaped from the mine to face the sun but could not open his eyes. Although the facial expressions and movements were a bit distorted, they were very real and natural. Working in mines tens of meters above the ground for a long time, they are particularly sensitive to light. They need to survive and breathe, but they are afraid of light stimulation, which is caused by the dark environment.

The practical significance of this film is to view the tragic fate of coal miners from a human perspective. The physical discomfort is the gradual erosion of human nature. People who are poor and short-sighted are doing things that trample on the bottom line of law and morality. It is true that there is still a little warmth embossed in this oppressive story of seeking wealth and killing, that is, Song Jinming's conscience awakening, which reflects the good side of human nature in his justice, conscience and social responsibility. The practical significance of the

film: the healthy development of the coal industry requires the supervision of functional departments, but also calls for social conscience and responsibilityI feel that we stick to the bottom line of morality and law, so that the tragedy will not repeat itself.

miners, as a high-risk occupation in the whole world, get high labor remuneration and mean the cost of physical strength and life. Work in a harsh and dim environment, and use the continuously mined coal resources to support national construction. In the entire society, the power and heat supply to thousands of households is the result of the hard work of the group of people behind risking their lives.

With the strong intervention and supervision of national functional departments, the safety facilities of mining enterprises have been continuously improved. With the emphasis on safety education, workers' safety awareness has been continuously strengthened, and the safety situation of the coal industry has been greatly improved from the early days. However, as a high-risk occupation, various accidents may still occur, and how to avoid major accidents as much as possible is what managers need to consider. The

era is progressing, and the quality of the people in society is constantly improving. Under the framework of legal and moral constraints, various illegal and criminal activities are also decreasing. However, human nature is divided into good and evil. As every social person, he should have a basic social conscience and sense of responsibility. The sinisterness of the human heart is not to make meaningless criticisms. It is more to strengthen each person’s own safety awareness. While advocating the truth, goodness and beauty of human nature, we must also be good at discovering the false, evil and ugly phenomena around us, and strengthen social awareness of prevention, so that all kinds of The tragedy will not repeat itself. The

movie "Blind Well" is an early realist Chinese masterpiece, using the most primitive lens to illuminate the darkness in the depths of human nature, without modification or concealment, reflecting the suffering and sadness of the bottom of society, and it is not known by the society. On the other side, it awakens the world and gives people a shocking reflection. The real lens reflects the sorrow of sinful humanity, but the director has shown integrity and perseverance emphasizing social responsibility in the proposition of human nature, making this excellent film real and touching. The loss of human nature is terrible, and only with a heart of good deeds and conscience can make this society a better place.

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