10 million per episode, making this movie the first in history

movie 229℃
After Netflix, Amazon and other platforms have made a lot of money, Disney, which has the largest copyright, has also launched its own Disney+.

includes 7,500 drama series, more than 500 movie copyrights, and major IP (especially Marvel) derivative dramas. Although

only opened the three countries of the United States, Canada and the Netherlands, but the registered users have exceeded 10 million, and even Disney's stock price has risen by more than 7%.

10 million per episode, making this movie the first in history - Lujuba

In order to start this video battle, Disney showed a big card as soon as it took the shot-

"The Mandalorian"

The Mandalorian

10 million per episode, making this movie the first in history - Lujuba

Since 1997, the "Star Wars" series has won 8.8 billion worldwide. Total box office.

Even if you haven't seen these works, you will certainly not be unfamiliar with the names of Jedi Knight, Lightsaber, and Luke Skywalker. It is undeniable that it is the largest series of IP in the history of science fiction.

10 million per episode, making this movie the first in history - Lujuba

The "Star Wars" trilogy has become a classic cultural symbol. In addition to opening the door to science fiction for countless people, it has also influenced master directors such as James Cameron and Peter Jackson.

Even in film and television works, there will be star wars elements from time to time, which shows its profound influence.

is like the fantasy of Princess Leia in "Friends",

or "The Big Bang Theory", Xie Er is the source of excitement and happiness.

​​Even if you’re a non-Star Wars fan, I’m afraid I’ve heard these two sentences more than once:

-The Force is with you

-I am your father

Therefore, as 's first "Star Wars" series live-action drama , "The Mandalorian" is facing the same attention and pressure. In addition, in recent years, Star Wars related film and television works have not been well-known, so before this new series was broadcast, there was a lot of bad news. Unexpectedly, the first episode of

was broadcast, and the praise was overwhelming. The word of mouth on Douban rose from 9.3 to 9.4, IMDb9.2 points, and Rotten Tomatoes 94%, which hit many people in the face.

Audiences who have never watched Star Wars do not have to worry. This new drama is very friendly to entry-level audiences, even if it is just a stake in the Star Wars family, it will not affect viewing.

As for the old fans, don’t worry, it perfectly reproduces the "soul" of the old Star Wars, and cue the classic elements from time to time, and the feeling cards are played properly.

————I’m the spoiler dividing line————The story of

starts with the overthrow of the Galactic Empire by the Jedi Legion and the establishment of a new republic.

At that time, the republic had not yet established a foothold, and the remnants of the empire were being abused everywhere, wherever they went, there was such a cruel scene. The male lead

​​is a Mandalorian, wearing a T-shaped helmet and wearing special armor.

, a warrior nation with all the people, because of their belligerence, they destroyed one of their own planets in the civil war.

After that, most of them appeared outside as mercenaries or bounty hunters. As a bounty hunter, the hero of

has a strong combat power. He takes over the task and fights monsters when he has nothing to do.

​​is just not paid too much.

On this day, the male protagonist took a large order, as the employer of the remnant of the empire, let him find the target and return with living creatures.

also promised to give him a lot of "Besca Metal" after the incident. (Commonly known as "mandala iron", a metal that is immune to lightsaber attacks)

halfway through, the male protagonist also encountered a robot with explosive combat effectiveness,

two "people" walking together.

After several twists and turns, the hero found that the target person was actually a baby.

The 900-year-old Master Yoda has become a 50-year-old baby Yoda?

​​is of course not. This is just a baby with the original force, who already has the ability to move things. His relationship with Master Yoda is also one of the pleasures of attracting audiences to follow the drama.

In the following story, he can still save the man's life at a critical moment.

The purpose of the remnant of the empire to find this baby is obvious, to revive the empire.

faces the 50-year-old baby Yoda, the robot will only execute instructions to attack and destroy.

Between the robot teammates and the target character, the hero of course chooses to kill the teammate.

And this little baby, he did not intend to give it to the employer.

What does he plan to do to revitalize his hometown?

According to the male protagonist, he is an orphan who grew up in troubled times and has become a bounty hunter who is now full of power. What happened to

? The employer of

also said to the male protagonist that “After a period of chaos, it is great to restore the natural order of things, don’t you agree?”

So when will the world return to normal? Or is there someone to change the status quo? In addition to the attractive story,

also interspersed a lot of cold and humorous points in the play. For example,

is a robot that needs to start a self-destructing program because of program settings, and

also has a male protagonist who seems to be a king but is actually abused into bronze.

In addition, the visual effect of "The Mandalorian" is gorgeous. The scene of

is cool, or it is the picture of the world and the wilderness like a movie still;

is the sense of sight full of the nostalgic style of old Star Wars.

plus powerful post-production technology, in scene rendering and CG special effects, will easily bring people into that fascinating world.

Whether it is this kind of fighting with monsters, exciting special effects scenes,

or this kind of real guns and live ammunition,

and even the rain of bullets from the first perspective, it can be seen that Disney has paid the money for this success.

It is reported that "The Mandalorian" is worth more than US$12 million per volume, and the investment for 8 episodes in a season is as high as hundreds of millions of US dollars . The cost configuration is more than that of a movie. The

production team is even more star-studded, not only invited the director of "Iron Man" Jon Feiru, the director of "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" Dave Filoni, and the director of "Thor 3" Taiga Widi In addition, Deborah Zhou of "The Coquettish Lawyer" and "The Hacker Legion" and Bryce Howard of "Jurassic World" participated in the production.

plays the faceless male protagonist, Pedro Pascal, who is known to the audience as the "Red Viper" Oberon Martel in "Game of Thrones".

doesn't say much about him in the play. Every time he relies on his force to brush his sense of existence, and in contact with others, he gradually improves everyone's understanding of him.

Jedi Knights, Resistance Army, clones, the former science fiction world, return to the audience's vision.

is full of feelings, the story is online, and special effects add points. This "Star Wars" is now in stock!

Tags: movie