Hayao Miyazaki heals the movie "My Neighbor Totoro", we all need a My Neighbor Totoro to bring the best childhood

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Hayao Miyazaki heals the movie "My Neighbor Totoro", we all need a Totoro to bring the most beautiful childhood

"My Neighbor Totoro" is directed by Hayao Miyazaki and released in 1988. This film Animated films have been loved by audiences all over the world since their birth. Although it was only released in China after 30 years, it did not affect its popularity. In 2018, it still got 170 million box office results when it was released in China. What is the magic that makes this simple old movie so popular today. The editor views this story from the perspective of adults and children.

Hayao Miyazaki heals the movie 'My Neighbor Totoro', we all need a My Neighbor Totoro to bring the best childhood - Lujuba

This is a family facing a difficult situation. I moved from a big city to the country. My father said it was to get closer to the nursing home and take better care of his mother. However, the journey to the hospital took three hours. Not close, so the editor thinks that the most likely reason is to treat my mother. The family fell into financial difficulties and was forced to move to a haunted house that was previously uninhabited. The house was dilapidated, with black dust everywhere, and there was a ghastly wind at night.

Hayao Miyazaki heals the movie 'My Neighbor Totoro', we all need a My Neighbor Totoro to bring the best childhood - Lujuba

But in the eyes of the sisters, the terrible haunted house has become a game place for adventure. The black dust is dust elves or coal bugs, which can be driven away by laughter. The eerie wind is probably the Totoro calling for the Bobcat bus, so the shabby and scary new home becomes a paradise of novelty and fun. When Xiao Mei in her childhood strayed into the jungle once, she might have lost her way, and finally fell asleep in the forest, having some strange dreams.

Hayao Miyazaki heals the movie 'My Neighbor Totoro', we all need a My Neighbor Totoro to bring the best childhood - Lujuba

In the eyes of adults, this may be a thrilling loss, because no one knows what dangers are in the jungle, but in the eyes of Xiaomei, this is an adventure to find My Neighbor Totoro. At last she fell asleep on Totoro's soft belly, and the terrible loss became a fantasy encounter. After school, the two sisters went to pick up their father from get off work. They stood in the dark and cold woods, waiting for every minute and every second, and Xiao Mei fell asleep on her back.

At that moment, Satsuki was so lonely and helpless, the rain kept falling, the rain dripping from the branches hit the umbrella, and when she was exhausted, a strong wind blew the umbrella away. In the dark forest and cold rainy night, I think this kind of waiting and situation may be an indelible shadow of any child's childhood. The director told us that My Neighbor Totoro will accompany you while you are waiting anxiously. The rain dripping on the umbrella is just a prank. Don’t worry if the wind blows away your umbrella, it’s just borrowed by My Neighbor Totoro.

It is traveling in the forest on a 12-leg bobcat bus. You can pick up some acorns by the side of the road. That is a gift from Totoro. After you get home, plant it in the ground. If it is too late Don’t worry if you don’t sprout, because My Neighbor Totoro will dance a prayer dance to your seed on a lively night. All the seeds will germinate overnight and finally grow into a towering tree. The little ones want to protect that little home, because in the heart of the child, that little home is the world.

​​If your sister is accidentally lost, you must tell Totoro, because it will call the Bobcat bus, take you to find your sister, and then you go together to give fresh corn to mother. But the real situation is likely to be that Xiaoyue found her sister after all the hardships. The journey must be full of fear, helplessness, regret, despair, etc., but the director told the audience that this experience was just a fantasy journey, those fears and There is no helplessness, only goodness and hope.

The old man in the palace has always had a childlike charm and a warm and soft heart. Everyone has a fear of the world in childhood, dust, wind, ghosts, night, raindrops or death, but all of this should have a more romantic Explain that the old man Gong used his gentle imagination to create a world of Totoro, turning our scary memories into beautiful memories. When I saw the sisters and My Neighbor Totoro praying for the big tree to rise from the ground, the editor felt inexplicably tight, and felt like I wanted to cry.

Looking back on the big fantasies in my childhood, I find that I have begun to resist those unrealistic fantasies. When you lose your imagination, you lose your childlike innocence. Perhaps this is why we need fairy tales. Because the world is objective, our perception of the world is subjective. Fairy tales are not deception. They are the perfection of our feelings about the real world, and those fairy tales that cure our childhood will eventually become a cure for our lives.

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