"Frozen 2": The family affection and profound meaning in the film left a deep mark on the children

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'Frozen 2': The family affection and profound meaning in the film left a deep mark on the children - Lujuba

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'Frozen 2': The family affection and profound meaning in the film left a deep mark on the children - Lujuba

Since the successful online seat selection and booking last night, the children can't sit still. Not only did I write down today’s time plan on the paper, but it was also full of small schoolbags to go out on my back, and I kept asking to see with my own eyes whether the scene we chose was full or not.

I am curious to ask the child: "Do you want the audience to be only you and your friends? Or do you want the audience to be full?" The

little guy told me: "Of course I look forward to the audience being full, such a good movie, everyone watch it together It's warmer!"

haha~ the little sentiment of childhood, don't look at the children, but they know everything. They are even better able to recognize good movies and have more beautiful small visions.

'Frozen 2': The family affection and profound meaning in the film left a deep mark on the children - Lujuba

So this afternoon, I prepared everything in order, took the child and her friends, and finished watching "Frozen 2" together.

For parents of us, the first impression is that this beautiful special effect can be called an exquisite work of art, and it is simply amazing. ~Of course, I am also looking forward to my child’s scoring of this movie, but before I can ask, I heard the child say: "It's so beautiful, can I watch it again tomorrow?"

is good, full marks are undoubtedly!

It can be said that the release of "Frozen 2" not only enriches the children's weekend, but also fills their spiritual world a lot~.

To be honest, during watching the movie, many children laughed from the heart because of some lovely plot pictures and dubbing of Xuebao. Of course, although Xuebao is cute and cute, he also said a lot of thought-provoking golden sentences about growth. It explores the true meaning of growth in a language that children can understand, making people laugh and feel that at the same time. The key to...

, ​​the emotional drama in the film, sisterhood, friendship, family affection, and the profound meaning of the film, also left a deep feeling for parents...

so this is not only for children A fairy tale, but also a realistic film for adults.

Yes, in order to find out the truth about the death of their parents and the origin of Aisha’s magic, Aisha, Anna, Kostov, Reindeer St. and Xuebao traveled far to the kingdom of Arendale and went to the north to find the two problems. answer.

don't know if others feel this way, but I will keep thinking in my heart that Aisha's power, in addition to magic, in addition to firm confidence, also comes from Anna's trust and love. What do you think?

In the film, Aisha is almost perfect. She combines beauty, wisdom, strength and love. She has guardianship and responsibility for her younger sister Anna, who is also brave, bright, cheerful, gentle and considerate. Anna will always stand up to help Aisha at the critical moment, and work with Aisha to maintain trust, resolve crises, and solve mysteries together. The sisters have a deep affection, which is clear at a glance.

Perhaps the most touching thing about this film is that it is not only the feelings, not only the ingenuity and special effects, but also "everything is spiritual", but also the deep affection and sentiment of this scene, and it helps children build self-confidence and self-improvement. Be firm in it!

family affection should not be a simple name for sisters, but the two sisters stand side by side, grateful to their parents and grow up with trust. Stand side by side with the outside world to solve all difficulties. Isn't it?


Finally, I want to say, how deep are the children’s feelings for Disney? Let’s just say

, ​​since the last time I bought it at Shanghai Disneyland, the child has been calling her baby... and looked through the travel photos again and again, and said more than once: "Wait for me, Disney, I will Go!"

The feelings between the children are the most delicate, simple, and affectionate. We must protect her childhood innocence!

Tags: movie