"Crash" conflict is the keynote of life, life in collision only has a taste

movie 1943℃

"Crash" is a crime film directed by Paul Haggis and starring Sandra Bullock, Don Chandle, Matt Dillon and others.

'Crash' conflict is the keynote of life, life in collision only has a taste - Lujuba

movie poster

set in the multi-ethnic and multi-cultural city of Los Angeles as the background, tells the story of some racial discrimination problems caused by a common crash. The theme of the story is that any behavior in American society will bear the mark of racial discrimination, which is the bane of civil unrest.

premiered in Canada on September 10, 2004. The film won the 78th Academy Awards for Best Picture. The movie

mainly tells: In just 36 hours, an unexpected car accident pushed a group of people who had never lived in Los Angeles before and after the incident into a domino-like emotional abyss.

District Attorney (Brandon Fisher) and his spoiled wife Jane (Sandra Bullock) were pointed at their heads with guns by two black guys, and they could only watch them take them away. Beloved SUV car. After returning home, Rick and Jane, who were still shocked, hired the Mexican locksmith Daniel to replace all the doors of their house with new locks, so as not to encounter the horrific experience of being robbed and robbed again, but Jane had no intention of When she caught a glimpse of Daniel's tattoo, she concluded that Daniel was also a gang member and would privately sell many keys to his accomplices. In fact, Daniel was only living hard and working hard, with a lovely and beautiful wife and daughter.

White Patrol Ryan (Matt Dillon) hopes to find better medical assistance for his chronically ill father, but the black staff of the HMO organization in charge of related matters are procrastinated, so that Ryan’s father has been unable to get suitable Doctor's treatment. Later, when Ryan, who was unhappy and somewhat racially inclined, dealt with the traffic jam, he vented his grievances on a black couple, and this black couple-Cameron as a TV director And Christine (Sandy Newton) has never figured out where he is breaking the rules. Christine grieved that Cameron doesn’t love her, because she should protect her because she loves her, and should not be investigated by the police inexplicably He looked so cowardly in front of him, and Cameron was also aggrieved.

The black police officer Graham has the mother of a drug addict and the brother of a car thief. His family has been worrying and he has recently taken over a hot potato: in charge of investigating a case of a white police officer shooting a black police officer.

The film "Crash" was able to beat the hit "Brokeback Mountain" at the 78th Oscars and won the Best Picture Award, not only because of its concern for social issues such as racism, it also won The skill and fluency shown in the expression film. As a film focusing on social issues, "Crash" has a spiritual realm that can be called "sublime". (Tencent Online Review)

After watching the movie, I feel dizzy that the biggest highlight of this movie is the narrative style. The seemingly messy story is actually related to the whole, and all point to this theme-conflict. The

crash refers to not only the crash in a car accident, but the various conflicts that occurred in Los Angeles.

'Crash' conflict is the keynote of life, life in collision only has a taste - Lujuba

The essence of the movie

at the beginning of the film is to create conflicts and resolve conflicts. The special feature lies in the unique methods of filmmaking and conflict resolution. The plots in the film are intertwined, and the time span of the story is only 36 hours. However, the director used his own unique method to connect the events that happened in Los Angeles during this time from the crash. The conflict that

wants to express most in the movie is racial discrimination. Secondly, it also includes conflicts between religious beliefs and conflicts between different social classes. The

film not only aims to express the issue of discrimination between black and white races, but also draws the yellow race into conflict. Under such a premise, the film extends American racial discrimination to the world. White people are not necessarily good people, and black people are not necessarily bad people. is good or bad in an instant, there is no absolute good person, and no absolute bad person. The so-called good and bad are all in a specific context, which varies from person to person and also to the development of the situation. It is obvious that the film is conveying a correct value-good and bad. Good and bad are not defined by race, and a person's good is not negated by temporary badness.

These are all exploring topics related to the relationship between people. The movie just step by step allows people to re-recognize the distorted definition of fear, let us try againTo observe our world.

'Crash' conflict is the keynote of life, life in collision only has a taste - Lujuba

just want you to do a little thing

The police of the Los Angeles Police Department can embarrass black couples because of a bad mood, or they can do justice to rescue a black woman in a car accident regardless of their own lives.

The white policeman saves people

The black guy can rob a car for money, and can also resist the temptation of profit and let go of the Asian slaves in the car.

The slave in the car

really feels dizzy that we were born to collide.

We collide with each other just to feel each other's existence.

Because of collisions, our lives are not so plain. We can learn how to live or experience the taste of life from collisions, and life seems to be fierce. The collision becomes colorful. The collision allows us to feel each other's existence. We are not alone in the collision world, we collide with each other and grow with each other.

May we all be the best of ourselves.

Tags: movie