The history behind the Korean movie "Assassination": The patriotic assassination and the rampant "Han traitors"

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's earliest and most famous assassination was the assassination of Ito Bowen by An Junggen. In 1906, the Korean peninsula was already under the control of Japan, and the former Japanese Prime Minister Ito Hirobumi served as the head of the Korean peninsula and actually controlled the Korean peninsula.

In 1909, An Chonggen and eleven aspiring men were allied by blood. They assassinated Ito Bowen in Harbin, and Ito Bowen was killed. An Chonggen was arrested on the spot and died in Fushun the following year. The success of the

assassination did not bring hope to the Korean peninsula. After the establishment of the interim government, there was no progress in diplomacy. Many patriotic groups also had little effect because of their different methods of activity. In the

movie, the Jin Wonbong (Cao Seungwoo), the leader of the righteous group , launched multiple assassinations around 1920. At that time, Jin Wonbong was offered a reward of 1 million won by the Japanese military, showing the degree of threat.

mentioned in the movie line: "Master (referring to the Hawaiian pistol) do you think you are Li Fengchang, Yin Fengji ?

These two are very famous assassins. Li Fengchang's goal is extremely amazing- Emperor Hirohito of Japan .

In 1932, Li Fengchang traveled to Japan under the arrangement of Jin Jiu. When Emperor Hirohito was participating in a military parade in Tokyo, he threw a grenade at the Emperor Sakurata Gate. Unfortunately, Emperor Hirohito was not injured. Li Fengchang held a Tai Chi flag in the crowd. To the Japanese people shouting "Long live! Heroic justice, this is the " Sakurada Gate Incident" .

Li Fengchang's assassination failed, but Yin Fengji succeeded. Soon after the "Sakurada Gate Incident", the Japanese celebrated the "Tianchang Day" in Hongkou Park in Shanghai. By the way, Hongkou was the place where Japanese overseas Chinese gathered during the Qing Dynasty, and later it was a Japanese concession. The "Hongkou Daochang" in "Jingwumen" was based on this place.

The history behind the Korean movie 'Assassination': The patriotic assassination and the rampant 'Han traitors' - Lujuba

Yin Fengji's goal was Shirakawa Yoshitaka, commander-in-chief of the Japanese army in Shanghai Then, he entered the venue dressed as a Japanese, and when the ceremony began, he threw a bomb on the rostrum. Shirakawa Yoshihide died after being wounded. Other officers were seriously injured or died on the spot. Yin Bongji was arrested and he was put to justice in Japan.

The success of "Assassination" brought a turning point for the patriotic movement in South Korea. With the provisional government and center in Shanghai, two patriotic groups, Jin Jiu and Jin Won Bong, began to unite and cooperate. This is the overall historical background of the story of "Assassination."

is not only history. Background, in addition to Kim Gu and Kim Won Bong, many characters have their own historical prototypes.

An Wo Yoon, Jun Ji Hyun plays a female sniper from the Third Independence Army in South Korea, originated from South Korea, known as the "mother of the Independence Army." Ms. Cixian, , assassinated Muto Shinyi, the plenipotentiary ambassador of Manchuria in 1933, who participated in the memorial ceremony, but the action failed and she died. The

Hawaiian pistol, the double gun bounty hunter played by Ha Zhengyu, inspired by the Japanese occupation The righteous Kim Sang-ok, who threw bombs at the police station, was rounded up by more than 400 police officers during the hunt. After fighting the enemy with two guns for 3 hours, he ran out of ammunition and killed himself with the last bullet.

Lim Suk Jin, Lee Jung Jae The traitor played is the historical prototype of Yeom Dongjin. This person was controversial during the Korean War. Yeom Dongjin originally belonged to the same camp as Kim Gu and others. However, in 1935, there was a factional struggle in the Provisional Government, and Yeom Dongjin stood by. The opposite of Jin Jiu finally left the interim government. After

left, Lien Dongzhen organized the "White Clothes Society". He was suspected of colluding with the Kwantung Army of Japan in 1940, but no conclusive evidence was left.

Korean rape problem

The role of Lian Shuojin also led to the two events of the Korean era of Japanese occupation, the "Han Traitor" and the "Father Killing Alliance." During the War of Resistance Against Japan, there were traitors in China and traitors in South Korea. Since 1910, Japan ruled North Korea. There are many national scum like Kang Yinguo in the movie, and they have fallen to the Japanese side.

bribed high-ranking Japanese officials, married and even donated weapons and airplanes to the military in exchange for special powers, such as mining for minerals, occupying land, etc., many He also won a knighthood conferred by the Emperor of Japan. The traitorous behavior of

Han Yan was also the motivation for many assassinations. Many Han Yan were the targets of the assassination.

The seven pro-Japanese running dogs mentioned in the film won The title of a Japanese baron, and their children were disgusted by this behavior and agreed to kill each other’s father and set "Father Killing". Although

is righteous, the ending is extremely tragic. There is no exact record of the history of this "paternal killing alliance", which exists in rumors.

The problem of Korean traitors is even more serious. Many Korean traitors have not been tried, like the traitors who still flamboyant after South Korea’s recovery, like Lian Shuojin in the movie.

In 1948, after the establishment of the South Korean government with the support of the United States, these Korean traitors were not liquidated. Since South Korea was not a defeated country, there would be no military court to try them.

On the contrary, these Korean traitors were reused for a period of time because they held economic, transportation, transportation, security and other privileges in their hands. This became a unique problem in South Korea at that time. These Korean traitors also became the backbone of South Korea. power.

In 1948, Lee Seung-man once ordered the establishment of the "special investigation committee for anti-ethnic conduct" , but the Han traitors colluded with each other, and they were unable to do anything for a while, and they finally stopped.

There are many reasons for this:

First, during the Japanese occupation period, South Korea’s provisional government was not in the country. All Koreans who were appointed to govern the country could not escape the suspicion of Korean traitors. The involvement was too great, and South Korea was not spontaneous. It was taken over by the US military after Japan surrendered.

The second is that the long-term colonial rule has created a gap in South Korea’s education. There are too few people who are truly capable and experienced to govern South Korea, and Han traitors spontaneously become these candidates. In the early days of the new government, they had to rely onThey come to build.

Three is that the power left by the Korean traitors is too strong, and the US, which has the right to speak, doesn't care about the past of these people. They are more about the consolidation of their power in Korea, so South Korea has no incentive to clean them up. In the

movie, Lian Shuojin took off his clothes in the courtroom, as the people showed off his gunshot wounds fighting for the country, and he was speechless for a while. Where can a country without sovereignty be a benchmark for justice?

Yeon Sukjin ended up not being tried by the court, but was shot and killed by the remaining anti-Japanese war activists. This also reflects the mentality of the Koreans: Although has no hope of trial, he hopes that justice will be served.

Concluding remarks

finally talk about the movie itself. Korean movies usually focus on the practical meaning. On the one hand, many people do not understand the Chinese that pops up from time to time in the movie. This is due to the incomprehension of the environment at that time. This movie is The filming in a Chinese film and television base also tried to restore the historical environment at that time.

According to the historical situation, China and South Korea should be closer. After all, we are both comrades-in-arms on the anti-Japanese front. During the fall of North Korea, we also provided a lot of help to the Provisional Government, but today we are going further and further under various factors. This is the same as the "Han Jian" problem, which is quite contradictory.

Secondly, it is also the main theme film of "Anti-Japanese Drama". Although "Assassination" itself is also a commercial film, it is remarkable in terms of authenticity, plot rhythm, and performance of actors. There are many stories in it. , In the history of China's War of Resistance against Japan, there are similarities, and even more soul-stirring.

We should also learn the strengths of Korean movies so that we can make progress.

The story of "Assassination" ended in one movie, but the stabbing operation in South Korea did not stop with the recovery. The Kim Gu in the story was assassinated by radicals not long after returning to China, and even the South Korean President Park Zhengxi and his wife died. Yu assassinated.

Korean movies always look forward to light in the dark.

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