What are the advantages and disadvantages of the movie "Call Mania"

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How does

evaluate the movie "Calling Freak"? First boast the advantages, the main theme of the film seems to be to explore the edge of sensitive topics. How to treat and treat sexy female anchors, unfamiliar "game cp" for married people, large-scale chat records, nursing homes, cheating soft rice scum men, perverted violations, homosexual marriages and fraudulent marriages, how couples (lovers) get along, whether Maintaining "superficial marriage", how to educate children, can hit some people at every point, which is very in line with national conditions and is one of the successful manifestations of localization. For these points, there are often long or short embarrassments in the film, and audiences in the same theater will also fall into the same "embarrassment." These topics are so sensitive that the audience can't help their scalp and feel at a loss. But this is good, and it is indeed thought-provoking.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the movie 'Call Mania' - Lujuba

What impressed me most was that Mr. Jiang and his wife pulled the skirt and pressed the skirt. Huo Siyan, who played his wife, cried very well. The close-ups of the hands of the two are very tense, "I can't imagine how I would react if the person involved was me." It is undoubtedly correct to make a film involving a sensitive topic like this. This reminds me of another failed comedy "Li Cha's Aunt". The biggest failure in this film is that the two poor, ugly, ugly old men’s excessive fanatical, extreme, criminal and criminal pursuit of a rich and beautiful woman is the core joke, so that the present is a female. I can't laugh. But "Call Frenzy" is wise. Of course, every sensitive topic is worthy of in-depth study, and any combination of several topics is another topic worth discussing, so I won’t repeat it.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the movie 'Call Mania' - Lujuba

but dare to touch these topics, very brave. Another advantage is that most of the people in the film are acting online, and their appearance matches the roles; and most of the roles are older. This is also rare for domestic films. First of all, I praise Dai Lele. She has acted in many sketches and several unsuccessful film and television works, most of which are very acting, but this role is different, at least it looks very comfortable. Although there are not many plays, she has made great progress. Hope her next role is the same. Secondly, we must praise Mary. Because she is so awesome, I won’t repeat the praise of her acting and appearance. In this film, her role setting is a bit awkward, but she adds a lot of points to the role herself. It is a Wang Baoqiang actor: Don’t care how bad my role setting is, I can use my own charm to whitewash it, I love she was.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the movie 'Call Mania' - Lujuba

There is also Qiao Shan in the same situation, but his role is set as a harlequin, and it overlaps with his sketch image too much, it is difficult to say how well. But being good is for sure, yes, and Huo Siyan, her role is full enough, the role is enough, and the acting is real enough. Quite poking. Let's talk about shortcomings. Success and failure are also Xiao He. The biggest advantage is "probing sensitive topics", and the biggest disadvantage is also; the former focuses on "sensitivity" and the latter focuses on "probing". What is "temptation", first slap a paw, then push it back, and finally apply the medicine to cover the medical expenses, and have to compose a string of auspicious words with an apology for it. For example. Ms. Li showed that "I don't trust my mother-in-law to take the child", "I'm looking for a suitable nursing home to send my mother-in-law in", tentative.

After a while, the mother-in-law suddenly recorded her will and said that she would leave the house to Ms. Li: Our mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are in a good relationship. Mr. Jiang sends out airplanes and sports cars to the sexy anchors, and he collects people’s sexy photos every day to chat and test; after a while, tell his wife, “I still love you the most. I’m not looking at you, I’m afraid I’m too negative. Excuse you, I will change it later", withdrawing the claws of temptation, the list goes on. Are you trying to pass the trial? It was so embarrassing to round that the chicken thighs were rounded into chickens. It is a pity that the food is tasteless and discarded. It's like every ghost movie has no ghosts, like Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf will never die, like Tom will never catch Jerry, Bald-headed Qiang will never kill the bear, is this powerful?

The shabby wedding downstairs was smashed. The reason was vague and I didn’t dare to explain it clearly. I only found out after reading the film reviews that it was because the pair were gay. You can just amplify the voice. It’s a question of scale. . Describe with a sentence from Dai Dai in the film: Do you really think they are doing well? You also know that they are doing well. Other screenwriting issues, generally speaking, are still unclear subject matter, poor storytelling, irrational interspersed narrative, facial makeup, blunt jokes, blunt reunion, forced sensation, and common shortcomings of domestic comedies (even skits). , Do not repeat. Another problem is very big: the positioning is wrong. You really think that you are a comedy, either "most starring actors are from comedy origin" or comedy, you are a black humor.

understand what I am, I stillSeeing a family of three watching it together, the little kid couldn't understand anything. Mom and Dad looked more and more unable to laugh. You are very happy to trick people in, but you can think about it. You can’t sell tickets without this positioning, I understand. Finally, I’m going to personally criticize Ms. Xi, the only and biggest failure in the lead role. The role of Xiaoniaiyi is not the same. Later, Dapeng's wings are also not the same. The dubbing is also weird. It is also a heavy role. Hey, is it appropriate to choose a cast so unwillingly? It's better to find a group performer than her. It's older and ugly and more dramatic. It's too much drama. I really bother her.

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