Japanese animation film "Our Seven Days War" will be released in December, starring Kyoko Yoshine won praise

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Japanese animation film 'Our Seven Days War' will be released in December, starring Kyoko Yoshine won praise - Lujuba

Kitamura Takumi, Yoshine Kyoko

People’s Daily Online Tokyo, November 29. Japan Channel’s integrated Japanese fashion and entertainment website Modelpress reported that the animated film "We" starred by Japanese rock band "DISH" member Kitamura Takumi and actor Yoshine Kyoko "The Seven Days of War" press conference was held in Tokyo a few days ago, announcing that the film will be finalized, and the film will be released in public on December 13. The two leading actors and seiyuu Suzuki Tatsuo and director Murano Yuta attended the conference together.

The film was once the debut of actress Rie Miyazawa, which left deep memories. This time, with Hokkaido in 2020 as the background, a new story is unfolded based on the spirit of the original. At the

press conference, Takumi Kitamura talked about Yoshine Kyoko, saying: "Yoshine's voice is very good, can move others, and people are very gentle." He also introduced the situation of the shooting scene at the time, saying: "At the shooting scene, We all helped each other, and professional voice actors taught us a lot. We completed the shooting together under the guidance of voice actors."

In addition, Director Yuta Murano praised Yoshine Kyoko. Director Murano recalled the scene during the filming and said: "I personally always think that "this actress" (Yoshine Kyoko) is very good, because Yoshine Kyoko has devoted himself to the performance from the rehearsal. This is very rare. I I am very touched.” Talking about Yoshine Kyoko’s character, he said: “After the two-day recording, the staff became Yoshine Kyoko’s fans. In addition, the sound director and other staff, I felt that She is a fascinating person.” (Compiler: Yang Hao Reviewer: Chen Jianjun) (Source: Modelpress)

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