Interview | Actor Jia Zhengyu: Maintain "Toughness" and Find Yourself in the Role

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Interview | Actor Jia Zhengyu: Maintain 'Toughness' and Find Yourself in the Role - Lujuba

Jia Zhengyu presents an image of a "perfect senior" in the latest fantasy drama "The Life of White Fox": handsome, high IQ, high EQ, caring, gentle, humble and steady. If he is not troubled by life experience and makes some unexpected actions, then he must be the ideal type in the minds of all girls. The role of Senior Zhou Jing is also very challenging for Jia Zhengyu. Because he is not just a caring senior, the contrast of the character is very dramatic and tension. Of course, the complexity of the characters is what attracts Jia Zhengyu. After the series was broadcast, Jia Zhengyu's performance also made many people feel the transformation that happened to him. Although

is not a background in acting class, he has helped everyone to see the potential of the actor Jia Zhengyu through his work. Whether it’s the feathered elite "Xiang Congling" in "The Sky City of Kyushu", the domineering but dedicated "Han Qilu" in "My Devil Master", or the black-bellied and handsome "Xu Mochen" in "Romantic Stars" Every step is recording his progress. 2019 may be an extraordinary year for him. He successively filmed the campus youth drama "Ladies Floating Fist", in the drama for the first time touched the national quintessence-Tai Chi, played the gentle and handsome Tai Chi senior "Bai Hai Hai"; in the movie "Gong Xian" partner Yan Yalun, played a high position The powerful "Qi Lu"; partner Han Dong in the movie "Sea Big Fish", plays the gentle and moist son "Wen Yu". Each work will bring us new surprises.


Little Mirror: "The Life of the White Fox" is now on the air. Briefly introduce the role of Zhou Jing next time!

Jia Zhengyu: Zhou Jing was originally a sunny, gentle, and laughable warm male senior, according to everyone’s words, this person is Every girl's ideal first love senior. But people can't be perfect, so he also has another side. No matter if he was used by bad guys or threatened with his life, he was forced to do things that turned away from his friends, he was considered a very good person.


Little Mirror: What is the most challenging aspect of this role for you?

Jia Zhengyu: The biggest challenge for this role to me is how to present Zhou Jing's badness in the most natural way, and I can't make this bad acting so superficial. Because he has a lot of mental activities and never shows it on the outside, many of them need to rely on detailed movements and micro expressions. The most difficult thing is the detailed actions, because I often subconsciously do some of my own habits, and habits are more difficult to change, so it is a certain challenge for me.


small mirror: Is there a big difference between you and Zhou Jing? How did you get into this character at that time?

Jia Zhengyu: Before the blackening, Zhou Jing is still very similar to me. I am usually helpful, smiling, and sunny. Hahaha~ After the blackening, it is completely different from me, but I can understand him. Many of the so-called "bad things" Zhou Jing did were actually forced to make decisions. After I fully understand him, I can understand his choices at the time. I will give myself a lot of psychological hints in the later period. He can only exist if I completely believe in him.


Little Mirror: How would you rate your performance in "The Life of the White Fox" this time? why?

Jia Zhengyu: Give yourself 7 points. After watching the show, I feel that some areas have not performed particularly ideally. I still lack some experience and still have room for improvement.


Small Mirror: What other works to be broadcast to meet with you next?

Jia Zhengyu: Next, there is a web drama "Lady Piaopiaoquan" that may meet with you. This drama is also very interesting. I play the role of "Bai Haiyang", a senior in the Tai Chi department. It is not the same as the previous roles. Tai Chi is also my first contact with it. It is very novel and interesting. There are also two movies, "Gongxian" and "Sea Big Fish", both in ancient costumes. You can look forward to it in terms of styling!


Little Mirror: In these scenes you have filmed, what do you think brings your insight or guidance to your life? Which one?

Jia Zhengyu: I think it's the "Life of the White Fox", because this is what I really meanRighteously challenged the villain for the first time. It can make me feel that there is no absolute right or wrong in this world, and there is also gray between black and white, which makes me understand many things. Although Zhou Jing is a very bad person in everyone's eyes, his heart is still good, just going astray.


Little Mirror: Are there any tips for getting into the character's emotions?

Jia Zhengyu: Listen to music or just let it go by yourself. Psychologically suggest to the mirror, saying "you are not Jia Zhengyu, you are him". In fact, it seems easy to feel other people's emotions, but it is quite difficult to really do it. They all say that they can feel the same, but it's hard to understand that emotion because it didn't happen to me. So every time I take the shooting as a fact that is actually happening at the moment, the sense of self-substitution will be relatively faster.


Small mirror: Is the difference between you at work and usual?

Jia Zhengyu: There is no difference, work and life are similar to me. At work, it may be more real, with stricter self-requirements, and will have a obsession with my performance in each scene. Just like when singing, I will sing and practice repeatedly until it is done well.


small mirror: Do you care about external evaluations?

Jia Zhengyu: Just be yourself seriously. First of all, you did not come to this world to live for others. It is the most important thing to be worthy of yourself. Secondly, as an artist, there is always a commentary, which cannot be controlled. If you care too much about outside sounds, you will cause yourself some trouble. I think it is the best way to respond to outside voices.

Quick Questions and Answers

Q: Are you a master or a scumbag when you go to school?

A: Xueba

Q: If there is another chance to return to campus, what do you want to do most?

A: I will confess my crush

Q: Are you confident or inferior?

A: Self-confidence is mixed with inferiority

Q: What do you want to say to your past self?

A: Keep doing what you like, stick to your dreams, come on!

Q: What profession would you choose if you weren't an actor?

A: Singer

Q: What is the boldest thing you have done?

A: Leaving your hometown to fight

Q: Want to tell the fans who continue to support you?

A: Thank you for your support and company. Let’s go on together in the future!

"When I gradually understood what I wanted, I realized that my efforts were not enough."

-Jia Zhengyu

small mirror Say:

When a person has higher and higher demands on himself and understands the so-called "life goal", it will probably be a new beginning. Jia Zhengyu uses this method to let us constantly feel his energy, which is the charm of an actor. Compared with the freshness and exuberance before, it is a bit more mature now. He likes acting, loves music, loves life, stubbornly with a lonely courage, looking for his own potential space. Jia Zhengyu has always maintained a calm heart, humble and low-key, doing his best within the scope of his best ability. Find a balance in the gap between reality and dream. I hope that he can live up to his dreams and expectations, and that the road to performance will become brighter and wider.

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