Projector He Zongyao's Country Movie Memories

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Projector He Zongyao's Country Movie Memories - Lujuba

Daily Gansu Net November 26 Dangyang News (New Gansu·Daily Gansu Net reporter Li Yang) He Zongyao is 69 years old, but he still clearly remembers July 1973, when he was 23 years old, he could write the meeting In addition to painting, he likes to work in film projections, and was "photographed" by the commune film team and became a rural projectionist, responsible for the film projection tasks of the entire 27 brigade. This work lasted more than 40 years.

Projector He Zongyao's Country Movie Memories - Lujuba

"The first film I screened was "Comrades in Arms", which tells the story of the friendship between the two warriors during the War of Resist U.S. Aid Korea..." He Zongyao recalled: "At that time, it was very hard to show movies because many villages had no electricity, plus It's all dirt roads. The bulky film equipment (generators, slide projectors, record players, film copies, cloth screens, etc.) weighs hundreds of kilograms, and it takes two or three people to carry and pick them to move to the place."

For more than 40 years In his ordinary screening work, He Zongyao was welcomed and loved by the villagers while enjoying the ups and downs, and was awarded the honorary title of "Excellent Film Projector" in Yichang City.

Projector He Zongyao's Country Movie Memories - Lujuba

During the 40 years of long film screenings, He Zongyao also meticulously collected more than 300 sets of various film equipment and more than 1,600 pieces of film literature. At the end of 2012, the Folk Custom Museum of Luoxi Town, Dangyang City, Hubei Province was completed. He Zongyao put these objects that accompanied his youth in the museum for free for tourists to visit, allowing these collections to tell people about the development of rural movies.

Tags: movie