Together, they are a complete woman, "Scarlett" high score sexy movie

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Together, they are a complete woman, 'Scarlett' high score sexy movie - Lujuba

Her name is Christina (Scarlett Johansson), she is a very standard Western female image, passionate, unrestrained and free, and often emotional. She doesn't like love, marriage, and thinks that those are the constraints of life and will only make herself miserable. Of course, she does not reject to meet good men, to pursue a kind of excitement and enjoyment. She has flowing blonde hair and raised eyebrows. She likes to wear sexy and light-colored clothes. She is freelance and currently single.

Together, they are a complete woman, 'Scarlett' high score sexy movie - Lujuba

Her name is Vicki (Rebecca Hall), but she is a conservative woman, dignified, sensible and sensitive. For love or life, both have their own clear goals. She has long brown hair, drooping eyebrows, and always likes to wear dark clothes. She is a graduate student in Catalan culture. She has a fiance and a lawyer in New York. Who is this woman

Together, they are a complete woman, 'Scarlett' high score sexy movie - Lujuba

? It will take a while to talk about it, it looks really wild.

Christina (Scarlett Johansson) and Vicky (Rebecca Hall) are good friends, and they meet to go to Barcelona together.

is full of reason, even a bit old-fashioned, Vicki, who is about to marry the lawyer’s fiance; Christina, who is open-minded, avant-garde, and full of curiosity. In this way, the two met a local artist-Juan (ha) in romantic Barcelona. Will Baden), is the following man:

So, in the encounters again and again, Christina, who is passionate and unrestrained, enjoys it, but Vicki, who is about to get married, has a deep guilt and self-confidence in his heart. responsibility.

Sure enough, an unexpected thing happened. After Christina and Vicki were invited to meet Juan, Christina, who was supposed to be happy with Juan, stayed in bed due to illness, but Vicki, who was always sensible, had a short night with Juan.

At this time, Juan’s Juan’s ex-wife Maria (Penelope Cruz) appeared, which is the third picture above, the woman with a cigarette in her mouth. What kind of story will happen between these four people? Related ratings for

: The plot above

comes from the love movie "Midnight Barcelona" (2008) starring Rebecca Hall, Scarlett Johansson, Javier Baden, Penelope Cruz and others.

The film’s rating on Douban is 7.8 points;

is on Rotten Tomatoes, the freshness of rotten tomatoes is 81%, and the popcorn index is 74%;

and Penelope Cruz, who plays Juan’s wife, relies on this work , In one fell swoop won the 81st Academy Awards for Best Supporting Actress. Recommended reason for

: A film like

that seems to be sentimental, in such a winter night, actually has a bit of warmth, as if it comforts people's hearts. Woody Allen directed by

is a literary director. As long as you look at this movie, you will find that

is actually a complete woman when "they" are together.

Ellen, this old man, seems to like to think about women. Are the three female characters in this movie the three possibilities of the same woman?

Many women, who are Vicki on the outside, Christina on the inside, but occasionally want to become Maria.

What's interesting is that Vicky in the film unexpectedly had a night of joy with Juan, she unexpectedly began to look forward to Juan's call, and even suffered from insomnia for this, and even affected her determination to marry her fiance.

Therefore, if you deny Vicki, you are denying the beauty and dignity of a woman; if you deny Christina, you are denying a woman's secret desire; if you deny Maria, you are denying a woman's irritability and Manic ability. The English translation of

"Midnight Barcelona" is: Vicky Cristina Barcelona (literally translated into Chinese: Vicki, Christina, Barcelona), following the old man Woody Allen, thinking about love and women through such a movie, It turns out that there is also intoxicating warm sun at midnight.

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