The barrage is a feed back for "A String of Life", and more than 20 documentaries will be released at station B

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Beijing News On November 7, the "Analysis of the Development of New Media Documentary Films and the Symposium on the Series of Documentary "Life" hosted by Bilibili (hereinafter referred to as Station B) was held in Beijing.

Yi Kai, Deputy Secretary-General of the China Television Arts Committee of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, believes that “Life is a concept that is particularly easy to fail, but "A String of Life" sets its sights on this real moment and let the whole film'fall.' "

The barrage is a feed back for 'A String of Life', and more than 20 documentaries will be released at station B - Lujuba

"A String of Life" stills. The picture is from the official Weibo

, director, producer, and writer of the "Life String" diversity, Zhang Yueming said when reporting to work, "Chinese skewers give me a warm feeling. Whenever you feel lonely and need comfort , We will feel the need for it. So to some extent, we are lucky to choose barbecue as the subject of the documentary. The barbecue master’s life experience and wisdom have aroused the creative passion of everyone in our team."

General Liu Xiaoli, the former chairman of the Documentary Academic Committee, believes that "The most important feature of "Life Series" is that it is grounded and close to the original ecology of ordinary people. I watched "Life Series" and felt like a boss was warmly recommending things to me. Another manifestation of equality is the commentary. I have written the commentary for a lifetime. I think the commentary of "A String of Life" is concise and concise. There are no empty words or clichés, which is difficult." Photo courtesy of the organizer of

The barrage is a feed back for 'A String of Life', and more than 20 documentaries will be released at station B - Lujuba

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barrage has also added a lot to "Life Series". He Su Liu, deputy director of the Department of Journalism and Communication of Communication University of China and director of China Documentary Research Center, believes that Station B is inseparable from the success of "Life Series". I believe that the director team must also refer to the feedback in the first season of the barrage, and use it in the production of the second season." The barrage has become a link in the content production of the creators, achieving a deeper integration.

He Suliu also believes that barrage provides the concept of "field", "In fact, barrage tells you that you are not alone, and you are not the loneliest one. There are many people here who have the same values ​​as you. The same way of life. Everyone completed the carnival and healing of mutual recognition in "A String of Life", refreshed the spirit the next morning, and started to face life again. And this is the unrepeatable ability of Station B."

According to Zhu Xianliang, a senior documentary consultant at Station B and the chief planner of "Life String", in the future, Station B will further cultivate original documentary content such as humanities and society, youth topics, history and culture. There are more than 20 documentary works such as "Books", "Life Like Boiling", "Tang Emperor Mausoleum", "University Food Illustrated Book". "From the perspective of Station B, our goal is to become China's best documentary new media production platform. To train talents for the documentary industry and provide audiences with more high-quality documentary content."

Beijing News editor Xu Meilin proofread Guo Li

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