The most beautiful animated movie in the past decade! "Frozen 2" costume screen is more beautiful

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created the best-selling "Frozen" by Disney in 2013. Six years later, the original crew and production team brought a new sequel, describing the kingdom of Ellendale three years later in the story. Aisha has become the queen of the kingdom. Anna lives a happy day with Xiaoke, Reindeer Xiaosi and Xuebao. However, when they were children, they had heard the legend of the magic forest mentioned by their father, and suddenly appeared in their lives. Legend has it that the Ellendales and the northern Uzho people built a dam for friendship, and for unknown reasons, the two sides attacked each other with hatred and angered the devil in the forest. After that, the forest was blocked by fog, and no entry was allowed.

The most beautiful animated movie in the past decade! 'Frozen 2' costume screen is more beautiful - Lujuba

And Aisha began to hear the call of the devil, the kingdom also appeared abnormal, they have to go to the enclosed forest, find out all the truth, protect Allendale.

The most beautiful animated movie in the past decade! 'Frozen 2' costume screen is more beautiful - Lujuba

​​The sequel "Frozen 2" is based on the previous story, and then explores an adventure closer to the epic and mythology, makes new attempts, goes out of the kingdom, expands the pattern, and introduces similar "Star Wars" to the original nature and The background element for inner calling. The film also satisfies the expectations of all audiences who want to watch the sequel, explaining the beloved characters such as Aisha and Anna, and their subsequent development. These new developments also return to some unsolved mysteries of the previous work, such as Aisha and Anna. How the parents met, why they went to sea by boat, and the source of Aisha's magic. The answers to these mysteries also lead step by step to the main axis of the sequel’s attempt to describe things that will never change and things that will change, extending the two sides of love and fear. This means that we will lose some cherished things as we grow up. Things, but how to tell which things need to let it go and which ones need to be guarded are issues that we all face, and we also have to learn how to accept the feeling of loss.

The most beautiful animated movie in the past decade! 'Frozen 2' costume screen is more beautiful - Lujuba

Once, Disney was very good at carefully packaging the philosophy of life and then quietly burying it in the story. "Frozen" and "Frozen 2" inherited the advantages of storytelling in this respect, and there will be no order when watching People feel deliberately changing the plot and setting operations to conform to contemporary political correctness. However, "Frozen 2" tends to be dedicated to young audiences because of the complex story levels it tells. In addition, there are many new characters and scenes, connections with old stories, and the mood of existing characters. It is not easy to integrate all the content smoothly at one time, taking into account seriousness and humor. "Frozen 2" did it, but it seems to be too neat. It lacks the agility and boldness of the previous game. It is a happy ending for everyone. Also appears to be conservative.

at least outside the story, it’s very certain that the sequel can satisfy all audiences who are looking forward to seeing the story of Aisha and Anna. Each character has its own exclusive song. Even Xiaoke also has "Lost in the Woods", singing 70, In the old-school MV love song of the 80s, Aisha not only has the gorgeous shots of continuous magical magic, but also the special transformation and upgrade of the costumes. It also has the appearance of a mature and beautiful ice queen (it also means that children's Aisha costumes have new styles. Can be sold). Although the songs arranged in the sequel are not as brainwashed as the predecessor , the melody and accumulated emotions of each song gradually convey the strength of the story, combined with in "The song also created several wonderful scenes that did not lose "Let it go".

6 years have also made the animation technology of "Frozen 2" amazingly sophisticated. In terms of the material and skin of the clothing and the fullness of the expression, it has become lifelike. Just enjoy the sequel in the animation. In terms of amazing performance, it is actually quite worth the fare and worth seeing.

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