Xu Tianfu, Vice President of Hengdian Group: The next three to five years will be the stage of reshuffle of theater investment companies

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"The cinema will hit the ceiling one day. When we started, we predicted that it would hit the ceiling. In fact, starting from last year, we believe that the next three to five years will be the cinema line, especially the cinema investment. The company’s reshuffle stage."

On November 22, at the "Film and Television Development and Cultural Finance" forum of the second Yangtze River Delta Cultural Fair held in Shanghai, the vice president of Hengdian Group Holding Co., Ltd., Hengdian Film and Television Co., Ltd. , 603103) Chairman Xu Tianfu made the above prediction.

Xu Tianfu, Vice President of Hengdian Group: The next three to five years will be the stage of reshuffle of theater investment companies - Lujuba

Xu Tianfu said frankly: “Because since last year, many movie theaters have lost money and are growing every year, and Hengdian is the same. Hengdian, a listed company, is investing in movie theaters and opening movie theaters at a rate of 50 or even 60 every year. , But part of my theater line is at a loss."

As for the movie theater line that started to shuffle and partly suffered losses, Xu Tianfu gave three reasons.

"There are several reasons for this. There are problems in the regional structure of investment cinemas. Because of the development of urbanization in China, the population is gradually gathering in big cities. Cinemas that were originally invested in fourth- and fifth-tier cities could have been caused by population mobility. There is a profit, but there is no profit."

"The second is that the investment in movie theaters is fully market-oriented, and several theaters are opened at the same time with a difference of 50 meters and 100 meters. This situation also has a loss. The third is with With the development of the film and television cultural industry, especially the content industry is also in the adjustment period, during the adjustment process, whether the people or the customer base (all are changing), as early as a few years ago, the US blockbusters (box office) should be ranked in the forefront of the market. After the end of the year, we have seen a lot of American blockbusters. It may not be that American blockbusters (at the box office) can surpass our domestic films. The single-film box office of American blockbusters is also going down."

In addition, Xu Tianfu also mentioned: "Plus After the guidance and guidance of the film industry, many content industries are regulating and dealing with these things."

Generally speaking, Xu Tianfu believes that there is still a lot of room for the film industry. "What we have is the market. As can be seen from the National Day file, the box office of the entire country has increased by about 12% over the same period last year. From my cinema chain, the National Day file has increased by about 150% over the same period last year."

Xu Tianfu said bluntly: In the past few years, it should be said that all investment capital was involved in the 2014, 2015, and 2016 stages. Especially last year, the entire film and television cultural industry was in the stage of adjustment, and capital without film and television feelings withdrew one after another."

In addition, Xu Tianfu believes, “At present, there is no complete financial system like industrial enterprises and commercial enterprises that can support the current development of China’s film and television cultural industry. Therefore, there is such a phenomenon that the current content has been affected by adjustments. Financial financing has also been impacted."

But overall, Xu Tianfu has confidence in China's film and television culture industry. He believes that as long as these aspects are handled well, he can still get up.

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