Source | Urban Live Original. Please do not reprint without permission. On September 15, the news that the well-known Hong Kong actor Xu Shaoqiang died of esophageal cancer was sad, and it also caused esophageal cancer, a disease that seriously threatens human health, to once aga

Source | Urban Live Original

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On September 15, the news that the well-known Hong Kong actor Xu Shaoqiang died of esophageal cancer was sad, and it also caused esophageal cancer, a disease that seriously threatens human health, to once again attract attention.

It is understood that esophageal cancer is one of the common malignant tumors of the digestive tract. It mostly occurs in men aged 40 to 60 years old. There are many causes of esophageal cancer. In addition to genetic factors, oral viral and bacterial infections, and low immune status, there are many other causes of esophageal cancer. Leading to the occurrence of esophageal cancer, daily eating habits should not be underestimated.

Huang Ziqing, attending physician at the Gastroenterology Department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University: Smoking is a high-risk factor for esophageal cancer because the tobacco products we smoke contain many carcinogens; the second dietary habit is mainly drinking alcohol, especially strong alcohol. Alcohol, when you drink a lot or drink for a long time, alcohol will directly damage our esophageal mucosa, and the carcinogens in alcohol will also enhance the carcinogenicity; the third is related to diet, for example, if you like to eat these high-salt foods for a long time, Smoked Malatang, boiled or stale food can easily lead to the occurrence of esophageal cancer.

So, what are the typical symptoms of esophageal cancer?

Huang Ziqing, attending physician at the Gastroenterology Department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University: In the early stage, the symptoms may not be particularly obvious. A small number of patients will have pain or a sense of obstruction when eating, or some symptoms of digestive tract indigestion. Then in the late stage, such as It is said that this tumor can cause this kind of physiological stenosis, especially if the tumor invades and metastasizes everywhere, it may cause such a complete inability to eat, or weight loss and malnutrition. Some serious patients may also suffer from this kind of digestive disease. Tract bleeding or esophageal perforation.

Doctors remind that high-risk groups with a family history of esophageal cancer or symptoms of esophageal cancer should be diagnosed and treated early.

Huang Ziqing, attending physician at the Gastroenterology Department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University: Maintain good living habits, such as not smoking or drinking, eating less pickled, high-salt fried, barbecued foods, and eating more Fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, and regular health check-ups, such as gastrointestinal endoscopy. If we find that there are some precancerous lesions that can be treated, we can intervene in advance.

Source | Urban Live Original

Please do not reprint without permission

On September 15, the news that the well-known Hong Kong actor Xu Shaoqiang died of esophageal cancer was sad, and it also caused esophageal cancer, a disease that seriously threatens human health, to once again attract attention.

It is understood that esophageal cancer is one of the common malignant tumors of the digestive tract. It mostly occurs in men aged 40 to 60 years old. There are many causes of esophageal cancer. In addition to genetic factors, oral viral and bacterial infections, and low immune status, there are many other causes of esophageal cancer. Leading to the occurrence of esophageal cancer, daily eating habits should not be underestimated.

Huang Ziqing, attending physician at the Gastroenterology Department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University: Smoking is a high-risk factor for esophageal cancer because the tobacco products we smoke contain many carcinogens; the second dietary habit is mainly drinking alcohol, especially strong alcohol. Alcohol, when you drink a lot or drink for a long time, alcohol will directly damage our esophageal mucosa, and the carcinogens in alcohol will also enhance the carcinogenicity; the third is related to diet, for example, if you like to eat these high-salt foods for a long time, Smoked Malatang, boiled or stale food can easily lead to the occurrence of esophageal cancer.

So, what are the typical symptoms of esophageal cancer?

Huang Ziqing, attending physician at the Gastroenterology Department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University: In the early stage, the symptoms may not be particularly obvious. A small number of patients will have pain or a sense of obstruction when eating, or some symptoms of digestive tract indigestion. Then in the late stage, such as It is said that this tumor can cause this kind of physiological stenosis, especially if the tumor invades and metastasizes everywhere, it may cause such a complete inability to eat, or weight loss and malnutrition. Some serious patients may also suffer from this kind of digestive disease. Tract bleeding or esophageal perforation.

Doctors remind that high-risk groups with a family history of esophageal cancer or symptoms of esophageal cancer should be diagnosed and treated early.

Huang Ziqing, attending physician at the Gastroenterology Department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University: Maintain good living habits, such as not smoking or drinking, eating less pickled, high-salt fried, barbecued foods, and eating more Fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, and regular health check-ups, such as gastrointestinal endoscopy. If we find that there are some precancerous lesions that can be treated, we can intervene in advance.