Rui Finance Yan Minghui Recently, the Zhejiang Securities Regulatory Bureau disclosed 5 administrative penalty decisions. Five parties were fined and confiscated more than 23 million yuan for insider trading in the stocks of Zhejiang Shengyang Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter re

Rui Finance Strict Minghui Recently, the Zhejiang Securities Regulatory Bureau disclosed 5 administrative penalty decisions. Five parties were fined and confiscated more than 23 million yuan for insider trading in the stocks of Zhejiang Shengyang Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as " Shengyang Technology ") .

It has been found that the parties involved have the following illegal facts:

According to public information, regarding the formation and disclosure process of inside information , On September 25, 2020, the then leader of the Shaoxing Yuecheng District Investment Promotion Bureau WeChat to the chairman of Shengyang Technology, The actual controller Ye Mouming sent the introduction materials of Transportation Communications Information Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Jiaoxin Group), indicating that there were cooperation projects, and pushed the contact information of the intermediary introducer.

In early October 2020, Yang, general manager of Transportation Communications Information Group Shanghai Equity Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Jiaoxin Fund, actually controlled by Jiaoxin Group), went to Shengyang Technology to discuss cooperation matters with Ye Mouming.

On October 25, 2020, Ye Mouming, Wu Mouting, the then secretary of the board of directors of Shengyang Technology, and Zhao of Zhongtian Guofu Securities Co., Ltd. went to the Shanghai office of Jiaoxin Fund to discuss the change of control of Shengyang Technology with Yang and others. Asset integration and other discussions were held, and the two parties maintained communication thereafter.

On October 29, 2020, Ye Mouming went to Beijing to communicate with relevant leaders of Jiaoxin Group and visit the site.

From November 10 to 11, 2020, Ye Mouming, Wu Mouting, Yang and Zhao agreed on a preliminary plan at Shengyang Technology. Drafting documents such as "Letter of Intent for Cooperation" and "Description of Transaction Structure", the main content is to change the actual control of Shengyang Technology by transferring part of the equity and entrusting voting rights, and then use the listed company as a platform to carry out the integration of related businesses and assets.

On November 19, 2020, Wu Mouting sent the "Transaction Structure Description" to Ye Mouming's son, Ye Shengyang, the then general manager and director of Shengyang Technology, on WeChat, and sent the "Acquirer" in the WeChat group with Ye Mouming and Ye Shengyang. The plan involves information list communication situation 1119", which involves changes in shareholder equity and subsequent business cooperation, and voice calls.

At the end of January and early February 2021, the two parties had basically formed a plan to change the control rights of the listed company through agreement transfer and voting rights entrustment, and subsequently inject assets. On February 9, after communication with the Shanghai Stock Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the Shanghai Stock Exchange) and consultation between the two parties, the plan was adjusted.

On February 10, 2021, Shengyang Holding Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Shengyang Holdings, formerly known as Shaoxing Shengyang Electric Co., Ltd., and was the controlling shareholder of Shengyang Technology during the period involved), Ye Mouming and the State Council Beidou (Hainan) Science and Technology Investment Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Guojiao Beidou, Jiaoxin Fund holds 20% of the shares and is entrusted to exercise voting rights) signed the "Share Transfer Agreement", stipulating that Shengyang Holdings will transfer 7.69% of the shares of Shengyang Technology to Guojiao Beidou.

On February 18, 2021, Shengyang Technology disclosed a series of announcements such as the "Informative Announcement on Changes in the Equity of Controlling Shareholders" regarding the aforementioned matters.

In March and April 2021, Ye Mouming and others went to Beijing Jiaoxin Group to learn about the basic situation of Jiaoxin Group and the business of its subsidiaries.

On April 26, 2021, Ye Mouming informed Wu Mouting that Shengyang Technology planned to acquire a subsidiary of Jiaoxin Group and asked it to arrange intermediaries to carry out due diligence. From the end of April to the beginning of May, Wu Mouting conducted preliminary communication and preparations for due diligence with relevant personnel of the intermediary agency. On May 10, a group of 12 people stationed at Jiaoxin Group to conduct preliminary due diligence on its affiliated companies, and completed the on-site work on May 21. The first draft of the due diligence report was then formed.

From June 2 to 4, 2021, relevant personnel from both parties communicated in Beijing on the due diligence situation and preliminary plans for future asset securitization. Later, Beijing CCCC Telecommunications Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Beijing CCCC) was identified as the acquisition target, and relevant work continued to be promoted.

On June 25, 2021, Wu Mouting sent the "Financial Due Diligence Report of CCCC Laboratory", "Legal Due Diligence Memorandum of CCCC Laboratory" and "Due Diligence Report of CCCC Information Technology National Engineering Laboratory Co., Ltd." to Ye Shengyang on WeChat. On August 17, 2021, Ye Mouming sent Ye Shengyang a "Introduction to the Actual Control of Acquisition of Shengyang Technology" on WeChat, and then sent a "Change Plan for the Actual Controller of sykj" to Ye Shengyang on September 1, etc.

On September 21, 2021, Ye Mouming went to Shanghai, and the next day he went to the Shanghai Stock Exchange to communicate with Wu Mouting, Zhao, Zhang from Jiaoxin Group, Kong Moulun from Beijing CCCC, Gu from Jiaoxin Fund and others.

Afterwards, the two parties continued to promote the acquisition of Beijing CCCC by Shengyang Technology, and conducted plan communication and internal review procedures.

On October 11, 2021, Ye Mouming, Wu Mouting, Zhang, Kong Moulun, Zhao and others communicated about a cooperation intention agreement in Beijing.

On October 29, 2021, Shengyang Technology and Jiaoxin Group signed a "Cooperation Intention Agreement" and planned to purchase 100% of the equity of Beijing CCCC by issuing shares and paying cash.

On October 30, 2021, Shengyang Technology issued the "Trading Suspension Announcement on the Planning of Major Asset Reorganization Matters" regarding the aforementioned matters, disclosing that it is planning to purchase 100% of the equity of Beijing CCCC held by Jiaoxin Group by issuing shares and paying cash. The company suspended trading on November 1 (Monday) and resumed trading on November 15.

Shengyang Technology purchased 100% of the equity of Beijing CCCC by issuing shares and paying cash, which falls under Item 2, Paragraph 2, Article 80 of the Securities Law, "Major investment behavior of the company" and Item 9, "Distribution of dividends by the company, "Plan to increase capital" is a major event that is considered inside information as stipulated in Article 52 of the Securities Law before it is made public. The inside information was formed no later than October 25, 2020, and will be made public on October 30, 2021. Ye Mouming, Wu Mouting, Ye Shengyang and others are insiders of inside information. Ye Mouming and Wu Mouting learned about it no later than October 25, 2020, and Ye Shengyang learned about it no later than November 19, 2020.

Ye Shengyang, Shan, Cao and Yuan were high school classmates and had known each other for many years. The four of them had a WeChat group and often played basketball together. From the evening of May 4 to the early morning of May 5, 2021, Ye Shengyang, Shan, Cao, and Yuan Jie had a dinner together. Ye Shengyang analyzed Shengyang Technology during the meal and told them that they can buy it now, and it is up to them to decide whether to buy it or not. . Later, Shan, Cao and Yuan all bought shares of "Shengyang Technology". Ye Shengyang knew that Shan and Yuan had purchased shares of "Shengyang Technology" and had discussed account opening, transactions and income with Shan on WeChat.

Judging from the announced penalty amount, the five people were fined a total of 23.9234 million yuan.

Ye Shengyang was fined 2.5 million yuan for recommending others to buy and sell Shengyang Technology stocks during the sensitive period of insider information.

Ye Shengyang’s classmate Shan had his illegal income of 793,663.40 yuan confiscated and was fined 1.5873 million yuan, with a fine of 2.381 million yuan.

Ye Shengyang’s classmate Cao had his illegal income of approximately 446,200 yuan confiscated and was fined 800,000 yuan, with a fine of 1.2462 million yuan.

Ye Shengyang’s classmate Yuan Moujie had his illegal income of 4.7938 million yuan confiscated and was fined 9.5877 million yuan, with a fine of 14.3815 million yuan.

Ye Mouming’s driver Xu Wei also had his illegal income of 1.1383 million yuan confiscated and fined 2.2765 million yuan for insider trading. A fine of 3.4148 million yuan was imposed. According to

public information, Ye Shengyang, male, Chinese nationality, born in 1987, undergraduate degree. He has successively served as assistant to the general manager of Zhejiang Shengyang Technology Co., Ltd. and head of the investment committee of Shanghai Nianfang Investment Management Co., Ltd. He once served as director and general manager of Shengyang Technology and has now resigned.

According to the investigation, Shengyang Technology was founded in 2003, underwent shareholding restructuring in 2010, and was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange on April 23, 2015. The legal representative of the company is Ye Liming, with a registered capital of 415 million yuan. Its business scope includes the manufacturing of mechanical and electrical equipment; the manufacturing of power facilities and equipment; the operation of wires and cables; and the sales of radio and television transmission equipment. Ye Liming is the company's major shareholder, holding 10.12% of the shares.

Rui Finance Strict Minghui Recently, the Zhejiang Securities Regulatory Bureau disclosed 5 administrative penalty decisions. Five parties were fined and confiscated more than 23 million yuan for insider trading in the stocks of Zhejiang Shengyang Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as " Shengyang Technology ") .

It has been found that the parties involved have the following illegal facts:

According to public information, regarding the formation and disclosure process of inside information , On September 25, 2020, the then leader of the Shaoxing Yuecheng District Investment Promotion Bureau WeChat to the chairman of Shengyang Technology, The actual controller Ye Mouming sent the introduction materials of Transportation Communications Information Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Jiaoxin Group), indicating that there were cooperation projects, and pushed the contact information of the intermediary introducer.

In early October 2020, Yang, general manager of Transportation Communications Information Group Shanghai Equity Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Jiaoxin Fund, actually controlled by Jiaoxin Group), went to Shengyang Technology to discuss cooperation matters with Ye Mouming.

On October 25, 2020, Ye Mouming, Wu Mouting, the then secretary of the board of directors of Shengyang Technology, and Zhao of Zhongtian Guofu Securities Co., Ltd. went to the Shanghai office of Jiaoxin Fund to discuss the change of control of Shengyang Technology with Yang and others. Asset integration and other discussions were held, and the two parties maintained communication thereafter.

On October 29, 2020, Ye Mouming went to Beijing to communicate with relevant leaders of Jiaoxin Group and visit the site.

From November 10 to 11, 2020, Ye Mouming, Wu Mouting, Yang and Zhao agreed on a preliminary plan at Shengyang Technology. Drafting documents such as "Letter of Intent for Cooperation" and "Description of Transaction Structure", the main content is to change the actual control of Shengyang Technology by transferring part of the equity and entrusting voting rights, and then use the listed company as a platform to carry out the integration of related businesses and assets.

On November 19, 2020, Wu Mouting sent the "Transaction Structure Description" to Ye Mouming's son, Ye Shengyang, the then general manager and director of Shengyang Technology, on WeChat, and sent the "Acquirer" in the WeChat group with Ye Mouming and Ye Shengyang. The plan involves information list communication situation 1119", which involves changes in shareholder equity and subsequent business cooperation, and voice calls.

At the end of January and early February 2021, the two parties had basically formed a plan to change the control rights of the listed company through agreement transfer and voting rights entrustment, and subsequently inject assets. On February 9, after communication with the Shanghai Stock Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the Shanghai Stock Exchange) and consultation between the two parties, the plan was adjusted.

On February 10, 2021, Shengyang Holding Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Shengyang Holdings, formerly known as Shaoxing Shengyang Electric Co., Ltd., and was the controlling shareholder of Shengyang Technology during the period involved), Ye Mouming and the State Council Beidou (Hainan) Science and Technology Investment Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Guojiao Beidou, Jiaoxin Fund holds 20% of the shares and is entrusted to exercise voting rights) signed the "Share Transfer Agreement", stipulating that Shengyang Holdings will transfer 7.69% of the shares of Shengyang Technology to Guojiao Beidou.

On February 18, 2021, Shengyang Technology disclosed a series of announcements such as the "Informative Announcement on Changes in the Equity of Controlling Shareholders" regarding the aforementioned matters.

In March and April 2021, Ye Mouming and others went to Beijing Jiaoxin Group to learn about the basic situation of Jiaoxin Group and the business of its subsidiaries.

On April 26, 2021, Ye Mouming informed Wu Mouting that Shengyang Technology planned to acquire a subsidiary of Jiaoxin Group and asked it to arrange intermediaries to carry out due diligence. From the end of April to the beginning of May, Wu Mouting conducted preliminary communication and preparations for due diligence with relevant personnel of the intermediary agency. On May 10, a group of 12 people stationed at Jiaoxin Group to conduct preliminary due diligence on its affiliated companies, and completed the on-site work on May 21. The first draft of the due diligence report was then formed.

From June 2 to 4, 2021, relevant personnel from both parties communicated in Beijing on the due diligence situation and preliminary plans for future asset securitization. Later, Beijing CCCC Telecommunications Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Beijing CCCC) was identified as the acquisition target, and relevant work continued to be promoted.

On June 25, 2021, Wu Mouting sent the "Financial Due Diligence Report of CCCC Laboratory", "Legal Due Diligence Memorandum of CCCC Laboratory" and "Due Diligence Report of CCCC Information Technology National Engineering Laboratory Co., Ltd." to Ye Shengyang on WeChat. On August 17, 2021, Ye Mouming sent Ye Shengyang a "Introduction to the Actual Control of Acquisition of Shengyang Technology" on WeChat, and then sent a "Change Plan for the Actual Controller of sykj" to Ye Shengyang on September 1, etc.

On September 21, 2021, Ye Mouming went to Shanghai, and the next day he went to the Shanghai Stock Exchange to communicate with Wu Mouting, Zhao, Zhang from Jiaoxin Group, Kong Moulun from Beijing CCCC, Gu from Jiaoxin Fund and others.

Afterwards, the two parties continued to promote the acquisition of Beijing CCCC by Shengyang Technology, and conducted plan communication and internal review procedures.

On October 11, 2021, Ye Mouming, Wu Mouting, Zhang, Kong Moulun, Zhao and others communicated about a cooperation intention agreement in Beijing.

On October 29, 2021, Shengyang Technology and Jiaoxin Group signed a "Cooperation Intention Agreement" and planned to purchase 100% of the equity of Beijing CCCC by issuing shares and paying cash.

On October 30, 2021, Shengyang Technology issued the "Trading Suspension Announcement on the Planning of Major Asset Reorganization Matters" regarding the aforementioned matters, disclosing that it is planning to purchase 100% of the equity of Beijing CCCC held by Jiaoxin Group by issuing shares and paying cash. The company suspended trading on November 1 (Monday) and resumed trading on November 15.

Shengyang Technology purchased 100% of the equity of Beijing CCCC by issuing shares and paying cash, which falls under Item 2, Paragraph 2, Article 80 of the Securities Law, "Major investment behavior of the company" and Item 9, "Distribution of dividends by the company, "Plan to increase capital" is a major event that is considered inside information as stipulated in Article 52 of the Securities Law before it is made public. The inside information was formed no later than October 25, 2020, and will be made public on October 30, 2021. Ye Mouming, Wu Mouting, Ye Shengyang and others are insiders of inside information. Ye Mouming and Wu Mouting learned about it no later than October 25, 2020, and Ye Shengyang learned about it no later than November 19, 2020.

Ye Shengyang, Shan, Cao and Yuan were high school classmates and had known each other for many years. The four of them had a WeChat group and often played basketball together. From the evening of May 4 to the early morning of May 5, 2021, Ye Shengyang, Shan, Cao, and Yuan Jie had a dinner together. Ye Shengyang analyzed Shengyang Technology during the meal and told them that they can buy it now, and it is up to them to decide whether to buy it or not. . Later, Shan, Cao and Yuan all bought shares of "Shengyang Technology". Ye Shengyang knew that Shan and Yuan had purchased shares of "Shengyang Technology" and had discussed account opening, transactions and income with Shan on WeChat.

Judging from the announced penalty amount, the five people were fined a total of 23.9234 million yuan.

Ye Shengyang was fined 2.5 million yuan for recommending others to buy and sell Shengyang Technology stocks during the sensitive period of insider information.

Ye Shengyang’s classmate Shan had his illegal income of 793,663.40 yuan confiscated and was fined 1.5873 million yuan, with a fine of 2.381 million yuan.

Ye Shengyang’s classmate Cao had his illegal income of approximately 446,200 yuan confiscated and was fined 800,000 yuan, with a fine of 1.2462 million yuan.

Ye Shengyang’s classmate Yuan Moujie had his illegal income of 4.7938 million yuan confiscated and was fined 9.5877 million yuan, with a fine of 14.3815 million yuan.

Ye Mouming’s driver Xu Wei also had his illegal income of 1.1383 million yuan confiscated and fined 2.2765 million yuan for insider trading. A fine of 3.4148 million yuan was imposed. According to

public information, Ye Shengyang, male, Chinese nationality, born in 1987, undergraduate degree. He has successively served as assistant to the general manager of Zhejiang Shengyang Technology Co., Ltd. and head of the investment committee of Shanghai Nianfang Investment Management Co., Ltd. He once served as director and general manager of Shengyang Technology and has now resigned.

According to the investigation, Shengyang Technology was founded in 2003, underwent shareholding restructuring in 2010, and was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange on April 23, 2015. The legal representative of the company is Ye Liming, with a registered capital of 415 million yuan. Its business scope includes the manufacturing of mechanical and electrical equipment; the manufacturing of power facilities and equipment; the operation of wires and cables; and the sales of radio and television transmission equipment. Ye Liming is the company's major shareholder, holding 10.12% of the shares.

Related companies: Shengyang Technology sh603703