In the show, he forces his juniors to smell his own feet... Ye Shuhua's "upright and honest" persona in the workplace really overturned this time, right? Earlier, when Ye Shuhua first started to follow the path of "operating as an idol on stage, and outspoken and quick to beat wo

forced the younger generation to smell his own feet in the show...

Ye Shuhua's "upright and upright workplace" persona, this time he really overturned it, right?

Earlier, when Ye Shuhua first started to follow the route of "operating idols on stage and beating up workers off stage with his straight talk", netizens generally agreed.

Even for a long time, she relied on this sense of contrast to attract the favor of many passers-by.

But recently, in a Korean drama, when Ye Shuhua and Haewon, a member of the girl group nmixx, were chatting about the topic "Do you have foot odor?", he suddenly took off his shoes and put his feet in front of Haewon's face, letting her smell them. ...

Even if they are true friends, this move is a bit too forward.

Not to mention that Haewon and Ye Shuhua have basically no personal relationship, they are just colleagues who record the show together. After the

program was broadcast, many passers-by and netizens said: They felt like they had witnessed workplace bullying with their own eyes.

has a story. This is not the first time that Ye Shuhua has caused heated discussions due to mysterious operations. Business issues, unclear choices of friends, ambiguous political attitudes...

But every time after the heat has passed, many people still choose to ignore the negative news and wait for her to correct it next time. The reason is straightforward: beauty is her passport.

has a skin as white as snow and a curvy figure. Just like the beauties in the pictures of ladies in the Tang Dynasty, she has an extremely feminine style.

Speaking of which, I wonder if any of you sisters have ever seen posts like this - Why do you feel that some people are born feminine and it has nothing to do with dressing up?

commented in the comment area and replied: Because of the effect of estrogen!

Delicate skin, soft body, naturally rosy complexion, lush and full hair...all are due to estrogen.

No matter what you eat or apply, it is not as effective as internally regulating your own estrogen!

"Grow your own estrogen" is the ultimate beauty trick for beauties!

And "androgen" is particularly "hateful". It can cause acne, greasiness, and ugliness...

Do sex hormones really affect beauty? Is estrogen the “beauty hormone” for women? For women, is less androgen really better? After moving the small bench, Yang will have a chat with everyone today👇🏻

Is estrogen the "beauty hormone"?

Let’s start with a little knowledge. Sex hormones, also called sex steroids, are a type of hormone that exists in both sexes.

That is, regardless of men and women, both "estrogen" and "androgen" exist in the body.

From the perspective of its impact on appearance, At normal levels, "estrogen" is regarded as the beauty hormone for women.

It can promote the production of collagen and help the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, making our skin plumper, whiter, and more feminine lines...

But be careful! Estrogen must be at normal levels to make people beautiful.

While excess estrogen makes the skin smooth and smooth, it also stimulates melanin-related pathways in the skin. In other words,

is , which is more prone to problems such as pigmentation and darkening of skin color.

At the same time, large fluctuations in estrogen will also cause changes in the proportions of our facial features.

Let me give you an extreme example to help you understand better - I wonder if sisters have noticed that some women's faces will change slightly before and after giving birth?

Guo Biting has obviously "went too far"👇🏻

Myolie Wu also complained about her nose getting bigger during pregnancy👇🏻

Randomly scrolling through social platforms, there are more various feedbacks from sisters👇🏻

all this is Because the secretion of estriol in women's bodies during pregnancy is more than 1,000 times higher than that during non-pregnancy, and the levels of estradiol and progesterone also increase to more than 100 times.

Excess estrogen not only disrupts our originally balanced metabolism, but also causes a large amount of water to be retained in the body, causing edema.

Estrogen itself will further stimulate the production, synthesis and storage of fat cells, making our facial features "blunt" and fleshy.

020.vaida "Female Appearance Observation Project Before and After Childbirth"

What is the use of male hormones for women?

For the skin, "androgens" really have no beneficial effect...

Excessive androgen will promote the secretion of sebaceous glands, making the skin more prone to oil production, clogged pores, breeding of various bacteria, acne and other problems...

But this is still a trivial matter. The real point is: Skin that has been in chronic inflammation for a long time can easily cause inflammatory aging.

An observational study found that under the influence of androgens, the hair follicles of the skin will be significantly enlarged, and stalagmite-like structures can also be observed around the large pores (This structure is the skin’s sunken and uneven texture. Main reason) .

At the same time, androgen is also the god in charge of body hair. Its elevation can lead to a sudden increase and development of body hair. (But it will make the hair bald...

For example, the fluff on the face, the lip hair on the mouth, the armpit hair on the armpit... In short, it makes people feel less sophisticated.

"Androgens" have a greater impact on our appearance Most of it is reflected in the sense of facial bones.

Studies have found that testosterone affects the growth of facial bones. People with more testosterone will have more "bony" features such as brow bones, nose bridges, and chins.

Source @ Dong. It is said that blue face is a prominent feature of men, while red face is a more prominent feature of women.

From the AI ​​portrait simulated by the researchers, it can be seen that the face with higher testosterone level (right picture) chin and nose bridge. , brow bone and other positions have stronger bones, less soft tissue, and obviously have a male appearance👇🏻

The left is a simulated phase with high estrogen, and the right is a simulated phase with low estrogen

In general, Sex hormones can indeed affect people facial expression, but both have their own pros and cons on appearance.

Although estrogen is helpful for skin texture, too much estrogen will cause us to have skin color problems such as spots, dullness, and uneven skin tone.

At the same time, estrogen's properties of storing water and helping fat synthesis will also make it easier for us to accumulate fat.

Although androgens are not of much help to the skin, they can give us a more reasonable fat distribution and better health. Well-proportioned bone appearance, and balancing the negative effects of estrogen.

Blindly promote the benefits of estrogen on appearance, ignore the role of androgens, and encourage "replenishing estrogen and reducing male hormones", which can easily disrupt the original normal endocrine system.

It is very likely that there will be problems not only with appearance, but also with physical health.

For example, one of the typical symptoms of low male is fatigue for no reason, and he looks like he has insufficient energy and blood even though he has done nothing.

Compared with before, my sexual desire is significantly lower, and I even often emo for no reason... In severe cases, it can also induce depression.

Both estrogen and androgen need to be within a reasonable range to be healthy and beautiful.

Even for women, it is by no means like what social platforms say, only infinitely beautiful buffs.

How to check whether your hormone levels are normal?

Yang Xian said that estrogen itself will fluctuate with the changes in the menstrual cycle.

In addition, some people may be born with higher estrogen, and some people may be born with lower estrogen. The differences between different individuals are relatively large.

It is not accurate enough to judge whether your estrogen is high or low simply by looking at the hormone level value at a certain moment. Even doctors need to combine specific clinical manifestations and specific hormone values ​​to make a comprehensive diagnosis.

Sheep recommends that when the following characteristics suddenly appear in a short period of time, on the 2nd to 5th day of the menstrual period, go to the endocrinology or gynecology department of the hospital and draw blood on an empty stomach to do "Six Sex Hormone Tests" .

(six sex hormones include: follicle-stimulating hormone (fsh), luteinizing hormone (lh), estradiol (e2), progesterone (p), testosterone (t), prolactin (prl))

Which If there is a problem with hormones, it will be clear at a glance whether treatment is needed after a comprehensive consultation by a doctor.

And a very important point, judging from the current sub-healthy living habits of most people.

Rather than saying that there is a general lack of estrogen, it is better to say that the estrogen levels in many people may be too high.

A previous study published in "Environment International" showed substances such as bisphenol A, chlorophenol, benzophenone and hydroxybenzoate , even if the levels contained in the mixture are very low, they are also related to estrogen. Hormones are related to changes in hormones such as progesterone.

such as bisphenol a mostly comes from plastic products, canned food, meat packaging and printed receipts. Especially microwaves at high temperatures or exposing plastics to sunlight will further increase the estrogenic activity of plastics.

Hydroxybenzoates and Benzophenones are often used as preservatives in cosmetics.

Triclosan are antibacterial agents and are widely used in personal care products such as soap, toothpaste, and hand sanitizer. It is easy to combine with fat, but is not easily excreted from the body, and triclosan can be detected in human breast milk and urine...

Although these ingredients appear individually in daily necessities, they are basically within a reasonable safety range.

But we can still overlay as little as possible. When buying skin care, hair care, and daily necessities, look through the ingredient list on the back of the product to minimize the possibility of accumulation.

In short, everyone is in the era of self-media. All kinds of civil science tips are all over the Internet, but there is almost no threshold verification for those who output content.

It’s okay to try some tips on daily necessities, but our health is not a trivial matter, and our body is not a testing ground for tips.

There are so many ways to become beautiful, there is no need to sacrifice your health for the chance of becoming beautiful.

forced the younger generation to smell his own feet in the show...

Ye Shuhua's "upright and upright workplace" persona, this time he really overturned it, right?

Earlier, when Ye Shuhua first started to follow the route of "operating idols on stage and beating up workers off stage with his straight talk", netizens generally agreed.

Even for a long time, she relied on this sense of contrast to attract the favor of many passers-by.

But recently, in a Korean drama, when Ye Shuhua and Haewon, a member of the girl group nmixx, were chatting about the topic "Do you have foot odor?", he suddenly took off his shoes and put his feet in front of Haewon's face, letting her smell them. ...

Even if they are true friends, this move is a bit too forward.

Not to mention that Haewon and Ye Shuhua have basically no personal relationship, they are just colleagues who record the show together. After the

program was broadcast, many passers-by and netizens said: They felt like they had witnessed workplace bullying with their own eyes.

has a story. This is not the first time that Ye Shuhua has caused heated discussions due to mysterious operations. Business issues, unclear choices of friends, ambiguous political attitudes...

But every time after the heat has passed, many people still choose to ignore the negative news and wait for her to correct it next time. The reason is straightforward: beauty is her passport.

has a skin as white as snow and a curvy figure. Just like the beauties in the pictures of ladies in the Tang Dynasty, she has an extremely feminine style.

Speaking of which, I wonder if any of you sisters have ever seen posts like this - Why do you feel that some people are born feminine and it has nothing to do with dressing up?

commented in the comment area and replied: Because of the effect of estrogen!

Delicate skin, soft body, naturally rosy complexion, lush and full hair...all are due to estrogen.

No matter what you eat or apply, it is not as effective as internally regulating your own estrogen!

"Grow your own estrogen" is the ultimate beauty trick for beauties!

And "androgen" is particularly "hateful". It can cause acne, greasiness, and ugliness...

Do sex hormones really affect beauty? Is estrogen the “beauty hormone” for women? For women, is less androgen really better? After moving the small bench, Yang will have a chat with everyone today👇🏻

Is estrogen the "beauty hormone"?

Let’s start with a little knowledge. Sex hormones, also called sex steroids, are a type of hormone that exists in both sexes.

That is, regardless of men and women, both "estrogen" and "androgen" exist in the body.

From the perspective of its impact on appearance, At normal levels, "estrogen" is regarded as the beauty hormone for women.

It can promote the production of collagen and help the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, making our skin plumper, whiter, and more feminine lines...

But be careful! Estrogen must be at normal levels to make people beautiful.

While excess estrogen makes the skin smooth and smooth, it also stimulates melanin-related pathways in the skin. In other words,

is , which is more prone to problems such as pigmentation and darkening of skin color.

At the same time, large fluctuations in estrogen will also cause changes in the proportions of our facial features.

Let me give you an extreme example to help you understand better - I wonder if sisters have noticed that some women's faces will change slightly before and after giving birth?

Guo Biting has obviously "went too far"👇🏻

Myolie Wu also complained about her nose getting bigger during pregnancy👇🏻

Randomly scrolling through social platforms, there are more various feedbacks from sisters👇🏻

all this is Because the secretion of estriol in women's bodies during pregnancy is more than 1,000 times higher than that during non-pregnancy, and the levels of estradiol and progesterone also increase to more than 100 times.

Excess estrogen not only disrupts our originally balanced metabolism, but also causes a large amount of water to be retained in the body, causing edema.

Estrogen itself will further stimulate the production, synthesis and storage of fat cells, making our facial features "blunt" and fleshy.

020.vaida "Female Appearance Observation Project Before and After Childbirth"

What is the use of male hormones for women?

For the skin, "androgens" really have no beneficial effect...

Excessive androgen will promote the secretion of sebaceous glands, making the skin more prone to oil production, clogged pores, breeding of various bacteria, acne and other problems...

But this is still a trivial matter. The real point is: Skin that has been in chronic inflammation for a long time can easily cause inflammatory aging.

An observational study found that under the influence of androgens, the hair follicles of the skin will be significantly enlarged, and stalagmite-like structures can also be observed around the large pores (This structure is the skin’s sunken and uneven texture. Main reason) .

At the same time, androgen is also the god in charge of body hair. Its elevation can lead to a sudden increase and development of body hair. (But it will make the hair bald...

For example, the fluff on the face, the lip hair on the mouth, the armpit hair on the armpit... In short, it makes people feel less sophisticated.

"Androgens" have a greater impact on our appearance Most of it is reflected in the sense of facial bones.

Studies have found that testosterone affects the growth of facial bones. People with more testosterone will have more "bony" features such as brow bones, nose bridges, and chins.

Source @ Dong. It is said that blue face is a prominent feature of men, while red face is a more prominent feature of women.

From the AI ​​portrait simulated by the researchers, it can be seen that the face with higher testosterone level (right picture) chin and nose bridge. , brow bone and other positions have stronger bones, less soft tissue, and obviously have a male appearance👇🏻

The left is a simulated phase with high estrogen, and the right is a simulated phase with low estrogen

In general, Sex hormones can indeed affect people facial expression, but both have their own pros and cons on appearance.

Although estrogen is helpful for skin texture, too much estrogen will cause us to have skin color problems such as spots, dullness, and uneven skin tone.

At the same time, estrogen's properties of storing water and helping fat synthesis will also make it easier for us to accumulate fat.

Although androgens are not of much help to the skin, they can give us a more reasonable fat distribution and better health. Well-proportioned bone appearance, and balancing the negative effects of estrogen.

Blindly promote the benefits of estrogen on appearance, ignore the role of androgens, and encourage "replenishing estrogen and reducing male hormones", which can easily disrupt the original normal endocrine system.

It is very likely that there will be problems not only with appearance, but also with physical health.

For example, one of the typical symptoms of low male is fatigue for no reason, and he looks like he has insufficient energy and blood even though he has done nothing.

Compared with before, my sexual desire is significantly lower, and I even often emo for no reason... In severe cases, it can also induce depression.

Both estrogen and androgen need to be within a reasonable range to be healthy and beautiful.

Even for women, it is by no means like what social platforms say, only infinitely beautiful buffs.

How to check whether your hormone levels are normal?

Yang Xian said that estrogen itself will fluctuate with the changes in the menstrual cycle.

In addition, some people may be born with higher estrogen, and some people may be born with lower estrogen. The differences between different individuals are relatively large.

It is not accurate enough to judge whether your estrogen is high or low simply by looking at the hormone level value at a certain moment. Even doctors need to combine specific clinical manifestations and specific hormone values ​​to make a comprehensive diagnosis.

Sheep recommends that when the following characteristics suddenly appear in a short period of time, on the 2nd to 5th day of the menstrual period, go to the endocrinology or gynecology department of the hospital and draw blood on an empty stomach to do "Six Sex Hormone Tests" .

(six sex hormones include: follicle-stimulating hormone (fsh), luteinizing hormone (lh), estradiol (e2), progesterone (p), testosterone (t), prolactin (prl))

Which If there is a problem with hormones, it will be clear at a glance whether treatment is needed after a comprehensive consultation by a doctor.

And a very important point, judging from the current sub-healthy living habits of most people.

Rather than saying that there is a general lack of estrogen, it is better to say that the estrogen levels in many people may be too high.

A previous study published in "Environment International" showed substances such as bisphenol A, chlorophenol, benzophenone and hydroxybenzoate , even if the levels contained in the mixture are very low, they are also related to estrogen. Hormones are related to changes in hormones such as progesterone.

such as bisphenol a mostly comes from plastic products, canned food, meat packaging and printed receipts. Especially microwaves at high temperatures or exposing plastics to sunlight will further increase the estrogenic activity of plastics.

Hydroxybenzoates and Benzophenones are often used as preservatives in cosmetics.

Triclosan are antibacterial agents and are widely used in personal care products such as soap, toothpaste, and hand sanitizer. It is easy to combine with fat, but is not easily excreted from the body, and triclosan can be detected in human breast milk and urine...

Although these ingredients appear individually in daily necessities, they are basically within a reasonable safety range.

But we can still overlay as little as possible. When buying skin care, hair care, and daily necessities, look through the ingredient list on the back of the product to minimize the possibility of accumulation.

In short, everyone is in the era of self-media. All kinds of civil science tips are all over the Internet, but there is almost no threshold verification for those who output content.

It’s okay to try some tips on daily necessities, but our health is not a trivial matter, and our body is not a testing ground for tips.

There are so many ways to become beautiful, there is no need to sacrifice your health for the chance of becoming beautiful.