When it comes to Hong Kong goddesses, Shu Qi must be on the list. "Calm, lazy, confident, sparkling, charming..." Together, these beautiful words may sum up part of Shu Qi's beauty. Relaxation is what many people say about Shu Qi, and her behavior just illustrates this point. On

When it comes to Hong Kong goddesses, Shu Qi is definitely on the list.

"Calm, lazy, confident, sparkling, charming..." Together, these beautiful words may sum up part of Shu Qi's beauty.

Relaxation is what many people say about Shu Qi, and her behavior just illustrates this point.

Speaking of social media, Shu Qi has no star baggage~

often posts almost untouched daily photos👇

Shu Qi's status has also aroused heated discussions among netizens👇

Some netizens said that it is difficult to accept, The goddess is old, and it is true that marriage makes people old👇

Some netizens have reconciled with themselves after watching Shu Qi👇

More netizens said that celebrities are also human beings, and it is normal to have gray hair.

But in fact, it was Shu Qi who deliberately kept her gray hair undyed. She had posted photos on Weibo before👇

She was not even shy about her freckles, and she faced her aging calmly👇

Shu Qi is so relaxed The feeling has been around for a long time. Isn’t it enough to be true to yourself in life, be happy and casual, shine at work, and show your best side?

Yang also picked up the recent photos of Shu Qi, they are really super charming!

There is also this perfect posture and this graceful figure👇

Who can’t say no after seeing it?

And she is really strict about her body shape. She has been in the industry for many years and she also strictly controls her diet👇

Speaking of diet, do all the sisters of the Mediterranean diet know it?

has been on the list of the healthiest foods in the world for several years.

When Yang Yang was surfing the Internet, he came across a new dietary pattern - green Mediterranean diet.

is even better than the Mediterranean diet!

or has been verified by Harvard University scholars after 18 months to be true and effective.

not only makes people eat healthier, but also makes people younger!

can also make burn 4 times the fat!

The waistline becomes thinner and the weight decreases Needless to say!

Even the most difficult to lose visceral fat has doubled and disappeared 👇

So what exactly is the green Mediterranean diet? How to eat to burn 4 times more fat and help eliminate visceral fat?

Sheep has been studying it for a long time, and today I will give it to my sisters to take a clear look! !

First of all, the Mediterranean diet sisters all know that it refers to the eating style of the Mediterranean coast such as Greece, Spain, France and southern Italy.

Mainly emphasizes the intake of vegetables and fruits, fish, whole grains, beans and olive oil etc.

has been rated as the champion of the diet list by experts in various fields in the United States for 7 consecutive years👇

In comparison, the Mediterranean diet is indeed healthy.

But on this basis, after 18 months of long-term experiments, researchers from Harvard University and others finally discovered the green Mediterranean diet that is even better than the Mediterranean diet 👇

Green Mediterranean diet! An upgraded version of the Mediterranean diet!

Scholars randomly divided 294 subjects with abdominal obesity into three groups: conventional healthy diet, Mediterranean diet, and green Mediterranean diet.

The results found that in terms of liver fat, compared with the conventional healthy diet group (-12%) and the Mediterranean diet group (-20%), the green Mediterranean diet group reduced 39%, and the effect was significant!

In terms of weight loss, the weight loss effect of the green Mediterranean diet group is more than 4 times that of the conventional healthy diet!

△Changes in body weight and intrahepatic fat

In terms of waist circumference, the waist circumference of the green Mediterranean diet group decreased by 8.6cm, while the conventional healthy diet group and the Mediterranean diet group were only 4.3cm and 6.8cm.

That’s not all. Judging from the data on visceral fat, the green Mediterranean diet group reduced visceral fat more than twice as much as the Mediterranean diet group!

Sisters must be familiar with visceral fat.

Especially sisters with thin limbs but a big belly, and sisters who can’t reduce their waist circumference despite using various methods, should pay more attention!

In a sense, visceral fat is the villain, it will be quietly hidden deep in the abdominal cavity.

not only makes the belly become increasingly rounded, the upper body is greasy, and affects the appearance; it also promotes insulin resistance, and the fleshiness cannot be reduced no matter how hard it is...

it will also make people more and more stupid👇

Lamb chops to a study published in The Lancet👇

Research has found that 👇

for every 0.27kg increase in visceral fat, our cognition will age by 0.7 years! (commonly known as the bigger the belly, the dumber the brain...)

It can be said that visceral fat often causes trouble everywhere in the body, destroying the smart brain, hard-working heart, and slender body.

Therefore, whether it is to get rid of the "pot belly", restore the appearance, or for the sake of health, sisters not only need to lose weight, but also reduce visceral fat!

And just The green Mediterranean diet is very effective in reducing weight, waist circumference, and visceral fat!

How to eat the green Mediterranean diet? How is it different from the traditional Mediterranean diet?

Sheep is now here to explain it clearly to the sisters! !

First of all, in terms of diet, we must reduce the content of processed meat and red meat .

Needless to say, processed meat refers to meat that has been cured, smoked, fermented, etc., and processed with various materials before being served to the table.

The concept of red meat is opposite to white meat.

Red meat mainly refers to "four-legged" livestock meat, with red meat color , such as pigs, cows, sheep, etc.

White meat refers to poultry meat and aquatic products, with whiter meat color , such as chicken, duck, fish and shrimp.

Red meat and processed meat are very common on our tables, but their dangers cannot be ignored!

, Eating more than 100 grams of red meat per day will increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes by 11% and 27% respectively.

Eating 50 grams more of processed red meat per day increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes by 26% and 44%.

So sisters, be sure to consume red meat in moderation, but don’t eat it casually!

In addition to this, the Green Mediterranean Diet also recommends increasing dietary fiber intake every day.

Modern people have more or less problems such as high weight, difficulty in losing fat, poor digestion, and difficulty in defecation.

At this time, dietary fiber is needed!

Generally, dietary fiber content is relatively rich in fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and legumes.

In other words, sisters can eat more fruits and vegetables such as apples, bananas, cabbage, and lettuce.

Coarse grain legumes such as brown rice, corn, oats, millet, black beans, red beans, mung beans, and soybeans are also good sources of dietary fiber.

Carrots, sweet potatoes, potatoes, etc. are also worth eating more. can also increase satiety and have low energy, which is beneficial to fat loss.

Sisters, your daily dietary fiber must meet the standard 👇

△Picture source @China Resident Nutrient Reference Intake (2023 Edition), the appropriate daily dietary fiber intake for people of different age groups.

Secondly, in the green Mediterranean diet, sheep also discovered a detail 👇

eat 28 grams of walnuts every day.

Walnuts are rich in protein, minerals and vitamins and are a leader in the nut circle~

And the number 28 grams is not nonsense.

Compared with people who do not eat walnuts, they eat more than 5 servings per week (28 grams per serving) Grams) walnuts can significantly reduce the risk of all-cause death and cardiovascular disease.

and adds 1.3 years to life expectancy.

Moreover, walnuts are also very effective in improving inflammation levels and promoting intestinal health .

The antioxidant effect of walnuts is nearly twice that of other nuts. The rich vitamin E can resist aging and improve resistance.

Eating 5-7 walnuts every day can be said to be the simplest, low-cost self-care and anti-aging method.

In addition, Sheep has studied the green Mediterranean diet many times and found that it particularly emphasizes high polyphenol intake.

not only recommends eating onions, olive oil, broccoli, almonds and other foods, but also drinking 3-4 cups of green tea and 100 grams of duckweed green smoothie every day.

’s high polyphenol intake has been mentioned by Sheep before. It has excellent performance in ’s anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and improvement of bacterial flora. It can also help remove senescent cells!

The high-polyphenol group apparently aged more slowly than the other groups, and the high-polyphenol group also lost about 10 pounds during the trial.

sisters usually pay attention to high polyphenol intake to help fight aging. They are also great at losing fat and slimming the belly, and they become more beautiful without pain!

Foods such as mint, star anise, black chocolate, blueberries, and green tea have high polyphenol content. Sisters who have the conditions can also try aquatic duckweed ~

Regarding the green Mediterranean diet recipe, Sheep also checked domestic and foreign information on the green Mediterranean diet. ’s top research, integrating the research results of Harvard University.