On the evening of August 11, the country's first personal health talk show "Joking about the History of Surgery" was brilliantly presented at the Changning Culture and Art Center in Shanghai. Yao Le, deputy chief physician of the General Surgery Department of Shanghai Tongren Hos

html On the evening of August 11, the country's first personal health talk show "Joking about the History of Surgery" was brilliantly presented at the Changning Culture and Art Center in Shanghai. Yao Le, deputy chief physician of the General Surgery Department of Shanghai Tongren Hospital, took off his white coat and turned into a jokester, making jokes one after another, making the audience laugh.

"The founders of the profession of surgeons are a group of people, and their name is Tony. Yes, it is Mr. Tony from the barber shop. The meaning of the red, white and blue rotating lights at the entrance of the barber shop is: white represents gauze, red represents arteries, Blue represents veins. 500 years ago, barber shops were the palace of bloodletting therapy..." Yao Le told the talk show with humor, allowing the audience to travel through the "past and present" life of surgery with laughter.

What will happen to surgery if humans lose anesthesia? Yao Le led the audience to "immerse" the operation scene like a slaughterhouse. "The surgery back then was all about hand speed, and slow hands were useless - if the hands were slower, the patient would be dead! The emergence of anesthesia was epoch-making for human civilization." In Yao Le's jokes and memes, "Disinfective surgery was born, penicillin was discovered, antibiotics were invented, ABO blood types were clarified, and modern blood transfusion technology was complete. From then on, we have a chance of winning in surgical operations for severe infections and severe trauma."

At the same time, Yao Le It also takes the audience to review the ever-improving modern surgery in China. "In 1947, my great-grandfather Qiu Fazu returned to China. He performed superb surgeries and used the 'Qiu-style magic knife' to operate from head to toe! He attached great importance to talent training and taught a group of surgical elites in our new China, including my teacher. Ancestor Qian Yunqing, including my great-uncle Wu Mengchao... The first replantation of a severed hand in the history of world medicine, New China is the first country in the world to successfully reattach a severed hand... Professor Zheng Minhua of Ruijin Hospital promotes the development of minimally invasive surgery in China Starting from nothing, advancing from benign tumors to malignant tumors, reaching the international leading level. "

As the first large-scale health science TV talk show in China, " Health Talk Show " has attracted 28 people from the entire network since its broadcast in 2021. With the attention of 100 million people, the list of candidates for the semi-finals of the fourth quarter of the national auditions has also been released. This time, under the guidance of the Municipal Health Commission, hosted by the Municipal Health Care Office, Tongren Hospital, Shanghai Educational Television, Shanghai Health Channel, and Municipal Health Promotion Center, and co-organized by the Changning District Health Care Office, the country's first personal health talk show was held. The purpose is to further give play to the role of medical and health institutions and medical personnel as the "main front and main force" in health science popularization, and guide citizens to actively participate in health promotion activities.

Wang Tong, the main planner of "Joking about the History of Surgery", deputy director of the Municipal Health Care Office and director of the Health Promotion Department of the Municipal Health Commission, said that using talk shows to tell the history of medicine is an innovation in the country and even the world. "Joking about the History of Surgery" "History" is funny on the outside, but serious at the core: it not only expresses the ignorance and absurdity at the beginning of surgery, the hardships and difficulties in its development, but also shows the indomitable spirit of exploration of human beings in the field of life. It's called "joking", but it's actually a "tribute" - a tribute to every pioneer and leader in the journey of surgical medicine, every "unsung hero" in the history of surgical development, and a tribute to all medical workers.

(Source: Shanghai Changning)