On August 12, the website of the State Administration of Radio and Television released the "Notice of the General Office of the State Administration of Radio and Television on the Recording and Publication of National Domestic TV Cartoon Production in July 2024." Radio and Televi

html On August 12, the website of the State Administration of Radio and Television released the "Notice of the General Office of the State Administration of Radio and Television on the Registration and Publication of National Domestic TV Cartoon Production in July 2024."

Radio and Television Bureaus of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, General Office of China Central Radio and Television:

In July 2024, there were 56 domestically produced TV cartoons nationwide, 25,833.8 minutes long. Divided by subject matter, there are 12 films with fairy tale themes and 3,439 minutes, accounting for 21.4% and 13.3% of the total number of films filed; 27 films and 15,857 minutes with cultural themes, accounting for 48.2% and 61.4% of the total number of films filed; and 4 films with realistic themes and 1,768 minutes, accounting for 13.3% of the total number of films filed. 7.1%, 6.8% of the total; 2 science fiction films, 230 minutes, accounting for 3.6%, 0.9% of the total number of filings; 11 educational themes, 4539.8 minutes, accounting for 19.6%, 17.6% of the total number of filings.

is ranked according to the proportion. The registered themes of domestic TV cartoons are: cultural themes, fairy tale themes, educational themes, realistic themes, and science fiction themes.

is hereby notified.

[Source: State Administration of Radio and Television]