Meet at the golden time of May Day and gather in Dawuyi, Fujian! The 2024 Dawuyi Midi Music Festival is confirmed to be held from May 2nd to 4th at Dawuyi Music Square in Fujian Province (the northeast corner of the intersection of Kuangshan Street and Tianchengyan Road, Nanping

will meet at the May Day prime time in Dawuyi, Fujian! The 2024 Dawuyi Midi Music Festival is confirmed to be held from May 2nd to 4th at Dawuyi Music Square in Fujian Province (the northeast corner of the intersection of Kuangshan Street and Tianchengyan Road, Nanping City, near the west side of the square in front of Nanping City Station) hold.

2024 Wuyi Midi Music Festival full lineup poster

The 2024 Midi Music Festival takes "Hope" as the year-round theme. The poster design uses city flowers from various places as creative elements. The city flower of Wuyishan City is "orchid", and the flower language is noble and elegant. , symbolizing brotherhood, noble and elegant qualities and deep-rooted patriotism.

This Dawuyi Midi is the 50th Midi Music Festival, and there will be four stages on site: Tang, Warring States, Qing, and Midi Island. In addition to well-known domestic bands, there will also be nearly ten groups of overseas bands participating. The full lineup includes: Hu Dev Ara Kimbo, Arch Enemy (Sweden), High Flag & Overload, Pain, Trojan, Yaksha, Cosmodrome Spaceport (Germany), Sabel Hills (Japan), Die from Sorrow Yu, Sound Toy, Nine treasure, rejuvenation pill, melodius deite (Thailand), sara dufour (Canada), island mood, four 囍, steel heart, kawa, ghost griffo, Leviathan, NAND +, Hai Pensen, Lily Zhou she said lily There are a total of about 82 groups of bands and musicians including chou-chou lied, Wachi, Chun, Yinmachi, and Nogishkan.

This music festival is full of exciting highlights, and there will be 3 special performances on site: On May 2, the 14th Midi Awards Ceremony will be held on the Midi Island Stage, the "Planetrox Rock Planet Young Band Competition" (with In cooperation with the Envol & Macadam Music Festival in Quebec, Canada) will be held at the Qing Stage; on May 4, the 2024 "Metal War" China Finals (in cooperation with the Wacken Open Air Music Festival in Germany) will be held at the Warring States Stage. In addition, there will be Midi Island 2.0, a cross-border collision with intangible cultural heritage, to participate in the zero-carbon music festival initiative jointly launched by gf60 and a cultural and creative market that brings together current trendy lifestyles.

Dawuyi has a beautiful ecological environment. The city's forest coverage rate reaches 78.89%, making it one of the areas with the best natural ecology and biodiversity at the same latitude on the earth. Wuyi Mountain combines world cultural and natural heritage, national parks, 5a-level tourist attractions and other golden signs, and is known as "the most beautiful place in the southeast". "Jianyang, a thousand-year-old county full of scholars" is the hometown of Zhu Xi and Song Ci.

Dawuyi is rich in tourism resources. The city has 47 tourist attractions of 3a level or above. It has built a protection and development belt around the Wuyishan National Park and created a 251-kilometer National Park No. 1 Scenic Road, passing through 40 villages in 11 towns (streets), forming a "moving scenic line".

Dawuyi has profound cultural heritage. It gave birth to the Minyue culture, Zhuzi culture, Wuyi tea culture, and Jianyang Jianzhan Jianben culture. Zhu Xi of the Song Dynasty lived here for fifty years, and sages such as Song Ci, the originator of forensic medicine, Liu Yong, the poet of Wanyue, and Li Gang, a famous prime minister, emerged in large numbers.

Da Wuyi traditional food is fragrant. Daohua fish, Langu smoked goose, Jianyang orange pomelo, big flat meat, Fu Maojiao wine, salted duck, chestnut, Golden pit red mushroom, Heping tofu, etc., all make tourists praise and linger over.

Dawuyi’s special activities are wonderful. There is the explosive Da Wuyi Mountain Super Mountain Trail Race, the Wuyi Mountain Marathon that indulges in the mountains and rivers, the Jianzhan Cultural Expo that has been talked about for thousands of years, the self-driving mountain cross-country and starry sky camping, the landscape concert and the Heat Wave Electronic Music Festival, and the atmosphere. Laman’s tea-making festival by the fireside...

Come to Dawuyi to return to nature and let yourself go. You can breathe freely, stay freely, eat freely, run freely, dream freely, and sing freely. I'm waiting for you in Dawuyi!

This music festival is guided by the Music Industry Promotion Committee of the China Musical and Digital Association, hosted by Beijing Midi Music School, and hosted by Dongtai Midi Culture and Art Co., Ltd. Currently, the 2024 Wuyi Music Festival has officially opened ticket sales on ticketing platforms such as Damai, Xiudong, Piao Planet, and Piao Bee. For more information about performance times, transportation, on-site strategies, etc., please pay attention to "Midi"'s subsequent releases.

Source: China Economic News Network