You can never tire of Stephen Chow's movies, and some people like "Westward Journey" which is "love but not impossible". Some people appreciate the unconstrained style in "Kung Fu", while others are keen on laughing and scolding "The Nine-Rank Sesame Official". Recently, someone

Stephen Chow's movies can never be tired of watching, and some people like "Westward Journey" which is "love but not impossible".

Some people appreciate the unrestrained imagination in " Kung Fu ", while others are keen on laughing and scolding " Jiupin Sesame Official ".

Someone recently made a remake of Stephen Chow's "The Ninth Edition" and even invited Huang Yishan and Yuan Qiongdan to sit in. But the result is as you can imagine, they were undoubtedly slapped in the face.

"New Nine Pins Sesame Official" only received 1,305 yuan at the box office on the first day it was released, and received negative reviews.

Some netizens commented: Being able to be so useless is rare among the worst movies on the Internet!

Some people directly scolded him: "It's ruining Xing Ye's classic. The director should stop eating from this bowl of rice. Peng Yu, just make zombie movies honestly." In the past few years,

online movies are actually slowly getting rid of the label of being shoddy, and good movies such as the "Northeast Police Story" series, " Defiant " series, " Qi Men Dun Jia " have emerged.

However, the emergence of "New Nine-Rank Sesame Official" has once again lowered the lower limit of Internet majors. Today, let's break down the seven sins of this movie.

01. Bao Lungxing has no transformation process

Stephen Chow version. Bao Lungxing’s alternate county magistrate was donated money, and he would also accept bribes when judging cases.

He was flawed in the beginning and was hated by the people, such as "fried" Bao Longxing and so on.

Later, because Qi Qin's family was silenced and he was dismissed from his post and imprisoned, he decided to fight back and overturn Qi Qin's case. In the process of escaping,

learned the skill of swallowing swords and developed the ability to quarrel in a brothel, which laid the foundation for later reversal of the case.

On the other hand, in "New Ninth Grade Sesame Official", Qi Qin's family name was changed to Pang's family, and she and Bao Longxing turned out to be childhood sweethearts, calling each other "baobao".

Bao Longxing here is righteous from beginning to end, and there is no change from "bad" to good.

He overturned the verdict for Pang Xiaorou, mostly because he liked her, which weakened the irony in the original work.

02. "Ruhua" is gone.

Ruhua is an indispensable character in Stephen Chow's movies. In "The Official", without his wall-penetrating skills, Bao Longxing would not have been able to escape from prison.

Ruhua Li Jianren and Stephen Chow are middle school classmates, and the two have a very good relationship.

In 1992, Star Master was filming " Martial Arts Champion Su Qier " in mainland China, and Li Jianren came to visit the set.

Seeing his old friend, Stephen Chow took it into consideration and decided to change it up and play a guest role.

Originally, Star Master just wanted to watch his classmates dress up as girls. Unexpectedly, this character has left his name in film history.

In "Wu Zhuangyuan Su Qier", she was still just "Su Qier's father's friend's aunt's sister" . In "Ninth Grade Sesame Official", she officially had the name Ruhua. It is said that Wang Jing chose it.

03. The leopard-headed character turns into a female character

The "I want it all" emoticon is still circulating on the Internet. Every Christmas, "leopard-headed" Xu Jinjiang will return for a limited time.

Such a classic character has become dispensable in the new version. "Master, master, master, master" has no force value and has become useless. There is nothing wrong with

becoming a female character, but using the character as an edge ball is not advanced at all.

After all, it still can’t change the usual erotic elements in online movies. It’s normal to be so disrespectful to women and to rush into the street.

04, Chang Wei has no fighting ability

Chang Wei, you also said that you don’t know martial arts. This line has not only become a widely circulated meme, but also one of the turning points of the case.

Zou Zhaolong has played many villain roles, and he has also fought against Jet Li many times, but the most impressive role has to be Chang Wei.

For example, the madness when he violated Qi Qin's family, and the anger after being exposed by Bao Longxing, were all performed very well.

Chang Wei in the new version not only has no fighting ability, but also has no acting skills. He is like a little gangster, not the second generation ancestor.

05. "Absurd Mirror" turned out to be good

Fang Tangjing, played by Wu Qihua, is not only eloquent, but also has a mean look that makes people want to go up and beat him up.

Later, when I watched Wu Qihua play some master killers, or Zhang Wuji in " Eternal Dragon Sword", I really admired the actor's ability to shape the character.

Fang Tangjing in "New Nine-Rank Sesame Official" not only did not show his eloquence, but he was also a good person in the setting.

He and Bao Longxing were friends who grew up together. In the end, they had to commit perjury because their mother and sister were threatened.

06. There is no more father-in-law Li Lianying.

In the new version of the movie, the emperor directly goes to trial, and there is no problem with Bao Longxing at all. There are also many fewer obstacles, such as the absence of father-in-law Li Lianying.

In Stephen Chow's version, although Eunuch Li has a low official position, he is a member of the palace. In particular, he brought a yellow mantle to Chang Wei, which hindered the progress of the case. The most exciting part of

is the scolding war between Bao Longxing and him, and the discussion about whether to let Qi Qin have a child. "Let her give birth" and "let her give birth" once became hot memes in the movie.

Liu Xun, who plays Eunuch Li, is one of the strongest supporting actors in Hong Kong movies. He himself taught Peking Opera in the Mainland. He came to Hong Kong in the 1980s and served as an opera director in movies. Because

has collaborated with Tsui Hark many times, he gradually came to the stage to perform, became Tsui Hark's supporting role, and earned the title of "Thousand-faced Tathagata".

His acting skills are ever-changing and sophisticated. For the role of "eunuch" alone, he can play with different flavors. For example, he is funny in "Nine Levels of Sesame Official", and scheming in " New Dragon Inn ". Xiaoao Jianghu " performed a sinister performance.

The old man is both dignified and humorous, with a perfect balance between upright and villainous. When he has a beard, he is a good guy, and when he has no beard, he is a bad guy.

07, adding fox fairy elements

The greatest significance of the original work is irony. From the county magistrate to the minister, to the navy admiral and Eunuch Li, they all colluded to exonerate Chang Wei.

is a realism theme until now, but in the new version, fox fairy elements have been added to weaken the satire, which is really inappropriate.

This is understandable for this movie. After all, the protagonist Peng Yushu has played many Internet celebrities, and most of them are in horror movies. He did this because he didn't want everyone to be too dramatic.

In fact, this is not the first time Peng Yushu has imitated Mr. Xing. In "Crazy Demon God Beggar Su Qier", he learned from "Martial Champion Su Qier".

's last overturn did not allow him to learn a lesson, but instead worsened the situation. Now this time it has completely turned into a farce.

This remake is not without its merits. For example, Huang Yishan and Yuan Qiongdan were invited. Although they are both old, seeing them play the emperor and the madam again is still full of memories.

The movie soundtrack uses Hu Weili's original work, and it still has that familiar taste. In the original work of

, the villain wrongly accused Qi Qin and Laifu of adultery, but here elements of the Huangtian Sect are added, which is more reasonable.

But overall, "New Sesame Official" is a bad movie that touches on Stephen Chow, and the remake was careless.

In the past, in the online movie market, it was just a side project, a gimmick, and maybe you could make some money at the box office.

Nowadays, Internet universities are becoming more and more standardized. Movies like this are no longer suitable for the market. Some people should wake up and stop treating the audience with such perfunctory works.

strives to produce original content and produces it with care, which is the way to win.

Finally, to borrow a line from the movie, your remake of "Nine Levels of Sesame Official" is really a distortion of human nature and a loss of morality. (Written by: Fengyun)