Yi Shuao said that if you follow dramas seriously and focus on drama reviews and life experiences, I hope you can withstand the difficulties of life without having to wear armor. When Master Shi married Mingyu, it was a proper marriage first and love later, and they became a happ

Yi Shuao said that if you follow dramas seriously and comment on dramas, you will be able to withstand the difficulties of life without having to wear armor.

Master Shi married Mingyu. It was a proper marriage first and love later, and they became a happy couple. Both of them have one knot in their hearts, that is Ruoxi.

Ruo Xi works as a maid in the palace and cannot leave the palace all year round. Several elder brothers will often give Ruo Xi some gadgets because Ruo Xi likes them.

Master Shi gave Ruoxi a lantern. Master Fourteen told Ruoxi that Master Shi had half robbed and half bought it. Because they didn't buy this lantern, they just hung it up for people to watch, but Master Shi forced it to be bought.

Ruoxi stopped as soon as she heard this and asked Master Shi to go back. For these elder brothers, they don’t think there is any problem with this matter. They can get what they want even if they use their status to oppress them. There is nothing wrong with it. What’s more, they gave the money back and didn’t ask for it in vain. This is already Very kind.

But for Ruoxi, her essence is the modern Zhang Xiao. Even though she has accepted the fact that she can only stay in ancient times and adapt to ancient life, she cannot let her thoughts completely retreat to the concept of dignity and inferiority.

Ruoxi's thoughts were advanced at that time. She was able to become close friends with Master Thirteen because his thoughts were closest to hers. She was able to become good friends with Master Fourteen because he was like her. Likes to speak out.

The Fourteenth Master also felt that it was inappropriate for the Tenth Master to do this, so he told Ruo Xi that Ruo Xi didn’t want it. The Fourteenth Master understood, but the Nine Masters couldn’t stand it. Among these brothers, Master Jiu doesn't like Ruo Xi. In his opinion, Ruo Xi is too scheming and pretentious.

Character determines cognition, and also determines whether the auras of people are compatible.

For Master Shi, there is no reason to return the lantern that Ruoxi doesn’t want. This lantern was left in Master Shi's study. Mingyu saw it and liked it very much, so Master Shi gave it to her.

Things in the world are like this. Mingyu didn't know the origin of this lantern, but she liked it at first sight. Master Shi gave it to her and she was even more happy. But once someone told her that this lantern was originally given to Ruo Xi by Master Shi and Ruo Xi didn't want it, the lantern immediately changed its flavor.

Mingyu and Shi Ye quarreled. Shi Ye didn't understand a lantern, why Mingyu was so entangled. Mingyu beat Shi Ye, and Shi Ye was so angry that he went to the palace to divorce his wife.

Ruoxi and her elder brothers all know that Master Shi and Mingyu are a happy couple, but this knot has indeed become an obstacle between them.

Mingyu, Shi Ye, and even many others thought that Ruoxi was Shi Ye’s Bai Yueguang, a person who could only get what he wanted. However, after Shi Ye married Mingyu, the two of them had feelings for each other amidst the quarrel. Self-aware.

Ruo Xi told Master Shi that when she was a child, she occasionally ate candied haws on a stick, but because she was worried that it would be dirty, her parents wouldn’t let her eat more. As time went by, the taste of candied haws on a stick was engraved in Ruo Xi’s heart, and she waited until one day to buy it. When I ate the candied haws again, I realized that the taste was not as good as I remembered.

On the contrary, it is not as delicious as the hibiscus cake she usually eats. So, Ruoxi tried not eating hibiscus cake for three months, only to realize that what she wanted to eat most was hibiscus cake, not candied haws.

All the brothers present understood this story, but Master Shi didn’t understand it very well. Ruoxi said that she was the candied haws, and Mingyu was the hibiscus cake. Master Shi didn't understand half of it, so he told it to Mingyu, and Mingyu understood it instantly.

Ruoxi wants to tell Master Shi that in fact Master Shi loves Mingyu, otherwise Mingyu would always hit Master Shi. Master Shi’s angry expression shows that Yu is a shrew, but he has never touched Mingyu. There is only one explanation. , that is Master Shi loves Mingyu, so he condones Mingyu's temper.

I like the story Ruoxi told very much, but this story is by no means as simple as unraveling Master Shi. This is Ruoxi's perception of her emotional experience and a summary of her own growth. It also woke up Ba Ye. Ruo Lan was a candied haws, Ruo Xi was too, and Ba Fu Jin was a hibiscus cake.

Many times, memory can be deceptive. For example, Ruo Xi liked to eat candied haws when she was a child, but she couldn't eat it because adults prevented her from eating it, so she never forgot it.

Everyone must have had similar experiences and feelings, whether it was food, food, a person or a relationship.

It is said that if you never forget, there will be a response, but many times, if you never forget, it will only fulfill the deep knot in your heart, but it will not get a response. Because memory can be deceptive. As time goes by, the sweet and beautiful parts will be left behind, while the bitter and painful parts will be automatically blocked and then slowly disappear.

The profit-seeking nature of human nature determines that memories are always being screened. Even if painful memories are retained, they are still beneficial to oneself.

Only when you see clearly the deception of memory will you not be bound by memory and become a knot in your heart.

Ruoxi can tell Master Shi about candied haws and hibiscus cake, which shows that she also has a lot of insights into her own feelings. It can also be said that she told it to the Eighth Master and the Fourth Master, but the Fourth Master never knew that Ruoxi had liked the Eighth Master.

However, there is one thing. If Ruoxi likes someone, she has not told the fourth master. The fourth master is not entangled, because there is an agreement between them not to tell, this agreement can prove the magnanimity of the two people.

In the eyes of others, Ruoxi is a little girl in her teens, but in fact, Zhang Xiao, a modern person, has already graduated from college and has been in a relationship. In other words, the body of a teenager pretends to be a modern person in her twenties. mature thoughts.

It was many years later that Ruoxi realized that there was a calculation behind Master Ba's deep love for her. This calculation did not necessarily mean that Master Ba had deliberately deceived Ruoxi. This calculation was caused by Master Ba's character. , it can be said that he has a plan for everyone, because the kindness he treats everyone must be known by the other party, and he expects repayment.

Ruoxi doesn't like this. She prefers frank interpersonal relationships without any pursuit of interests. For example, between her and Thirteenth Master, they just have a good conversation, nothing else.

Ruo Xi is telling Master Shi the difference between candied haws and hibiscus cake. Isn’t this a way to untie her own knot?

(The pictures are all from screenshots of the TV series "Step by Step", if there is any infringement, please contact us to delete)