On March 8, CCTV-1's eight o'clock cultural variety show "The Biography of the Grand Masters: Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties" came to an end. Zeng Bu, played by actor Gao Xiaopan, is eye-catching. Since his debut, Gao Xiaopan has always given people the image

On March 8, CCTV-1’s eight o’clock cultural variety show “The Biography of the Grand Masters: Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties” came to an end. Zeng Bu, played by actor Gao Xiaopan, is eye-catching.

Since his debut, Gao Xiaopan has always given people the image of a gentle and modest gentleman. He is a rare representative of both good looks and comedy, especially his Republican style appearance in "Little Mr.", which is truly an unparalleled gentleman. Because of this, mentioning Gao Xiaopan always makes people think of literati, and perhaps Gao Xiaopan himself thinks so too. Because in Chinese cultural tradition there is an ideal identity called a literati, and no one in history would not want to become a literati.

"Closing one's doors is not arrogant, keeping one's Tao is seeking one's own life." Literati often shelter themselves in a door outside the hustle and bustle of the world. Whether this door is in the city or in the mountains and forests, once it is opened, another door appears in front of them. A cave is the place where they usually write freely. Looking at these characteristics, this is why Gao Xiaopan is said to be a "literati". In him and in his works, the sentiments unique to literati are everywhere reflected, from "The Pear Garden" to "Little Mr." , in addition to having the basic skills of a crosstalk actor, that is, the ability to control "jokes" and "baggage", the most important thing is that he has his own thinking, in other words, he has connotation. Different from other comedy crosstalk that is just for the sake of being funny, it truly integrates traditional Chinese culture and comedy works, brings culture to the crosstalk world, and proves with its strength that comedy works can also be nutritious.

In this era of "entertaining yourself to death", laughter has been consumed by the public in the form of jokes. However, in this special era, Gao Xiaopan still sticks to himself and is determined not to engage in fast food culture. Isn't this a " What about "literati"?

In "The Biography of the Grand Master: Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties", his control of the role of Zeng Bu fully reflects his "literary" temperament. He used the classic "climbing performance style" and "resurrected" Zeng Bu with his unique way of thinking and language, allowing us to see that as Zeng Gong's younger brother, he not only had the demeanor of a successful king and defeated a bandit, but also a "man with strong bones through the ages." , is also a man of letters with arrogance and character. In this process, Gao Xiaopan may have also thought of himself, which is why he was able to create such a full image of Zeng Bu. In just a few shots, we saw the Zeng family tradition, the inheritance of ideas between Zeng Gong and Zeng Bu, and the loyalty and fragrance of the family.

A handsome gentleman, with a face like a crown jade, a scholarly character, walking alone in the world. It is hoped that "literary man" Gao Xiaopan can perform more literati roles and create more excellent and nutritious works.