Bai Lu posted a photo of her with her stunt double on the set, sparking heated discussions. From the photo, it can be seen that Sister Lu's life is very fulfilling, and the atmosphere on the set is relaxed and harmonious. I believe that such a crew will definitely be able to prod

Bai Lu posted a photo of her with her stunt double on the set, sparking heated discussions. From the photo, it can be seen that Sister Lu’s life is very fulfilling, and the atmosphere on the set is relaxed and harmonious. I believe that such a crew will definitely produce good works.

It can be seen from the photos that Bai Lu and the double have very similar figures, wearing the same clothes and hair accessories, and even their expressions and postures match. This high degree of similarity surprised and intrigued netizens, triggering heated discussions.

Stuntman has always been a relatively sensitive topic in the entertainment industry. Although they put in a lot of effort as actors, they often struggle to gain public recognition and attention. Therefore, the photo of Bai Lu and the stuntman also made netizens pay attention to the efforts and roles of the stuntman, which triggered more discussions and attention.

To sum up, the reason why the photo of Bai Lu and the stand-in caused heated discussion is mainly because of their high similarity, close interaction and the sensitivity of the subject of stand-in.

Actor's stand-ins play a variety of important roles in film and television productions. Their main role is to complete some difficult, special or high-risk actions and scenes on behalf of the actors to ensure the safety of the actors and the progress of the filming. Stuntmen usually have professional skills and experience and can provide accurate performance and action doubles for actors in specific fields.

is mainly responsible for completing some difficult action scenes, such as fighting, speeding, diving, etc. These actions often require professional skills and training, and stuntmen usually have these skills and experience to ensure the authenticity and safety of action scenes.

is mainly responsible for completing some stunts and special effects, such as explosions, flames, etc. These scenes often involve higher risks and dangers, and stuntmen are professionally trained to deal with these dangerous situations and ensure that the filming goes smoothly.

Stuntmen can also play other roles during filming. For example, stuntmen can replace actors in acting, testing camera positions, lighting, etc. to ensure the smooth progress of the filming effect and progress.

However, in recent years, the profession of stuntman has become controversial. On the one hand, because some actors use too many stunt doubles during filming, they are accused of being unprofessional and showing off, which has led to the profession of stunt men being stigmatized.

On the other hand, because the work of stuntmen is often not easily known, their hard work and professional skills are often not given due recognition and respect, which has also aroused social attention and discussion on the rights of stuntmen.

Generally speaking, stuntmen play an indispensable role in film and television production. They provided vital support and assistance to the actors and production team, making the filming smoother and more realistic. However, stuntmen also face some controversies and challenges due to some negative press and professional stigma. Therefore, we should respect and pay more attention to the efforts and contributions of stuntmen, and give them the respect and recognition they deserve.

Predicting whether a TV series will become a hit is a complex issue that involves many variables, such as the attractiveness of the plot, the actor's popularity and fan base, the director's reputation, the strength of the production team, and the overall market trend. Therefore, I cannot give a clear prediction as to whether "Bai Yue Brahma", which Bai Lu is currently filming, will become a hit drama.

However, judging from the existing information, "White Moon Brahma Star" has some elements that may become a hit. First of all, it has a fascinating storyline, adapted from Xing Ling's novel "Bai Shuo Shang Shen", which tells a love story that spans the worlds of humans and immortals. This type of story usually attracts the attention of a large number of viewers. Secondly, starring actors such as Bai Lu and Ao Ruipeng have a certain degree of popularity and fan base, and their acting skills and appearance are also well recognized, which helps attract more audiences.

In addition, the strength of the production team cannot be underestimated. Director Zhu Ruibin has directed many popular TV series, such as "Sweet Honey as Ashes as Frost" and "Long Song Journey", and "Ningan Like a Dream" was also a hit. This is the director's second collaboration with Bailu. His directing style is loved by the audience.At the same time, as a production company, iQiyi also has rich production experience and strong resource support.

However, to determine whether "White Moon Brahma Star" will become a hit, it is also necessary to consider the overall market trends and changes in audience tastes. At present, costume fairy tale dramas still have a certain audience base in the market, but they also need continuous innovation and breakthroughs to attract more viewers' attention and love.

In summary, although "White Moon Brahma Star" has some elements that may become a hit, whether it will be successful still needs to wait for feedback from the market and the audience. For viewers, paying attention to the development of the plot, the performance of the actors and the efforts of the production team are all important factors in judging whether a TV series will become a hit.