Recently, Hong Kong singer Leo Ku, who was busy rehearsing for the Spring Festival Gala, was suddenly exposed by Hong Kong media as being involved in a "debt scandal." It turned out that his brother-in-law was suspected of owing huge debts due to gambling, which led his father-in

Recently, Hong Kong singer Leo Ku, who was busy rehearsing for the Spring Festival Gala, was suddenly exposed by Hong Kong media as being involved in a "debt scandal."

It turned out that his brother-in-law was suspected of owing huge debts due to gambling, which led his father-in-law to issue a statement severing the relationship between father and son.

As a veteran artist, the 51-year-old Ku Juji has been in the industry for many years and rarely had any negative information until he fell into trouble due to this incident.

Netizens' attitudes towards this are also polarized. In addition to many people sympathizing with him for being implicated, some people actually shouted: "You can't bear to give up a few million, right?"

And his response was: "There is nothing you can do!"

Throughout the entertainment industry, there are actually many celebrities who have been implicated by their relatives:

Some have had all their belongings taken away by their mothers, and some have been asked for money by their fathers who have never raised them...

Faced with various "big pits" that cannot be avoided , the attitudes of the stars are also completely different, but there is unspeakable sadness behind them...

. Ku Juji: Powerless

Ku Juji, who once starred in "Love in the Rain" and became popular in domestic entertainment, actually has always had a person behind him. "Invisible Girlfriend": Her personal assistant Chen Yunqing.

The two have been in love for 20 years and finally officially announced their marriage in 2014.

Although Chen Yunqing is 4 years older than Ku Juji, she is not an ordinary woman who can rise to the top just because she is a good "nanny".

Chen Yunqing was born in a wealthy family and has a high degree of education. She initially entered the entertainment industry to work behind the scenes just because of interest, but unexpectedly she fell in love with a male artist and eventually became successful.

She has always been very low-key and has almost no sense of presence after being married to Leo Ku for ten years. However, she gave birth to their son at the age of 51 in 2019, marking a new stage in her life.

This time, Chen's father posted a statement outside the restaurant he runs, bluntly severing relations with his son Chen Yuxin.

This statement caused a sensation as soon as it was exposed, and Ku Juji was inevitably affected by twists and turns. In an interview with

, he said frankly that his father-in-law, who is in his 80s, has been tortured by this incident. He had previously paid off a debt of HK$3 million for his son, but the other party did not stop and instead owed more and more.

After much thought, the family decided to cut off the relationship and stop the loss in time.

2. Ming Dao, Jacky Cheung, Choi Shaofen, Angela Chang: Draw a clear line

Ming Dao, the former "Taiwan puppet drama's number one boss", was also tortured by his brother's debt, and was chased by many netizens and scolded: "You So you have money, why don't you help him pay off his debts?"

In January 2020, a tragedy occurred. The bodies of a family of three were found in a community in Taiwan. The deceased were the family of Ming Dao's brother Lin Minghong.

Lin Minghong has always been a good person and owed a lot of money. He had been planning his suicide for a long time, but he actually cruelly let his wife and 12-year-old son be buried with him.

At first, the public was very confused about this and accused Mingdao of "not caring about his brother", but in fact the relationship between the two brothers has always been very good.

When he was a child, his family was poor and he suffered from malnutrition, which caused myasthenia. It was his older brother who carried him to and from school every day. After

debuted, in order to repay these kindnesses, Mingdao gave his brother a fixed amount of pocket money every month. Even his brother's wedding expenses were fully funded by him.

But it is a pity that Lin Minghong was involved in du gambling, and he would use his younger brother's identity as an artist to guarantee everywhere: "My brother will definitely pay you back!"

Such things kept happening, which also affected Mingdao's acting career. .

In 2013, when Ming Dao was being interviewed, fans intercepted him and forced him to pay back the money for Lin Minghong.

In desperation, he had no choice but to spend 6.5 million to plug the hole for his brother. Unexpectedly, the other party owed a huge debt again in 2016. When

was interviewed, Mingdao said helplessly: Helping his brother pay off his debts is like filling a bottomless pit.

After that, he publicly stated: "Even if he is a relative, I can't take any responsibility for him."

He immediately drew a clear line with his brother.

In fact, the purpose of doing this was to hope that his brother could take on his own responsibilities and return from his lost ways, but unexpectedly, the news of his suicide came.

"Song God" Jacky Cheung also once His elder brother, Zhang Xuezhi, was in debt and was blackmailed.

Zhang Xuezhi was originally his younger brother's agent, but he owed money. His younger brother helped him pay off part of the debt, but the snowball kept getting bigger and bigger, and he had no choice but to pay off part of the debt. chose to sever the relationship.

Similar things happened to actresses Ada Choi and Angela Chang:

The former did not hesitate to become the canary of the wealthy businessman Liu Luanxiong in order to pay off the huge debt for her mother, but her mother still used her as a cash cow, and often He shouted on the scene: "My daughter is a Hong Kong sister, and I have plenty of money to pay you back!" "

Cai Shaofen was desperate and broke down at a press conference and cried: "Please don't lend her any more money!" "

It is reported that she once helped her mother pay off a debt worth 100 million, almost draining her life income.

Angela Chang was also miserable. She had a very good relationship with her mother when she debuted in the early years, but later her mother Jiang Royi was exposed as using her daughter as a "Cash Machine", and was also rumored to have an affair with singer Zhang Haozhe, which greatly affected Angela Chang's acting career.

Later, she went abroad to recuperate due to illness, but unexpectedly after returning to China, she discovered that her pleasure-seeking mother had transferred tens of millions of her She owned all the money and even took the initiative to smear her daughter for drug abuse and abandonment to the gossip media.

Under heavy pressure, Angela Chang held a press conference and said with tears: severing the relationship between mother and daughter.

Many years later, she became famous again and mentioned the matter again and admitted that she had Forgive, and said that "family is family."

3. Chen Yihan: Embarrassing and perfunctory

Actress Chen Yihan, who claims to have had 47 boyfriends, has a poor family of origin. It is reported that due to her parents' work, she has been "thrown" in for a long time Her grandfather's family in the countryside lacked care during her childhood.

Perhaps this is why she became precocious. It is reported that she fell in love frequently since junior high school to make up for the emptiness.

But even if she has been in love, Chen Yihan did not marry until 2018, when she was 36 years old. Gave it to her boyfriend Xu Fuxiang.

However, a year before the marriage, Taiwanese media also revealed that his father owed NT$300,000 and refused to repay it, and delayed it for various reasons, which eventually led to the other party taking him to court.

The whistleblower said:

" Chen Yihan's father gambled with others in the company, and when he lost money, he borrowed money from everywhere. He also went around flaunting his daughter's achievements to others and showing off the millions of red envelopes his daughter gave him during the Chinese New Year..."

In fact, in an interview in the early years, she bluntly stated that her relationship with her father was not good, and she also revealed on the show that the other party had done something Doing things that are not good for the family.

However, in the face of public accusations and doubts, Chen Yihan still said: "I will go find out about the situation and I will try my best to help. "

4. Xu Huaiyu: Fighting against

Xu Huaiyu, the once popular "little queen", was also born in a family that favored sons over daughters. In particular, his grandfather Xu Tao was known as the "dictator of the family."

It is reported that he is always ready to treat his children. The daughters-in-law fought hard and even forced their sons to sell drugs for profit, causing Xu Huaiyu's father to jump off a building and die.

Later, the mother could not stand the oppression and chose to leave with young Xu Huaiyu and his younger brother.

However, after becoming popular, she But she still couldn't get rid of the burden of her grandfather.

In 2001, Xu Tao suddenly found the media and broke the news that she claimed to be Xu Huaiyu's grandfather, but was abandoned by the other party.

As soon as this statement came out, the public's condemnation of her became more serious, and many melon-eating people accused her. "Too unconscionable."

In desperation, Xu Huaiyu accepted an interview and confessed his childhood experience and the past of being "abused" by his grandfather. The storm gradually subsided.

But it was also a devastating blow to his career. , after that she was shunned by the company, suffered from depression, and her career hit rock bottom.

5. He Jiong, Mao Xiaotong: Stealth and Ignore

He Jiong, recognized as a "good old man" in domestic entertainment, has been exposed by the outside world since the "Quick Book Gift Receiving Incident" in 2020, and it was immediately exposed that his father He Wei is a Lao Lai.

The incident originated from a project of his company in 2013. The plaintiff advanced more than 400,000 yuan for him at that time, but after the project ended, the other party repeatedly asked for it to no avail.

In desperation, the other party took him to court, but after the court's ruling, He Jiong's father still refused to pay back the money, and finally became the person subject to execution.

As the incident became more and more serious, many netizens came forward to expose it, saying that they had previously worked on 5D projects for He Wei, and the other party ran away after finishing the work, and was also said to be blackmail.

After this incident broke out, He Wei was exposed again. After his son became famous, he was dissatisfied with the construction of an archway near his ancestral home and had a conflict with the entire village.

Later, the whole village jointly wrote an open letter to report the incident, and the matter became known to the public.

Regarding these messages, He Jiong never responded even half a word, but waited for the limelight to gradually pass.

Although he is still active on the front line, his popularity among passers-by is not what it used to be.

Compared with the deep interest ties between him and his father, Mao Xiaotong seemed even more speechless when he was stabbed in the back by his biological father.

She was also born in a family that values ​​sons over daughters. Not long after she was born, her father Li Chao threw her into the trash can. Her mother Mao Huiling found her and immediately took her back.

After that, her parents divorced, and it was her mother who raised Mao Xiaotong alone and trained her with all her heart, letting her learn dancing and acting. During

, Li Chao not only refused to pay child support to his wife, but also required his ex-wife to pay him 400 yuan every month. However, he soon became addicted to drugs again and was arrested and sentenced to one year.

Many years later, when Mao Xiaotong became famous, she was suddenly publicly blackmailed by her biological father on a talk show:

"Give me 50 million, and we will settle the matter, or we will go to hell together!"

In this regard, she also chose to deal with it coldly and did not The progress of the matter was put on the table, and there was never any response to this matter.

However, she once mentioned her views on relationships in the program. She said: "Don't underestimate a woman's ability to deal with problems."

As soon as she said this, she also received praise from the audience:

"I think she is worth her price. Ten million, her mother deserves to live in a villa!"

6. Zhang Ziyi: Angry Question

Recently, Wang Feng, who recently divorced Zhang Ziyi, has been involved in new scandals, and the speed of seamless connection is surprising.

But in fact, his marriage to Zhang Ziyi was "hidden" at the beginning, and it is not unusual for them to part ways now.

As we all know, "International Zhang" was born as a girl, but in fact, her native family was not superior. She didn't even have a separate bedroom of her own in her early years, but her brother Zhang Zinan did. Based on this speculation, she may also be Victims of patriarchal families.

But Zhang Ziyi is extremely resilient. With her naturally superior physical appearance and drive, she reached her peak when she debuted.

At that stage, she made her agent appointment with her brother Zhang Zinan, who also stepped into the upper class society. In 2006, she married actor Yin Xu and gave birth to her son.

However, because he was not a professional agent, he caused a lot of controversy when arranging jobs for his sister.

For example, Zhang Ziyi exposed a lot of intimate photos with Jackie Chan during the filming of "Rush Hour 2".

Faced with the reporter's interview, as an agent, Zhang Zinan publicly complained that Jackie Chan was "out of date" and "unworthy of spreading scandals with my sister."

Someone else broke the news that at that time, someone wanted to arrange an interview with her, but her brother Lion opened the door and offered 40 million.

In 2004, Zhang Ziyi was invited to attend the Monaco royal dinner. During the process, she was invited by the prince to dance. She agreed, but her brother stopped her: "No, dancing is not mentioned in the contract. You can dance if you want, but you have to pay extra!"

Later, Zhang Ziyi could only cancel the working relationship with her brother, but she still couldn't get rid of the influence of her family.

There are rumors that the reason why she ended her relationship with Sa Beining was because her mother declared: "My daughter's income is 70 times more than him!"

When Wang Feng came here, the situation still had not improved.

It is reported that Zhang Ziyi's family is not satisfied with Wang Feng, and Zhang Zinan even made a scene at the marriage proposal at their birthday party in 2015.

It is reported that the scene was very heated, and it was suspected that Wang Leehom's wife at the time, Li Jinglei, was accidentally injured.

While Zhang Ziyi was trying her best to send a press release to cover up the matter, Zhang Zinan took the initiative to break the news in a post on WeChat Moments, causing her sister to shout from a distance the next day, which was regarded as targeting her brother:

"How long are you going to keep hacking me!" Haven’t you got enough?! You’re not the only one hurting me!”