On December 29, the "Cultural Show, Community Aesthetic Education" held by Quyang Road Street to welcome the New Year in 2023 and the outstanding team program performance event kicked off at the Quyang Community Cultural Activity Center. Community residents and foreign friends pa

On December 29, the "Cultural Gala Community Aesthetic Education" held by Quyang Road Street to welcome the New Year in 2023 and the people's grand stage and outstanding team program performance kicked off at the Quyang Community Cultural Activity Center. Community residents and foreign friends participated in this event. A grand community cultural feast, singing and laughing to welcome the New Year. The

event kicked off with the lively Little Star Children's New Year's Dance "New Year's Blessings", followed by a number of exciting programs: including situational recitations, a combination of Chinese and Western instrumental music, an original dance that conveyed hope to children in mountainous areas, and foreign friends' speeches There are various forms of programs such as performances with ethnic characteristics, opera chorus, special sketches, singing by famous artists, singing and dancing choruses, etc. The

community residents' art team brought wonderful performances to the event. The community chorus, dance team, recitation team, instrumental performance team, Shanghai Opera team, and Yue Opera team took turns to perform. For example, the Quyang community recitation team performed the situational recitation "Glimmer of Deeds and Volunteer Youth", the Shangnong No. 2 Neighborhood Committee Hulusi Team performed the Hulusi "Phoenix Tail Bamboo in the Moonlight", and the Yunsan Neighborhood Committee folk band performed guzheng and The bamboo flute "Border of Lake Baikal" and so on are all impressive. International students from Shanghai International Studies University also showed off their talents at the event, with Thai dance and Russian dance performed one by one, which was brilliant.

On the same day, the "Quyang Shimmer" volunteer awards, the unveiling of the "Artists Entering the Community" aesthetic education practice base, and the Quyang Community Cultural Team Star Rating and Commendation Ceremony were also held. Masters and outstanding volunteers from across the country were invited to participate in the awards to further promote community cultural team building and create a strong community aesthetic education atmosphere.

It is understood that since October this year, Quyang Road Subdistrict has successfully held two large-stage art performances for the common people with the theme of community aesthetic education. This event is one of them. A total of 63 cultural and artistic programs participated in the registration, 42 of which came from residential areas, achieving full coverage of 24 neighborhood committees. By refining the concept of the "15-minute cultural life circle" and tapping community resources, Quyang Road Street continues to promote the development of community cultural undertakings and create high-quality, high-standard, and high-level community cultural activities.

In order to ensure the quality of the program, the event organization invited experts and teachers from various professional academies to provide rehearsal guidance for the participating programs. The participating teams went through layers of selection and finally stood out from 91 cultural and sports teams.

The relevant person in charge of Quyang Road Street said that this event is not only a cultural feast, but also a performance and display of the cultural construction of Quyang Road Street. By holding such activities, Quyang Road Subdistrict has further strengthened community team building and improved the cultural literacy and happiness of community residents. In the future, Quyang Road Street will continue to promote the development of community cultural undertakings and provide residents with more high-quality cultural activities and services.