In fact, men need "care" more than women. According to statistics, in terms of the death ratio between men and women, men's lifespan has always been shorter than women. This has a lot to do with men's susceptibility to diseases. In recent years, men's diseases have become more co

In fact, men need "care" more than women. According to statistics, in terms of the death ratio between men and women, men's lifespan has always been shorter than women. This has a lot to do with men's susceptibility to diseases. In recent years, men's diseases have become more common. Fatal diseases such as prostatitis, prostate cancer, and lung cancer have devastated many men.

1. Eat more bean sprouts: According to American research, bean sprouts have miraculous effects on anti-cancer because they contain a large amount of plant-based sulfur glycosides, which can prevent smoke and other pollutants in the air from causing lung cancer. You can add sprouts to salads or eat them directly on a sandwich. The risk can be reduced by 24%.

2. Drink some red wine: Drinking four to eight glasses of red wine a week can cut the chance of prostate cancer in half. The skin of red grapes is rich in resveratrol, which can inhibit the development of cancer cells. The risk can be reduced by 50%.

3. More spinach: Again, I remind you to eat more spinach. Researchers in Nottingham, England, found that spinach is rich in magnesium, which can improve lung breathing. The risk can be reduced by 20%.

4. More sex: According to research by Australian scientists, masturbating at least five times a week can reduce the chance of prostate cancer by more than 1/3. Ejaculation flushes out carcinogens from the prostate. So if you like your partner as much as you like yourself, having sex regularly will be good for your prostate. The risk can be reduced by 34%.

5. Stay moist: According to Kidney Research UK, if you drink at least two liters of water a day, your chance of developing kidney disease will be reduced by 80%. The risk can be reduced by 80%.

6. Get some sunshine: 15 minutes of sunshine a day can reduce the chance of getting sick by half. Sunlight can help the skin produce vitamin D, and vitamin D can synthesize disease-inhibiting substances in the blood. Of course, don’t forget to apply sunscreen when basking in the sun. The risk can be reduced by 50%.

7. Have a kiwi: it’s that small, hairy fruit. Taking 120 mg of vitamin C or eating a kiwi fruit every day can reduce lung damage caused by air pollution in half. The risk can be reduced by 36%.

8. Add some honey: Add three tablespoons of honey to your breakfast toast and you'll get as much energy as a sports drink, but at a fraction of the cost.

9. Vitamin E: American researchers have found that vitamin E obtained from plant seeds rather than from most dietary supplements can prevent the development of lung disease. One microgram (millionth of a gram) of vitamin E obtained from walnuts, walnuts or sesame seeds can inhibit disease-causing agents. So, chew on some more seeds. The risk can be reduced by 16%.

Recommended reading:

Men are more likely to get cancer than women

Men can curb cancer by eating peas

Men’s must-see golden recipes for cancer prevention and health