With changes in lifestyle and improvement in living standards, the incidence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease has shown a significant upward trend and is becoming younger, becoming an important global public health issue. In 2015, China released the world's first popular scie

With changes in lifestyle and improvement in living standards, the incidence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease has shown a significant upward trend and is becoming younger, becoming an important global public health issue.

In 2015, China released the world's first popular science version of "China's Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Fatty Liver Disease". Based on this guideline, it explains how to prevent and treat non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (hereinafter referred to as fatty liver disease).

Fatty liver is a disease, not sub-health.

Fatty liver is a reversible disease. With early detection and early intervention, most patients can be cured without sequelae. However, if it is ignored and allowed to develop without intervention, it may become liver fibrosis, cirrhosis, or even develop into liver cancer.

The most important thing to prevent and treat fatty liver is to remove the cause and change the lifestyle.

Control your diet by eating regularly and quantitatively, chewing slowly, not eating too much at each meal, drinking less or no alcohol, eating mainly plant foods, supplemented by animal foods, to prevent excessive calorie intake.

Moderate aerobic exercise Choose a fitness method that suits you, such as Tai Chi, swimming, jogging and other exercises.

Regular health check-ups People with family histories of diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, etc. should have regular health check-ups, strictly control their weight, and prevent and treat chronic diseases as early as possible.

Use medication with caution. Whether it is Western medicine or traditional Chinese medicine, it may cause drug-induced liver injury. Preventive medication should be based on medicines and food homologous drugs.

Liver stagnation and spleen deficiency are the root causes, supplemented by dietary prescriptions

Most patients with fatty liver disease have no symptoms, but some people may experience symptoms such as distension and discomfort in the right upper abdomen, fatigue, anorexia, fat tongue, thick or greasy coating, etc. Liver stagnation, spleen deficiency, phlegm, etc. If the symptoms of internal dampness are not intervened in a timely manner, pain in the liver area, distending pain or tingling may occur if the condition is prolonged, and the tongue may be dark red or have ecchymoses, petechiae and other manifestations of qi stagnation and blood stasis. Strengthening the spleen and soothing the liver, resolving phlegm and removing dampness are the basic treatments for fatty liver. If there is blood stasis, then activating blood circulation and removing blood stasis are also used.

Research has found that traditional Chinese medicine has certain advantages in improving liver function, lowering lipids and blocking liver fibrosis. For example, while removing the cause of the disease and changing lifestyle, under the guidance of the theory of "treating the disease before it is treated" of traditional Chinese medicine, selecting traditional Chinese medicine with the same origin as medicine and food to replace tea or diet can play an effective auxiliary prevention and treatment role, and can reduce the risk of disease. Toxic side effects of certain drugs.

Here are some tea-replacing and dietary recipes:

1. Drinks for promoting qi and removing dampness: 10 grams of Atractylodes, 10 grams of tangerine peel, 10 grams of radish seeds, and 15 grams of fried cassia seeds. Brew it with boiling water instead of tea, drink it at any time, one dose a day. It is suitable for those who are obese, have sticky stools, and have thick and greasy tongue coating. It has the effect of promoting qi and removing dampness.

2. Gynostemma pentaphyllum and cassia tea: 15 grams of Gynostemma pentaphyllum and 30 grams of fried cassia seeds. Brew it with boiling water instead of tea, drink it at any time, one dose a day. It has the effects of replenishing qi, removing dampness, resolving phlegm and eliminating fat, and is suitable for those with phlegm-damp constitution due to qi deficiency and obesity.

3. Codonopsis pilosula, Poria cocos and lentil porridge: 10 grams of Codonopsis pilosula, 10 grams of Poria cocos, 10 grams of white lentils, and 100 grams of raw barley. Wash the Codonopsis pilosula and Poria cocos, slice them into slices, and put them into the pot with the white lentils. Add water and simmer for 30 minutes, add washed raw barley, and simmer over low heat until it becomes thick porridge. Take it warmly once in the morning and evening. Codonopsis pilosula, Poria cocos and white lentils can be chewed at the same time. Take it continuously for 3 to 4 months.

4. Hawthorn and barley porridge: 25 grams of hawthorn and 50 grams of barley. The ratio of barley and hawthorn is 2:1. Hawthorn is not only appetizing, but also beneficial to digestion and fat removal. If you insist on taking it for 1 to 2 months, it has the effect of eliminating fat and removing accumulation. You can also use hawthorn to make tea. Hawthorn tea is refreshing and natural, with good sour and sweet taste.

5. Angelica aloe vera tea: 30 grams of fried cassia seeds, 15 grams of angelica root, 30 grams of aloe vera, and a little tea leaves. Soak in water first, then boil the above four flavors together with water. After boiling, fry for 20 to 30 minutes. Drink it twice a day. While treating fatty liver, it can effectively improve overnutrition and enhance physical fitness, especially for patients with dry stools.

6. Hawthorn honey drink: 40 grams of raw hawthorn, 10 grams of honey. Wash the hawthorn, dry it, cut it in half, put it in a pot, add water and simmer for 30 minutes, add honey and serve. Divide it into two times, eat hawthorn and drink the soup, and finish it on the same day. It is contraindicated in patients with gastroesophageal reflux and acid reflux and heartburn.

7. Pueraria lobata and lotus leaf tea: 15 grams of Pueraria lobata, 60 grams of fresh lotus leaves (30 grams of dried lotus leaves), and 10 grams of chrysanthemum.

First cut the lotus leaves into shreds, put them into the pot with the kudzu flowers and chrysanthemums, add an appropriate amount of water, boil for 10 minutes, remove the residue and extract the juice. Drink the tea frequently and finish it on the same day.