Smart Travel recently learned that Audi will not seek to maximize the production of electric vehicles in the future and will respond to the slowdown in demand for new pure electric models. According to new Audi CEO Gernot Dollner, the brand will continue to promote internal combu

Smart Travel recently learned that Audi will not seek to maximize the production of electric vehicles in the future and will respond to the slowdown in demand for new pure electric models. According to new Audi CEO Gernot Dollner, the brand will continue to promote internal combustion engines, plug-in hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles to reduce dealer sales pressure and consumer demand for car purchases.

According to the previous Audi brand plan, 20 new models will be launched by 2026, half of which will be pure electric models; and Audi's new CEO Gernot Dollner also said that launching ICE and PHEV models as soon as possible will be of great benefit to the automaker in the short term. It is better for both the company and consumers. We first considered the release sequence and density of the new electric vehicles and fuel models, and finally decided to spread them out to avoid putting greater pressure on the team and dealers.

According to new Audi CEO Gernot Dollner, his goal at the company is to transform Audi's relevance in the "combustion field" to that of electric vehicles, especially in the Chinese market, where Audi is trying to keep up with competitors. pace of. As of now, Audi is waiting for the PPE platform to be perfected, but due to software problems in the Volkswagen Group, the release of the brand's Q6 e-tron model is also being postponed. Models such as the A6 e-tron and A4 e-tron will also be launched in the future. .