On December 18, the movie "Little Me", produced by Yin Lu, directed by Yang Lina, written by You Xiaoying, starring Yi Yangqianxi and Lin Xiaojie, and starring Jiang Qinqin and Zhou Yutong, released its first poster. The poster is in black and white. For the Lord, cast your gaze

On December 18, the movie "Little Me", produced by Yin Lu, directed by Yang Lina, written by You Xiaoying, starring Yi Yang Qianxi and Lin Xiaojie, and specially invited by Jiang Qinqin and Zhou Yutong, released its first poster , poster Mainly in black and white tones, it casts its gaze gently on a group of special people.

As one of the few movies in mainland China that pays attention to the group of cerebral palsy patients in recent years, "Little Me" tells the story of Liu Chunhe, who suffers from cerebral palsy, bravely breaks through the physical and mental barriers, and while realizing his grandma's dream on stage, he also strives to find the meaning of his own life. coordinate. After a midsummer transformation, he finally embarked on a new journey.

Yi Yang Qianxi challenged to play the role of Liu Chunhe this time. The black and white poster released this time focuses on Liu Chunhe. The book in the visual center has Liu Chunhe’s name written on it, which also makes everyone feel that all the main creators of the film have "Character first" creative attitude. The leading actors also introduced "my friend Liu Chunhe" to netizens through poster releases.

Liu Chunhe is as ordinary as every young man, but different. His curled hands may represent that Liu Chunhe is trapped by life, but the name he wrote informally but carefully reflects his tenacity. heart. Looking forward to the movie’s release!

Source: Shangguan News

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