Today we are talking about a place that "swallows" cats. This Friday, the temperature in Shanghai dropped to zero degrees. Thursday became the last warm day in the city in 2023. On this day, two kittens were taken away from their "death" swirl". What I’m talking about today is th

What we are talking about today is A place that "swallows" cats

This Friday, the temperature in Shanghai dropped to zero degrees, and Thursday became the last warm day in the city in 2023. On this day there were two kittens Being taken away from the "death vortex" .

What we are talking about today is this, a "death vortex" that can swallow nearly a hundred cats in a year: park .

Shanghai's Red Garden is the first park in Minhang District. There were 6,157 trees of 114 species planted in the park, and the scenery is beautiful.

This park is a place where young and old gather nearby... But if you think this is also a paradise for stray cats, you are wrong.

"The average lifespan of cats here is only one or two years, and most of them don't live until the second year ," said Teacher Meng, the park's group cat caretaker.

Teacher Meng got to know the Red Garden cats while working nearby a few years ago, and gradually became a regular group care volunteer. In recent years, there have been fewer and fewer volunteers feeding cats in Hongyuan. There are only three people on a permanent basis. Two of them are nearly 70 years old and have limited legs and feet. The remaining one is Teacher Meng and a retired teacher.

These three rescuers, with a combined age of more than 200 years, have found and adopted dozens of Red Garden cats over the years, and have also rescued many cats from Red Garden. Teacher Guang Meng has 7 cats in his home. ...But how much can these elderly people save by relying on their retirement wages?

Teacher Meng told me that because there are few people and food to feed the cats, the cats in the Red Garden often don’t have enough to eat, so as long as people bring something out, it is easy to lure the cats out. What are the consequences?

unleashes the evil of human nature .

In the second half of 2019, a little boy blinded four cats in the park. Each of them had their eyeballs exploded and blood flowed from half their faces. The little boy was brought to the park by his mother to "play" , the mother was standing aside when the incident happened - this kind of poisonous "maternal love" teaches us one thing: evil can be inherited;

When you find a rotten person, it means that the person he was born into The family may be rotten.

The luckiest cat among the blinded cats was taken for surgery by the group care grandmother and is now kept at her home↓

There was a cat whose eyeball was ulcerated and became infected due to the hot weather, which quickly worsened. He was taken to the hospital before he had time to Dead ↓

The remaining two blind cats are missing. The "missing" here means died in a place where no one can see.

At about the same time, this cat had his legs broken. Fortunately, he was taken to the hospital by the group nurse to have his legs amputated and then found for adoption↓

A very cruel reality is that disability is the norm for stray cats. , death occurs at any time .

html More than five years ago, a staff member in the park caught a kitten because he didn't like cats, and ran over the kitten to death with a car in front of the cat's mother... Because of the occurrence of this kind of thing, many old people protected the park. Fang has great opinions, but who hears their painful complaints? In the eyes of some people, the dead is just a "wild cat"...

[Insert a sentence] If some staff hold grudges (feeding) stray cats that affect the park environment, then it is recommended that they start by making snacks and garbage. Take action against those who spit everywhere ↓

Cats often die in the park. After New Year’s Day in 2022, Teacher Meng saw a little three-flowered cat lying motionless on the grass. That was the first time she found herself in a group. The protected cat died ↓

During that time, it seemed as if there were bull-headed and horse-faced animals gathering souls in the park. There were always cats that died tragically. Most of the cats' stomachs and other vital parts were one or two centimeters wide when they died. There were bloody holes, and they were suspected of being punctured to death by police; some of them had bleeding from their mouths and noses when they died, and it was unclear whether they were beaten to death or poisoned... The only thing that is certain is that they all died at the hands of others.

In the first two months of 2022, at least 20 cats were tortured and killed one after another in the park. This number only records the corpses found by group guards and tourists. More cats died without anyone knowing.

This is not over yet. The following months will be when Shanghai is closed to the city, and the cats in the Red Garden will almost die...

In the first half of 2022, the "red" of the Red Garden will be the red of cat blood. If the dead cat They are all buried in the park, so the park has almost become a cat cemetery.

Suspicious ropes have been found near the place where cats were killed. If you have any ideas about this method, please leave a message in the comment area↓

Cats keep dying, but now, there are still people in the red garden. There are nearly 50 cats...where do these cats come from?

Of course, they cannot grow out of the soil. A small number of them are stray cats from nearby communities. Most of them are thrown in by people living nearby. The characteristics are: they are all fat and covered in cats. The pads are very clean, very affectionate and don’t dare to run around.

There is a scary saying among the residents nearby. Some people think that the placenta of cats is greatly replenished, so they keep cats without sterilizing them, let them give birth, and then eat the placentas of kittens after they are born. Of course, these people will not keep or feed the kittens. They were thrown into the park every month... Therefore, entire litters of kittens often appear in the park. From October to now (mid-December) this year alone, at least 4 litters totaling more than 20 kittens have been lost in the park ( Not counting big cats).

Next, we will show some of the “abandoned cats in the park” recorded by Teacher Meng:

The kittens in the picture below are from two litters, all of which were thrown into the park in November 2022. One of them is a little orange. When the cat was found it was covered in glue . Later, this glue cat was rescued by the group care grandmother and brought home to be cleaned and raised by herself. However, his children in the photo later died↓

All cats are lost in the park. In 2019, Teacher Meng picked it up and brought it home. A three-month-old exotic long-haired cat with inflamed eyes and skinny bones.

I lived at Teacher Meng’s house for a while↓

This one that was thrown out was a three-legged cat, which was very close to me. There was also a little raccoon flower that was thrown away with him. They were two months old. They were all gone↓

. These two were abandoned in the park last year and are gone this year. ↓

These two were thrown out not long ago. ↓

This civet flower was also thrown out. ↓

This little tortoiseshell was just thrown out a month ago↓

Last month (November), Teacher Meng was walking in the park. When he walked around for the second time, he found that there were more than one full moon on the side of the path. The civet cat has inflamed eyes and is very thin↓

On a happy note, these were all abandoned in the park. They are one of the few lucky ones who have been adopted↓

Some people may ask like me, why don’t the cats in the park seem to have their ears cropped (neutered)? Then we have to go back to the primary difficulty mentioned above: there are too few park guardians and too many old ones.

In fact, these old group nurses are doing sterilization, but their retirement salary cannot keep up with the speed of cats' growth and estrus, and most of the cats thrown in are not sterilized. Ironically, even the cats in the park are not sterilized. Cats are rarely sterilized, but there are almost no pups born by female cats in the park, because they do not live to grow up - the cats in this park are like "annual" herbaceous plants, and they don't know the four seasons of the year.

This one was poisoned↓

This one’s mother was also tortured and killed↓

The following cats are all dead. The photos you see may be the only proof that they have been in this world↓

A series of cat abuse and killing incidents occurred in Red Park on New Year's Day last year. Many enthusiastic citizens called 12345 to ask for the murderer, but the only reply they received was "the park will strengthen patrols";

This year's Red Park There have been several more cases of massacres, which have become more frequent especially since autumn.

Last month (November), after a year, Teacher Meng once again discovered that a cat had been tortured and killed. It had a bloody hole in its belly just like the ones that died last year↓

The dead little orange Bai was also dumped in the park not long ago. This is what he looked like when he first arrived while eating↓

On the morning of December 7, four more kittens less than two months old were dumped in the park. On the steps near the south gate, one was so frightened that it got into the gap in the steps. The remaining three meowed at people...

The next morning, Teacher Meng came to check on the kittens. When she was searching in the grass beside the steps, she suddenly stepped on something soft under her feet. When she looked down, her heart sank. It was one of the kittens - the cat meowed at her yesterday. Yelling, now he is lying limply and wetly on the ground, with blood around his mouth and limbs...

The last blood in this poor cat's little body is spattered everywhere, on the steps, on the soil, and on the haystack. Above, there are dots of stars on the fallen leaves...

No one has seen it, and God has not spoken, who will testify for this kitten...It is not him who is wrong, he is not wrong at all!

In the next few days, the surviving kittens still kept barking, as if calling their mother. They had no idea that such sounds would only bring danger to themselves...

A week later, they screamed more and more. He was mute and getting thinner and thinner, and seeing that his life was not long, Teacher Meng gritted his teeth and finally took away the two on the steps the day before the cold wave came.

These two kittens are very gentle and loving, but there is a terrible detail: one of the kittens has had all the nails on its hands and feet cut deeply - so deep that the blood lines were cut , and part of the nails Blood stains were still visible on the cut surface.

These small nails (which have grown for at least a week) can tell us:

. They must have been raised by others and thrown out;

. The people who raised them are particularly bad. I am willing to let their tiny nails hurt me;

, The person who abandoned them is an extremely stupid lunatic . How painful was it to cut the nails of such a small cat to the bleeding line?

Red Garden can be called the "death whirlpool" for stray cats,

Although I don't know how many such "Red Gardens" there are in Shanghai, I know There is a kind of people who, when they don't want cats, Sometimes, they will choose to throw in the park, and hypocritically self-hypnotize: there are people feeding in the park, there are people picking up in the park, the park is free and safe... They may even feel that they are releasing animals and doing good deeds? !

Such people are so selfish that it makes people shudder. I really hope there is some mysterious power that can make them hear the sentence in their ears late at night: "Do you still remember the cat you left in the park?

Look, they are all dead. What a tragedy..."

After reading the situation in Red Garden, I believe you will also find that group protection in the park is actually more difficult than in the community. The space is open, the personnel are complex, and the ownership is confusing. In addition, there are other problems What is the problem? It is difficult for group care volunteers to have the "identity" to advocate for cats' rights. This shows how dangerous the park is for cats.

Cat safe environment: