Kuai Technology reported on December 18 that "Kang Yowei", the UP owner of Station B, shared his recent experience: He opened an 8K cinema because of his feelings, but it closed down in one day. In the video, the UP host said that his partner's grandfather was a movie projectioni

Kuai Technology reported on December 18 that "Kang Yowei", the UP owner of B station, shared his recent experience: He opened an 8K cinema because of his feelings, but it closed down in one day. In the

video, the UP host said that his partner's grandfather was a movie projectionist in the golden age, so he came up with the idea of ​​re-screening an old movie.

He found what may be the last old cinema in Zhuzhou - Zhuma Theater, which has been gathering dust for more than ten years.

This place used to be the most popular place in Zhuzhou. At that time, all 1,355 seats were occupied, and many people even stood to watch movies. The owner of

UP spent nearly 10,000 yuan to rent and hire someone to clean up the cinema, and used 4 4K projectors worth nearly 10,000 yuan to form an 8K projector to show "Shaolin Temple" to veteran workers.

When "Shaolin Temple" was released in mainland China in 1982, the daily salary of Chinese workers was only two or three yuan, and a movie ticket was only 10 cents. However, "Shaolin Temple" created a box office miracle of 160 million yuan.

However, the audience did not find the same fun of watching movies as when they were young. Many people left the show midway, and some fell asleep directly, including the former movie projectionist.

UP owner lamented that just like many cartoons that we missed in childhood and now have no interest in watching after downloading them, maybe what we miss is not the cartoon at all, but the ourselves that we can no longer go back to.

Nostalgia is just like what is said in the poem: I want to buy sweet-scented osmanthus and drink it with me, but in the end they are not the same. I am a teenager.

netizens also lamented:

- The reason for nostalgia is because it can only live in memory, which makes it so precious. It took a lot of effort to restore it, but it was nothing more than a sigh.

-How long have you been saying that this is the fast food era? Most of them just pretend to be nostalgic for the past, but in fact, you may not have the patience to watch a video longer than one minute, let alone such a nostalgic movie.

-The past was very difficult. In fact, my parents don’t miss it. My parents just have no feelings for their hometown. They are all sad stories