Recently, the Hong Kong drama "News Queen" has become a hot topic of discussion. The drama's workplace battles and character performances are infinitely close to reality, making the audience praise it as a rare "high-quality TV series." People who have watched this drama are full

Recently, the Hong Kong drama "News Queen" has become a hot topic of discussion.

The workplace battles and character performances in the drama are infinitely close to reality, making the audience praise it as a rare "high-quality TV series".

People who have watched this drama are full of curiosity about the role of "Fang Tai" in the film. Her sharp words and shrewd and capable skills have become the envy of everyone.

However, the character of "Fang Tai" was not invented out of thin air by the screenwriter. Her prototype in reality is none other than Fang Yihua, the second wife of the famous Chinese entertainment tycoon Run Run Shaw. Let’s take a look at the unique life of this “News Queen” who once existed in reality.

Fang Yihua is a native of Shanghai. She was born in 1934 and is 27 years younger than Shao Yifu.

Before meeting Run Run Shaw, Fang Yihua was not called Fang Yihua, but Fang Menghua, and she was just a singer in a nightclub. She was said to be a singer, but Fang Menghua's singing skills were really good, and she was somewhat famous at that time.

One day, after work, Run Run Shaw came to a nightclub to listen to music. He was immediately attracted by Fang Menghua's melodious singing voice. At that time, Fang Menghua was in his youth. His graceful figure and beautiful singing voice made Run Run Shaw unable to help but Fascinating.

After Fang Menghua finished her performance that day, Run Run Shaw asked her to have a late night snack. After some contact, Run Run Shaw discovered that Fang Menghua not only sang well, but also had unique insights into business management.

Suddenly, Run Run Shaw felt that he had found a treasure, and asked her if she was willing to work at Shaw Brothers Company.

Fang Menghua's courage was indeed extraordinary. Even though her singing career was on the rise at that time, she resolutely chose to give up singing and joined Shaw Brothers as a low-level employee.

Shao Yifu was very attracted to Fang Menghua, but he had no intention of divorcing his first wife Huang Meizhen, so Fang Yihua could only become Shao Yifu's "concubine".

Perhaps to make up for his guilt for not being able to give Fang Menghua a credit, Run Run Shaw put his own character "Yi" into Fang Menghua's name. As a result, she changed from the singer Fang Menghua to Shaw Brothers white-collar Fang Yihua. .

Fang Yihua doesn't care about her status. She has been with Shaw Brothers for 45 years and has learned all about the purchasing, clothing, production and other departments. With her rich work experience and resolute office methods, Fang Yihua has grown from an ordinary employee to a senior manager. , and also became Shaw's indispensable right-hand man.

At Shaw Brothers, many employees privately complain that Fang Yihua is too ruthless in doing things. As the "queen" in charge of TVB, Fang Yihua implements a "one size fits all" approach. Everything we have done must be rectified immediately, without any room for negotiation.

Therefore, many Shaw Brothers employees feel that Fang Yihua is too subjective and does not have any real talent.

However, although Fang Yihua has her own shortcomings, her far-sighted vision is still beyond the reach of others.

At least, it was precisely because of her instigating Run Run Shaw to spend huge sums of money to bid for the management rights of TVB that TVB later prospered.

In 1987, Run Run Shaw's first wife Huang Meizhen passed away due to illness. To express their condolences, Run Run Shaw and Fong Yihua were not in a hurry to get married.

After ten years of silent companionship, 90-year-old Shao Yifu and 63-year-old Fang Yihua finally entered the palace of marriage.

The married life of Fang Yihua and Run Run Shaw is not "ordinary". They do not live together, but have their own residences. They usually go to work like colleagues and only get together for a short time on weekends.

As a top capital in the entertainment industry, Run Run Shaw is always surrounded by some Yingying Yanyan. Fang Yihua is not angry about this. She has shown "tolerance" and "generosity" in this regard. " became the key to Run Run Shaw's appreciation of her.

The two did not have any offspring, but they have always accompanied each other in such a "tacit understanding" way.

It was not until the passing of Run Run Shaw and Fang Yihua in 2014 and 2017 that their legendary lives truly came to an end.

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